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[Resultatrakning] Income Statement according to Structural Business Statistics, SEK millions by industrial classification SE-SIC92, Income statement, observations and year

Updated on DBnomics on April 8, 2022 (1:30 PM).

Search filters
industrial classification SE-SIC92 [SNI92] (257)
Income statement [Resultatraknposter] (14)
observations [ContentsCode] (1)

This dataset has 3,598 series:

Series code 199719981999200020012002
[01.gem0160.NV0109R3] 1282 894 958 1251 8986 8053
[01.gem0171.NV0109R3] -120 -119 50 -192 -547 -317
[01.gem0181.NV0109R3] -178 -185 -171 -252 -190 -198
[01.gem0190.NV0109R3] 985 589 837 807 8249 7538
[02.0.gem0103.NV0109R3] 28714 29839 28649 35431 36076 44278
[02.0.gem0106.NV0109R3] -26 84 -120 -43 11 -48
[02.0.gem0116.NV0109R3] 463 1466 1002 1072 972 901
[02.0.gem0120.NV0109R3] -17104 -17977 -16822 -21343 -20107 -25672
[02.0.gem0126.NV0109R3] -6389 -7043 -6635 -7547 -7891 -9375
[02.0.gem0128.NV0109R3] -3268 -3350 -3349 -3874 -3977 -4059