Series collection
- from
- 2017=10,708
- to
- 2023=NA
- min:
- 10,708
- max:
- 11,276
- avg:
- 11,000.833
- σ:
- 191.402
Series code | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[taxe_habitation.exon_plaf_rfr.premiere_part] | 10708 | 10815 | 10988 | 11098 | 11120 | 11276 |
This Python snippet uses the DBnomics Python client to download the series of your cart and plot each of them with a line chart.
This is a starting point that you can customize. Plotly is used here, however any other chart library can be used.
You can start by copying it to a Jupyter Notebook , for example.
If you add series to your cart, you will need to copy-paste the new lines of the source code.
import as px
import pandas as pd
from dbnomics import fetch_series
dfs = []
# Plafond de revenu fiscal de référence pour l'exonération de la taxe d'habitation - 1ère part
df1 = fetch_series("IPP/taxbenefit_tables/taxe_habitation.exon_plaf_rfr.premiere_part")
df1["series_id"] = df1[["provider_code", "dataset_code", "series_code"]].agg('/'.join, axis=1)
# display(df1)
display(px.line(df1, x="period", y="value", title=df1.series_id[0]))
df_all = pd.concat(dfs)
fig = px.line(df_all, x="period", y="value", color="series_code", title="All the cart")
fig.update_layout(legend={"xanchor": "right", "yanchor": "bottom"})