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[UoHIndArsvRelLaroTjb] Relative distribution of work hours and person years for employees of higher education institutions by sex, higher education institution, Employee category, Field of science, Work duties, observations and every other year

Updated on DBnomics on February 22, 2023 (11:00 AM).

Search filters
sex [Kon] (1)
higher education institution [Laro] (14)
Employee category [TjKat] (10)
Field of science [Forskningsomr] (8)
Work duties [Arbetsuppgifter] (9)
observations [ContentsCode] (4)

This dataset has 501,120 series:

Series code 201320152017
[1+] 20.3 23.4 24.1
[1+] 0.7 0.5 0.5
[1+] 1377 1068 1064
[1+] 98 60 68
[1+] 3 2.5 2.5
[1+] 0.2 0.1 0.2
[1+] 15517 11819 12105
[1+] 560 309 302
[1+] 34.4 27.5 28.5
[1+] 1.1 0.7 0.7