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[ME0105T17] Elections to the regional councils. Voting rates by County council, sex, age, observations and election year

Updated on DBnomics on April 8, 2022 (1:30 PM).

Search filters
County council [Landsting] (21)
sex [Kon] (3)
age [Alder] (5)
observations [ContentsCode] (5)

This dataset has 1,575 series:

Series code 2002200620102014
[00.1+2.50-64.ME0105I0] 84.7 84.6 86.3 86.2
[00.1+2.50-64.ME0105I1] 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5
[00.1+2.50-64.ME0105I2] 1716 1786 1754 1744
[00.1+2.50-64.ME0105I3] 0 0 0 0
[00.1+2.50-64.ME0105I4] 17863 20824 26759 19229
[00.1+2.65+.ME0105I0] 77.4 78.4 81.3 84.3
[00.1+2.65+.ME0105I1] 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.7
[00.1+2.65+.ME0105I2] 1554 1599 1753 1927
[00.1+2.65+.ME0105I3] 0 0 0 0
[00.1+2.65+.ME0105I4] 5984 7856 10781 9824