[bbkawjf] AFDB Socio Economic Database
Updated by provider on February 5, 2018 (12:00 AM).
[country] Country
- [ADB] Non-ADF countries
- [ADF] ADF eligible countries (all)
- [ADF13FR] ADF 13 Fragile
- [ADF13NF] ADF 13 Non Fragile
- [ADFOnly] ADF- only eligible countries
- [AGO] Angola
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEN] Benin
- [BFA] Burkina Faso
- [BWA] Botswana
- [Blend] Blend countries
- [CAF] Central African Republic
- [CENSAD] Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)
- [CENTER] Oper. Dept ORCE
- [CENTRAL] Central Africa
- [CIV] Cote d'Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COG] Congo, Rep.
- [COM] Comoros
- [CPV] Cape Verde
- [CWAS] Countries with Access to the Sea
- [DJI] Djibouti
- [DZA] Algeria
- [EAC] East African Community (EAC)
- [EAST] East Africa
- [EASTA] Oper. Dept. OREA
- [EASTB] Oper. Dept. OREB
- [ECGLC] Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC)
- [EGY] Egypt
- [ERI] Eritrea
- [ETH] Ethiopia
- [EXPMIN] Exporters of mining products, including oil
- [FRAGILE] Fragile States
- [GAB] Gabon
- [GHA] Ghana
- [GIN] Guinea
- [GMB] Gambia
- [GNB] Guinea-Bissau
- [GNQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [IC] Island Countries
- [IGAD] Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
- [IOC] Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
- [KEN] Kenya
- [LBR] Liberia
- [LBY] Libya
- [LIC] Low income countries (LIC) (GNI per capita: $1,035 or less)
- [LLC] Land Locked Countries
- [LMIC] Lower middle income (LMIC) (GNI per capita: $1,036 - $4,085)
- [LSO] Lesotho
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MDRI] Mult. Dept Relief Initiative
- [MIC] Middle income (MIC) (GNI per capita: $1,036 - $12,615)
- [MLI] Mali
- [MOZ] Mozambique
- [MRT] Mauritania
- [MUS] Mauritius
- [MWI] Malawi
- [NAM] Namibia
- [NBC] Nile Basin Countries (NBC)
- [NER] Niger
- [NGA] Nigeria
- [NORTH] North Africa
- [NORTHA] Oper. Dept. ORNA
- [NORTHB] Oper. Dept. ORNB
- [OILEXP] Net Oil exporting countries
- [OILIMP] Net Oil importing countries
- [OILPRD] Crude Oil Producers
- [PCONFL] Post Conflict Countries
- [RWA] Rwanda
- [SACU] Southern African Customs Union (SACU)
- [SANE] 4 Largest Afr. Countries
- [SDN] Sudan
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SLE] Sierra Leone
- [SOM] Somalia
- [SOUTH] Southern Africa
- [SOUTHA] Oper. Dept. ORSA
- [SOUTHB] Oper. Dept. ORSB
- [SSA] Sub-Saharan Africa
- [SSD] South Sudan
- [STP] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SWZ] Swaziland
- [SYC] Seychelles
- [TCD] Chad
- [TGO] Togo
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TZA] Tanzania
- [UGA] Uganda
- [UMIC] Upper middle income (UMIC) (GNI per capita: $4,086 - $12,615)
- [WEST] West Africa
- [WESTA] Oper. Dept. ORWA
- [WESTB] Oper. Dept. ORWB
- [WLD] World
- [ZAF] South Africa
- [ZAR] Congo, Dem. Rep.
- [ZMB] Zambia
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
- [ZZM] ZZ-Multinational
[indicator] Indicator
- [AG.CCL.FRST.MT] Charcoal production ('000 mt)
- [AG.CON.FERT.MT] Fertilizer consumption (Qty)
- [AG.EXPO.CREL.MT] Total cereals exports (metric tons)
- [AG.FWC.FRST.M3] Fuelwood production (coniferous) ('000m3)
- [AG.FWN.FRST.M3] Fuelwood production ( non-coniferous) ('000m3)
- [AG.IMP.CREL.MT] Total cereals imports (metric tons)
- [AG.IMP.FERT.CD] Fertilizer imports (value)
- [AG.LND.AGRI.HA] Agricultural area (ha)
- [AG.LND.AGRI.ZS] Agricultural land (% of total land area)
- [AG.LND.ARBL.HA] Arable land (ha)
- [AG.LND.ARBL.HA.ZS] Arable land (as % of land area)
- [AG.LND.ARBL.ZS] Arable land (% of land area)
- [AG.LND.CREL.HA] Area under cereal production ('000 hectares)
- [AG.LND.CROP.HA] Permanent crops (hectares)
- [AG.LND.CROP.HA.ZS] Permanent crops use (as % of land area)
- [AG.LND.CROP.ZS] Permanent crops (% of land area)
- [AG.LND.FRST] Forest area as a proportion of total land area (%)
- [AG.LND.FRST.HA] Total forest area ('000 ha)
- [AG.LND.FRST.ZS] Forest as percentage of land area (%)
- [AG.LND.IRIG.HA] Irrigated area (ha)
- [AG.LND.IRIG.HA.ZS] Irrigated Land (as % of land area)
- [AG.LND.LAND.HA] Total Land area (ha)
- [AG.LND.LAND.K2] Land area (sq. km)
- [AG.LND.OTHR.HA.ZS] Other Land use (as % of land area)
- [AG.LND.PAST.HA] Permanent pastures (hectares)
- [AG.LND.PAST.HA.ZS] Permanent pastures (% of land area)
- [AG.LND.PLANT.HA] Plantations ('000 ha)
- [AG.LND.PTLD.ZS] Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area)
- [AG.POP.EAC.AGR.FE.ZS] Economically active female population in agriculture (as % of active population )
- [AG.POP.EAC.AGR.ME.ZS] Economically active male population in agriculture (as % of Economically active population)
- [AG.POP.EAC.AGR.TOT.ZS] Economically active population in agriculture (as % of Economically active population)
- [AG.POP.EAC.FE.ZS] Economically active female population (% of Active Population)
- [AG.POP.EAC.ME.ZS] Economically active male population (% of active population)
- [AG.POP.EAC.TOT.ZS] Labour force participation (as % of total)
- [AG.POP.EAS.FE] Employment in Agricultural Sector, Female ('000)
- [AG.POP.EAS.FE.ZS] Employment in Agriculture, Female (% of Female employment)
- [AG.POP.EAS.MA] Employment in Agricultural Sector, Male ('000)
- [AG.POP.EAS.MA.ZS] Employment in Agriculture, Male (% of Male employment)
- [AG.POP.EAS.TOT] Employment in Agricultural Sector, Total ('000)
- [AG.POP.EAS.TOT.ZS] Employment in Agriculture, Total (% of Total employment)
- [AG.PRD.CASSA.MT] Production of Cassava in Tonnes
- [AG.PRD.CREL.MT] Cereal production (metric tons)
- [AG.PRD.CROP.XD] Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100)
- [AG.PRD.FOOD.XD] Food production index (1999-2001 = 100)
- [AG.PRD.FOOD.XD.PC] Food production index (2004-2006 = 100)
- [AG.PRD.LVSK.XD] Livestock production index (1999-2001 = 100)
- [AG.PRD.MAIZ.MT] Production of Maize in Tonnes
- [AG.PRD.ORTIND] Agriculture orientation index for government expenditures (Unit)
- [AG.PRD.RICE.MT] Production of Rice, paddy in Tonnes
- [AG.PRD.SELF.SUF.ZS] Self-sufficiency ratio
- [AG.PRD.SORGH.MT] Production of Sorghum in Tonnes
- [AG.PRD.WHEAT.MT] Production of Wheat in Tonnes
- [AG.YLD.CREL.KG] Cereal yield (kg per hectare)
- [BG.BOP.PF.IMF.CD] Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR (BoP, current US$)
- [BG.BOP.REM.WB.CD] Remittances inflows (US$)
- [BG.CAB.CD] Current account balance (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.CAP.CD] Capital account (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.CAP.FIN.CD] Capital and financial account balance (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.ERR.CD] Errors & omissions (Cur, BoP, US $)
- [BG.EXP.MRCH.CD] Exports of goods, fob (BoP, cur. US $)
- [BG.EXP.MRCH.WLD.ZS] Exports of Goods (As % of Global Exports of Goods)
- [BG.FIN.CD] Financial account (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.IMP.MRCH.CD] Imports of goods, fob (BoP, cur. US $)
- [BG.IMP.MRCH.WLD.ZS] Imports of Goods (As % of Global Imports of Goods)
- [BG.INC.CD] Net Income (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.OVE.CD] Overall Balance (Cur, BoP, US$)
- [BG.SRV.CD] Net services (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.SRV.INC.CD] Net services and Income (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.TBL.MRCH.CD] Trade balance (Net, BoP, cur. US$)
- [BG.TOTL.MRCH.WLD.ZS] Trade of Goods (As % of Global Trade of Goods)
- [BG.TRF.CD] Net current transfers from abroad (BoP, Cur. US$ )
- [BG.WEO.ADB.CAB.GDP.ZS] Current account balance (As % of GDP)
- [BG.WEO.ADB.TBL.MRCH.GDP.ZS] Trade balance (As % of GDP)
- [BX.TRF.PWKR] Volume of remittances (in United States dollars) as a proportion of total GDP
- [CTRY.IS.ARRIV.HOL] Arrivals - Tourists (number)
- [CTRY.IS.CON.EMP.ZS] Total contribution to Employment (%)
- [CTRY.IS.CON.GDP.ZS] Total contribution to GDP (%)
- [CTRY.IS.OVE.STAY] Overnight stays (number)
- [CTRY.IS.TRM.REC.CD] Tourism receipts (US$ thousand)
- [DC.DAC.ADB.ODA.CAP.CD] Net Total ODA/OA Per Capita (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ADB.ODA.GDP.ZS] Net Total ODA/OA (In % of GDP)
- [DC.DAC.ADB.ODA.GNI.ZS] Net Total ODA/OA (In % of GNI Recipient)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.AUSL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Australia (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.AUTL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Austria (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.BELL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Belgium (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.CANL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Canada (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.CD] Gross Disbursement of OOF from Bilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.CHEL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Switzerland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.DAC.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from DAC Countries (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.DEUL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Germany (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.DNKL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Denmark (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.ESPL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Spain (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.FINL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Finland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.FRAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from France (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.GBRL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from United Kingdom (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.GRCL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Greece (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.IRLL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Ireland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.ITAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Italy (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.JPNL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Japan (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.LUXL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Luxembourg (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.NLDL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Netherlands (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.NORL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Norway (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.NZLL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from New Zealand (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.PRTL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Portugal (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.SWEL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from Sweden (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.BIL.USAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral OOF from United States (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.CD] Gross Disbursement of OOF from All Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ADB.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from African Development Bank (ADB) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ADF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from African Development Fund (ADF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ARB.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from Arab Agencies (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ATM.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.CD] Gross Disbursement of OOF from Multilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ECO.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from European Commission (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.GEF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from - Global Environment Fund (GEF) (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.IBR.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from IBRD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.IDA.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from IDA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.IFA.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from IFAD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.IFC.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from IFC (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.ITF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from IMF Trust Fund (ITF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.MTP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from Montreal Protocol (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.NDF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from Nordic Development Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.SEP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from - SAF+ ESAF + PRGF(IMF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.UND.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from UNDP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.UNF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from UNFPA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.UNH.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from UNHCR (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.UNI.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from UNICEF (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.UNT.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from UNTA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.DOF.MUL.WFP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral OOF from World Food Programme (WFP) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.AUSL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Australia (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.AUTL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Austria (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.BELL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Belgium (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.CANL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Canada (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.CD] Net Total Official Flows from Bilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.CHEL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Switzerland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.DAC.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - from DAC Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.DEUL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Germany (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.DNKL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Denmark (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.ESPL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Spain (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.FINL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Finland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.FRAL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - France (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.GBRL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - United Kingdom (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.GRCL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Greece (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.IRLL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Ireland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.ITAL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Italy (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.JPNL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Japan (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.LUXL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Luxembourg (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.NLDL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Netherlands (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.NORL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Norway (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.NZLL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - New Zealand (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.PRTL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Portugal (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.SWEL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - Sweden (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.BIL.USAL.CD] Net Bilateral Official Flows - United States (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.CD] Net Total Official Flows from All Donors (NOF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ADB.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - African Development Bank (ADB) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ADF.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - African Development Fund (ADF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ARB.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - Arab Agencies (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ATM.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.CD] Net Total Official Flows from Multilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ECO.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - European Commission (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.GEF.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - Global Environment Fund (GEF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.IBR.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - IBRD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.IDA.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - IDA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.IFA.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - IFAD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.IFC.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - IFC (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.ITF.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - IMF Trust Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.MTP.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - Montreal Protocol (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.NDF.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - Nordic Development Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.SEP.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - SAF+ESAF+PRGF(IMF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.UND.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - UNDP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.UNF.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - UNFPA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.UNH.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - UNHCR (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.UNI.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - UNICEF (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.UNT.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - UNTA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NOF.MUL.WFP.CD] Net Total Multilateral Official Flows - WFP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.NTF.CD] Net Total Flows from All Donors (Cur. US$)
- [DC.DAC.NTF.DAC.CD] Net Total Flows from DAC Donors (Cur. US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.AUSL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Australia (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.AUTL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Austria (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.BELL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Belgium (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.CANL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Canada (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.CD] Net Total ODA from Bilateral Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.CHEL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Switzerland (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.DAC.CD] Net Total ODA from DAC Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.DEUL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Germany (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.DNKL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Denmark (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.ESPL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Spain (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.FINL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Finland (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.FRAL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - France (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.GBRL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - United Kingdom (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.GRCL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Greece (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.IRLL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Ireland (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.ITAL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Italy (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.JPNL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Japan (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.LUXL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Luxembourg (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.NLDL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Netherlands (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.NORL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Norway (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.NZLL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - New Zealand (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.PRTL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Portugal (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.SWEL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - Sweden (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.BIL.USAL.CD] Net ODA from DAC Donor - United States (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.CD] Net Total ODA (Official Developpment Assistance) from All Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.AFF.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.BED.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Basic Education (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.BHE.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Basic Health (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.BNK.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Bank and Financial Services (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.COM.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Communications (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.EDU.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Education (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.ENV.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for General Environment Protection (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.GHE.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for General Health (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.HEA.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Health (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.IMC.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Industry, Mining and Construction (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.NRJ.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Energy (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.OED.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Unspecified Level Education (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.PED.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Post-Secondary Education (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.SED.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Secondary Education (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.TRS.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Transport and Storage (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.DIS.WSS.CD] Total Gross Disbursement of ODA for Water Supply and Sanitation (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ADB.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - African Development Bank (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ADF.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - African Development Fund (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ARB.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - Arab Agencies (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ATM.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.CD] Net Total ODA from Multilateral Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ECO.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - European Commission (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.GEF.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - Global Environment Fund (GEF) (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.IBR.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - IBRD (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.IDA.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - IDA (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.IFA.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - IFAD (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.IFC.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - from IFC (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.ITF.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - IMF Trust Fund (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.MTP.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - Montreal Protocol (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.NDF.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - Nordic Development Fund (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.SEP.CD] Net ODA from Multilateral Donor - SAF+ ESAF + PRGF (IMF) (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.UND.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - UNDP (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.UNF.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - UNFPA (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.UNH.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - UNHCR (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.UNI.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - UNICEF (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.UNT.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - UNTA (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.ODA.MUL.WFP.CD] Net ODA from UN Multilateral Donor - WFP (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.AUSL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Australia (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.AUTL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Austria (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.BELL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Belgium (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.CANL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Canada (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.CD] Net Total OOF from Bilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.CHEL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Switzerland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.DAC.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from DAC Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.DEUL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Germany (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.DNKL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Denmark (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.ESPL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Spain (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.FINL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Finland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.FRAL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from France (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.GBRL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from United Kingdom (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.GRCL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Greece (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.IRLL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Ireland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.ITAL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Italy (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.JPNL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Japan (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.LUXL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Luxembourg (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.NLDL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Netherlands (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.NORL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Norway (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.NZLL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from New Zealand (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.PRTL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Portugal (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.SWEL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from Sweden (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.BIL.USAL.CD] Net Bilateral OOF from United States (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.CD] Net Other Official Flows (OOF) from All Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ADB.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from African Development Bank (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ADF.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from African Development Fund (ADF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ARB.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from Arab Agencies (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ATM.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from - Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.CD] Net Other Official Flows (OOF) from Multilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ECO.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from European Commission (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.GEF.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from Global Environment Fund (GEF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.IBR.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from IBRD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.IDA.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from IDA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.IFA.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from IFAD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.IFC.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from IFC (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.ITF.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from IMF Trust Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.MTP.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from Montreal Protocol (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.NDF.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from Nordic Development Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.SEP.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from - SAF+ ESAF + PRGF (IMF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.UND.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from UNDP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.UNF.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from UNFPA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.UNH.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from UNHCR (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.UNI.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from UNICEF (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.UNT.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from UNTA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.OOF.MUL.WFP.CD] Net Multilateral OOF from World Food Programme (WFP) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.BNK.DAC.CD] Net Total Bank Private Flows from DAC Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.CD] Net Total Private Flows from All Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.DAC.CD] Net Total Private Flows from DAC Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.FDI.DAC.CD] Net Total Foreign Direct Investment from DAC Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.FDI.GSV.CD] Net Total Foreign Direct Investment from G7 Countries (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.NBK.DAC.CD] Net total Non-Bank Private Flows from DAC Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.PVF.OFF.CD] Offsetting Entries for Debt Relief (Cur, US $)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.AUSL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Australia (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.AUTL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Austria (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.BELL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Belgium (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.CANL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Canada (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Total Bilateral Official Flows (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.CHEL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Switzerland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.DAC.CD] Gross Disbursement of Total Bilateral Official Flows from DAC Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.DEUL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Germany (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.DNKL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Denmark (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.ESPL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Spain (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.FINL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Finland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.FRAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - France (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.GBRL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - United Kingdom (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.GRCL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Greece (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.IRLL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Ireland (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.ITAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Italy (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.JPNL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Japan (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.LUXL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Luxembourg (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.NLDL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Netherlands (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.NORL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Norway (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.NZLL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - New Zealand (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.PRTL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Portugal (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.SWEL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - Sweden (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.BIL.USAL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Bilateral Official Flows - United States (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Total Official Flows (TOF) from All Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ADB.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows from African Development Bank (ADB) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ADF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows from African Development Fund (ADF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ARB.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows from Arab Agencies (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ATM.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.CD] Gross Disbursement of Official Flows (TOF) from Multilateral Donors (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ECO.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows from European Commission (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.GEF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows from Global Environment Fund (GEF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.IBR.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - IBRD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.IDA.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - IDA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.IFA.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - IFAD (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.IFC.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - IFC (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.ITF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - IMF Trust Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.MTP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - Montreal Protocol (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.NDF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - Nordic Development Fund (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.SEP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - SAF+ ESAF + PRGF(IMF) (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.UND.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - UNDP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.UNF.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - UNFPA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.UNH.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - UNHCR (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.UNI.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - UNICEF (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.UNT.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - UNTA (Cur, US$)
- [DC.DAC.TOF.MUL.WFP.CD] Gross Disbursement of Multilateral Official Flows - WFP (Cur, US$)
- [DC.TOF.INFRAL] Total official international support (official development assistance plus other official flows) to infrastructure (Constant US$)
- [DC.TOF.TRDCMDL] Total official flows disbursed for Aid for Trades ( constant US$)
- [DC.TRF.TOTDL] Total resource flows for development (US $ Millions)
- [DC.UNC.ADB.PVF.FDI.GFCF.ZS] FDI Inflows (In % of Gross Fixed Capital Formation)
- [DC.UNC.PVF.FDI.CAP.CD] Foreign direct investment inflows per Capita (USD)
- [DC.UNC.PVF.FDI.CD] Foreign Direct Investment Inflows from All Donors (Cur, US $)
- [DC.UNC.PVF.FDI.DEV.ZS] FDI Inflows (As % of Total FDI to Developing Countries)
- [DC.UNC.PVF.FDI.ZS] Foreign Direct Investment (% of capital formation)
- [DT.COM.TRAD.AFR.CD] Trade of Goods with Africa (in Current USD).
- [DT.COM.TRAD.ZS] Trade of Goods (As % of World Trade of Goods)
- [DT.DOD.BLAT.CD] External Public Debt from Bilateral Creditors (Current USD)
- [DT.DOD.DPPG.CD] Total External Public Debt (Current USD)
- [DT.DOD.MLAT.CD] External Public Debt from Multilateral Creditors (Current USD)
- [DT.DOD.PRVT.CD] External Public Debt from Private Creditors (Current USD)
- [DT.DOTS.BMG.AFR.CD] Value of Imports from Africa, Goods (Current USD; IMF DOTS)
- [DT.DOTS.BXG.AFR.CD] Value of Exports to Africa, Goods (Current USD; IMF DOTS)
- [DT.DOTS.TRAD.AFR.CD] Total trade with Africa, Goods (Current USD;IMF DOTS)
- [DT.GDF.BIL.DOD.ZS] Bilateral debt (As % of Total external public debt)
- [DT.GDF.BLAT.DOD.ZS] Bilateral debt (As % of total external debt stock)
- [DT.GDF.MUL.DOD.ZS] Multilateral debt (As % of total external debt stock)
- [DT.GDF.MULT.DOD.CD] Total External Multilateral Debt (in Current USD)
- [DT.TDS.DPPG.CD] Total External Public Debt Service (Current USD)
- [DT.WEO.ADB.DOD.GDP.ZS] Total debt outstanding at year-end (As % of GDP)
- [DT.WEO.AMO.DUE.CD] Total amortization due (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.AMO.PAI.CD] Total amortization paid (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.ARR.CD] Total stock of arrears at year-end (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.CD] Total debt outstanding at year-end (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.EXP.ZS] Total debt outstanding at year-end (As % of Exports of Goods & services)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.PB.CD] Debt outstanding to official creditors at year-end, debtor based (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.PV.BNK.CD] Debt outstanding to commercial banks at year-end, debtor based (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.DOD.PV.NBK.CD] Debt outstanding to other private creditors at year-end, debtor based (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.FOR.CD] Debt forgiveness (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.INT.PAI.CD] Total debt interest paid (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.TDS.PAI.CD] Total debt service: interest and amortization paid (Cur. USD)
- [DT.WEO.TDS.PAI.EXP.ZS] Total debt service: interest and amortization paid (As % of Exports of Goods & services)
- [EG.EGY.CLEAN] Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology (%)
- [EG.ELC.ACCS] Proportion of population with access to electricity (%)
- [EG.ELC.ACCS.RU.ZS] Access to electricity, rural (% of rural population)
- [EG.ELC.ACCS.UR.ZS] Access to electricity, urban (% of urban population)
- [EG.ELC.ACCS.ZS] Access to electricity (% of population)
- [EG.ELC.CONS.PCAP.KH] Total Net Electricity Consumption per Capita (Kilowatt-hours)
- [EG.ELC.FOSIL.GW] Production of electricity from fossil fuels (GWh)
- [EG.ELC.GENER.GW] Total Electricity generation (GWh)
- [EG.ELC.HYDRO.GW] Production of hydro electricity (GWh)
- [EG.ELC.RNEW.ZS] Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output)
- [EG.ELC.SWTWO.GW] Production of electricity from solar, wind, tide, wave and other sources (GWh)
- [EG.FEC.RNEW] Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption (%)
- [EG.FEC.RNEW.ZS] Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption)
- [EG.IMP.CONS.ZS] Energy imports, net (% of energy use)
- [EG.USE.COMM.CL.ZS] Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)
- [EG.USE.CONS.TOTL.MT] Total Energy Consumption (in Metric Tons)
- [EG.USE.CRNW.ZS] Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)
- [EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE] Energy Consumption Per GDP (Kg of oil equivalent)
- [EN.ATM.CO2E.KD.GD] CO2 emissions (kg per 2000 US$ of GDP)
- [EN.ATM.CO2E.KT] CO2 emissions, industrial (kt)
- [EN.ATM.CO2E.PC] CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
- [EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.MT] CO2 emissions - total ('000 mt)
- [EN.ATM.PM25] Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities, population weighted (%)
- [EN.LND.SLUM] Proportion of urban population living in slums (%)
- [EN.LND.TOTL] Area(Square Km)
- [EN.MAT.DOMCMPT] Total domestic material consumption (Thousands of metrics tons)
- [EN.MAT.FTPRPC] Material footprint per capita (Tonnes per capita)
- [EN.MAT.FTPRTN] Total material footprint (Thousands of metrics tons)
- [EN.POP.DNST] Population Density (people per sq. km)
- [ER.FST.DFST.K2] Deforestation (,000 sq km per annum)
- [ER.FST.DFST.ZG] Annual deforestation, average change (%)
- [ER.H2O.FWAG.ZS] Freshwater withdrawal,agriculture (% of total water resources)
- [ER.H2O.FWDM.ZS] Freshwater withdrawal,Domestic (% of total water resources)
- [ER.H2O.FWIN.ZS] Freshwater withdrawal,industry (% of total water resources)
- [ER.H2O.FWTL.M3] Annual internal renewable water resources (cubic meters)
- [ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS] Freshwater withdrawal, total (% of total water resources)
- [ER.H2O.INTR.M3] Annual Internal Renew. Water Resources (m3)
- [ER.MRN.MPA] Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas (%)
- [ER.PTD.TERR] Proportion of important sites for terrestrial biodiversity that are covered by protected areas (%)
- [FI.RES.TOTL.CD] Gross international reserves (current US$)
- [FM.AST.DOMO.CN] Claims on private sector (current LCU)
- [FM.AST.DOMO.ZS] Claims on private sector (% of total domestic credit)
- [FM.AST.DOMS.CN] Net domestic credit (current LCU)
- [FM.AST.GOV.CN] Claims on Central Government (current LCU)
- [FM.AST.NFRG.CN] Net foreign assets (current LCU)
- [FM.LBL.GD.MQMY.ZS] Income Velocity (GDP/M2)
- [FM.LBL.MONY.CN] Money (current LCU)
- [FM.LBL.MQMY.CD] Money and quasi money (M2) (current US$)
- [FM.LBL.MQMY.CN] Money and quasi money (M2) (current LCU)
- [FM.LBL.MQMY.GD.ZS] Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP
- [FM.LBL.MQMY.ZG] Money and quasi money growth (annual %)
- [FM.LBL.QUAS.CN] quasi money (M2) (current LCU)
- [FP.CPI.TOTL] Inflation, consumer prices index (2000 = 100)
- [FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG] Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
- [FP.PROD.MANF.XD] Manufacturing production index (2000 = 100)
- [FP.PROD.MINQ.XD] Mining production index (2000 = 100)
- [FR.INR.DPST] Deposit interest rate (%)
- [FR.INR.LEND] Discount rate (%)
- [GC.BAL.CASH.GD.CD] Central government, Fiscal Balance (Current US $)
- [GC.BAL.CASH.GD.ZS] Central government, Fiscal Balance (% of GDP)
- [GC.REV.GRANT.GD.CN.ZG] Grants (As % of GDP)
- [GC.REV.TOTL.GD.CD] Central government, total revenue and grants (Current US $)
- [GC.REV.TOTL.GD.ZS] Central government, total revenue and grants (% of GDP)
- [GC.XPN.TOTL.GD.CD] Central government, total expenditure and net lending (Current US $)
- [GC.XPN.TOTL.GD.ZS] Central government, total expenditure and net lending (% of GDP)
- [IQ.TRI.CPIN.XQ] Transparency International corruption perception index (10=highly clean to 0=highly corrupt)
- [IS.AIR.GOOD.MT.K1] Air transport, freight (million tons per km)
- [IS.ROD.PAVE.ZS] Roads, paved (% of total roads)
- [IS.ROD.PSGR.K6] Passengers carried (passenger- million km)
- [IS.ROD.TOTL.KM] Roads, total network (km)
- [IS.RRS.GOOD.MT.K6] Railways, goods transported (million ton-km)
- [IS.RRS.PASG.KM] Railways, passengers carried (passenger-km)
- [IS.RRS.TOTL.KM] Rail lines, total (km)
- [IT.CEL.SETS.P3] Mobile cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants
- [IT.CMP.PCMP.P3] Personal Computers per 1000 inhabitants
- [IT.MLT.MAIN.P3] Main telephone lines per 1000 inhabitants
- [IT.MLT.MAINCEL.zs] Fixed Lines and Mobile Phone Subscribers per 1000 Inhabitants
- [IT.NET.BBND] Fixed Internet broadband Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
- [IT.NET.USER.P3] Internet users per 100 inhabitants
- [LM.POP.EPP.FE] Female Employment, Population ('000)
- [LM.POP.EPP.MA] Male Employment, Population ('000)
- [LM.POP.EPP.TOT] Total Employment, Population ('000)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.CD] General government final consumption expenditure (current US$)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.KD] General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2005 US$)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.KD.ZG] General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.PPPWTK] Govt. Gov cons % ppp wt
- [NE.CON.GOVT.WEO.CD] General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.WEO.ZS] General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.CON.GOVT.ZS] General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
- [NE.CON.PETC.CD] Household final consumption expenditure (current US$)
- [NE.CON.PETC.KD] Household final consumption expenditure (constant 2005 US$)
- [NE.CON.PETC.KD.ZG] Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
- [NE.CON.PETC.PPPWTK] Household Gov cons % ppp wt
- [NE.CON.PETC.WEO.CD] Household final consumption expenditure (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.CON.PETC.WEO.ZS] Household final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.CON.PETC.ZS] Household final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
- [NE.CON.TETC..WEO.ZS] Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.CON.TETC.CD] Final consumption expenditure (current US$)
- [NE.CON.TETC.KD] Final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$)
- [NE.CON.TETC.KD.ZG] Final consumption expenditure (annual % growth)
- [NE.CON.TETC.PPPWTK] Final Con cons % ppp wt
- [NE.CON.TETC.ZS] Final consumption expenditure (% of GDP)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.CD] Exports of goods and non-factor services (current US$)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.KD] Exports of goods and non-factor services (constant 2005 US$)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.KD.ZG] Exports of goods and non-factor services (annual % growth)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.PPPWTK] Exports G&S % ppp wt
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.WEO.CD] Exports of goods and non-factor services (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.WEO.ZS] Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.EXPO.GNFS.ZS] Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.CD] Gross fixed capital formation (current US$)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.KD] Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2000 US$)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.KD.ZG] Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.WEO.CD] Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.WEO.ZS] Gross fixed capital formation (% GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.FTOT.ZS] Gross fixed capital formation (% GDP)
- [NE.GDI.PUB.CD] Gross capital formation, Public sector (current US$)
- [NE.GDI.PUB.WEO.CD] Gross capital formation, Public sector (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.PUB.WEO.ZS] Gross capital formation, Public sector (% GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.PUB.ZS] Gross capital formation, Public sector (% GDP)
- [NE.GDI.PVTE.CD] Gross capital formation, Private sector (current US$)
- [NE.GDI.PVTE.WEO.CD] Gross capital formation, Private sector (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.PVTE.WEO.ZS] Gross capital formation, Private sector (% GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.PVTE.ZS] Gross capital formation, Private sector (% GDP)
- [NE.GDI.STKB.CD] Changes in inventories (current US$)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.CD] Gross capital formation (current US$)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.KD] Gross capital formation (constant 2005 US$)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.KD.ZG] Gross capital formation (annual % growth)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.PPPWTK] Gross Capital Consumption % ppp wt
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.WEO.CD] Gross capital formation (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.WEO.ZS] Gross capital formation (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS] Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.CD] Imports of goods and services (current US$)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.KD] Imports of goods and services (constant 2005 US$)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.KD.ZG] Imports of goods and services (annual % growth)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.PPPWTK] Imports G&S % ppp wt
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.WEO.CD] Imports of goods and services (current US$) (WEO)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.WEO.ZS] Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NE.IMP.GNFS.ZS] Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
- [NV.ADJ.FISM.CD] Imputed Service Charges, value added (current US$)
- [NV.ADJ.FISM.KD] Imputed Service Charges, value added (constant 2000 price US$)
- [NV.ADJ.FISM.KD.ZG] Imputed Service Charges, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.ADJ.FISM.PPPWTK] Imputed Service Charges,% ppp wt
- [NV.ADJ.FISM.ZS] Imputed Service Charges, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.AGR.TOTL.CD] Agriculture, value added (current US$)
- [NV.AGR.TOTL.KD] Agriculture, value added (constant 2005 US$)
- [NV.AGR.TOTL.KD.ZG] Agriculture, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.AGR.TOTL.PPPWTK] Agriculture % ppp wt
- [NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS] Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.IND.CON.CD] Construction, value added (current US$)
- [NV.IND.CON.KD] Construction, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.IND.CON.KD.ZG] Construction, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.IND.CON.PPPWTK] Construction, %ppp wt
- [NV.IND.CON.ZS] Construction, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.IND.EGW.CD] Electricity,gas and Water, value added (current US$)
- [NV.IND.EGW.KD] Electricity,gas and Water, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.IND.EGW.KD.ZG] Electricity,gas and Water, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.IND.EGW.PPPWTK] Electricity,gas and Water, %ppp wt
- [NV.IND.EGW.ZS] Electricity, gas and water, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.IND.MANF.CD] Manufacturing, value added (current US$)
- [NV.IND.MANF.KD] Manufacturing, value added (constant 2000 US$)
- [NV.IND.MANF.KD.ZG] Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.IND.MANF.PPPWTK] Manufacturing % ppp wt
- [NV.IND.MANF.ZS] Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.IND.MANFPC] Manufacturing value added per capita (Constant US $)
- [NV.IND.MIN.CD] Mining and Quarying Value-added (Current prices in US$)
- [NV.IND.MIN.KD] Mining and Quarying, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.IND.MIN.KD.ZG] Mining and Quarying, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.IND.MIN.PPPWTK] Mining and Quarying, %ppp wt
- [NV.IND.MIN.ZS] Mining and quarrying, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.IND.TOTL.CD] Industry, value added (current US$)
- [NV.IND.TOTL.KD] Industry, value added (constant 2000 US$)
- [NV.IND.TOTL.KD.ZG] Industry, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.IND.TOTL.PPPWTK] Industry % ppp wt
- [NV.IND.TOTL.ZS] Industry, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.EDC.CD] Education, value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.EDC.KD] Education, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.EDC.KD.ZG] Education, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.EDC.PPPWTK] Education,% ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.EDC.ZS] Education, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.FIRB.CD] Finance, insurance,real Estate , value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.FIRB.KD] Finance, insurance, real estate, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.FIRB.KD.ZG] Finance, insurance, real estate, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.FIRB.PPPWTK] Finance, insurance, real estate, %ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.FIRB.ZS] Finance, real estate and business services, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.GOV.CD] Public Administration and defence, value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.GOV.KD] Public Administration and defence, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.GOV.KD.ZG] Public Administration and defence, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.GOV.PPPWTK] Public Administration and defence, %ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.GOV.ZS] Public administration and Defense, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.HSW.CD] Health and Social Work, value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.HSW.KD] Health and Social Work, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.HSW.KD.ZG] Health and Social Work, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.HSW.PPPWTK] Health and Social Work,% ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.HSW.ZS] Health and Social Work, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.OTH.CD] Other Services, value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.OTH.KD] Other Services, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.OTH.KD.ZG] Other Services, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.OTH.PPPWTK] Other Services,% ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.OTH.ZS] Other services, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.TETC.CD] Services , value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.TETC.KD] Services , value added (constant 2000 US$)
- [NV.SRV.TETC.KD.ZG] Services , value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.TETC.PPPWTK] Services % ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.TETC.ZS] Services , value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.TSC.CD] Transport(s) and communications,, value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.TSC.KD] Transport(s) and communications,, value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.TSC.KD.ZG] Transport(s) and communications, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.TSC.PPPWTK] Transport(s) and communications, %ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.TSC.ZS] Transport, storage and communication, value added (% of GDP)
- [NV.SRV.WRT.CD] Wholesale & retail trade, restaurants, , value added (current US$)
- [NV.SRV.WRT.KD] Wholesale & retail trade, restaurants, , value added (constant 2005 price US$)
- [NV.SRV.WRT.KD.ZG] Wholesale & retail trade, restaurants, value added (annual % growth)
- [NV.SRV.WRT.PPPWTK] Wholesale & retail trade, restaurants,% ppp wt
- [NV.SRV.WRT.ZS] Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants,, value added (% of GDP)
- [NY.GDP.AEO] GDP (Current Prices) - AEO
- [NY.GDP.FCST.CD] Gross value added at factor cost (current US$)
- [NY.GDP.FCST.KD] Gross value added at factor cost (constant 2000 US$)
- [NY.GDP.MKTP.CD] GDP (current US$)
- [NY.GDP.MKTP.CN] GDP (national currency)
- [NY.GDP.MKTP.KD] GDP (constant 2000 US$)
- [NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG] Real GDP growth (annual %)
- [NY.GDP.PCAP.CD] GDP per capita,(current US$)
- [NY.GDP.PCAP.KD] GDP per capita,(constant 2000 Prices, US $)
- [NY.GDP.PCAP.KD.ZG] Real per Capita GDP Growth Rate (annual %)
- [NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD] GDP Per capita, PPP (current international $)
- [NY.GDP.WEO] GDP (Current Prices)-WEO
- [NY.GDS.TOTL.CD] Gross domestic savings (current US$)
- [NY.GDS.TOTL.WEO.CD] Gross domestic savings (current US$) (WEO)
- [NY.GDS.TOTL.WEO.ZS] Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NY.GDS.TOTL.ZS] Gross domestic savings (% of GDP)
- [NY.GNP.MKTP.CD] GNI (current US$)
- [NY.GNP.PCAP.CD] GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
- [NY.GNS.TOTL.CD] Gross national savings (current US$)
- [NY.GNS.TOTL.WEO.CD] Gross national savings (current US$) (WEO)
- [NY.GNS.TOTL.WEO.ZS] Gross national savings (% of GDP) (WEO)
- [NY.GNS.TOTL.ZS] Gross national savings (% of GDP)
- [NY.TAX.NIND.CD] Plus: Indirect Taxes / taxes on products, less subsidies (Current US$)
- [NY.TAX.NIND.KD] Plus: Indirect Taxes / taxes on products, less subsidies (constant 2000 price US$)
- [NY.TAX.NIND.KD.ZG] Plus: Indirect Taxes / taxes on products, less subsidies , value added (annual % growth)
- [NY.TAX.NIND.PPPWTK] Plus: Indirect Taxes / taxes on products, less subsidies,% ppp wt
- [NY.TAX.NIND.ZS] Plus: Indirect Taxes / taxes on products, less subsidies , value added (% of GDP)
- [PA.NUS.FCRF] Exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average)
- [PA.NUS.FCRF.ADJ] Exchange rate, Adjusted, (LCU per US$, period average)
- [PA.NUS.PPP] Purchasing power parity conversion factor (LCU per international $)
- [PE.NUS.FCAE] Exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period)
- [POP.EAC.FE.ZS] Women's Share of Total Labor Force (%)
- [POP.EAC.ZS] Total Labor Force Participation Rate (%)
- [PS.DB.CB.CO.IN] Closing a Business - Cost (% of estate)
- [PS.DB.CB.RR.IN] Closing a Business - Recovery rate (cents on the dollar)
- [PS.DB.CB.TI.IN] Closing a Business - Time (years)
- [PS.DB.DL.COST.ZS] Dealing with Licenses - Cost (% of income per capita)
- [PS.DB.DL.DAY] Dealing with Licenses - Time (days)
- [PS.DB.DL.PR.NO] Dealing with Licenses - Procedures (number)
- [PS.DB.EC.COST.ZS] Enforcing Contracts - Cost (% of debt)
- [PS.DB.EC.DAY.NO] Enforcing Contracts - Time (days)
- [PS.DB.EC.PR.NO] Enforcing Contracts - Procedures (number)
- [PS.DB.EW.DH.IN] Employing Workers - Difficulty of Hiring Index (0-100)
- [PS.DB.EW.FC.NO] Employing Workers - Firing costs (weeks of wages)
- [PS.DB.EW.NW.LC.IN] Employing Workers - Nonwage labor cost (% of salary)
- [PS.DB.EW.RE.IN] Employing Workers - Rigidity of Employment Index (0-100)
- [PS.DB.EW.RH.IN] Employing Workers - Rigidity of Hours Index (0-100)
- [PS.DB.GC.CI.IN] Getting Credit - Credit Information Index (0-6)
- [PS.DB.GC.LR.IN] Getting Credit - Legal Rights Index (0-10)
- [PS.DB.GC.PU.REG.ZS] Getting Credit - Public registry coverage (% adults)
- [PS.DB.GC.PV.REG.ZS] Getting Credit - Private bureau coverage (% adults)
- [PS.DB.GE.COST.ZS] Doing Business Getting Electricity - Cost (% of income per capita)
- [PS.DB.GE.DAY] Doing Business Getting Electricity - Time (days)
- [PS.DB.GE.PRC.NO] Doing Business Getting Electricity - Procedures (number)
- [PS.DB.PI.DI.IN] Protecting Investors - Disclosure Index (0-10)
- [PS.DB.PI.DLI.IN] Protecting Investors - Director Liability Index (0-10)
- [PS.DB.PI.IPI.IN] Protecting Investors - Investor Protection Index (0-10)
- [PS.DB.PI.SSI.IN] Protecting Investors - Shareholder Suits Index (0-10)
- [PS.DB.PT.HR.NO] Paying Taxes - Time (hours per year)
- [PS.DB.PT.LT&C.ZS] Paying Taxes - Labor tax and contributions (%)
- [PS.DB.PT.OTT.ZS] Paying Taxes - Other taxes (%)
- [PS.DB.PT.PAY.NO] Paying Taxes - Payments (number)
- [PS.DB.PT.PT.ZS] Paying Taxes - Profit tax (%)
- [PS.DB.PT.TR.ZS] Paying Taxes - Total tax rate (% profit)
- [PS.DB.RP.COST.ZS] Registering Property - Cost (% of property value)
- [PS.DB.RP.DAY] Registering Property - Time (days)
- [PS.DB.RP.PRC.NO] Registering Property - Procedures (number)
- [PS.DB.SB.COST.ZS] Starting a Business - Cost (% of income per capita)
- [PS.DB.SB.DAY] Starting a Business - Time (days)
- [PS.DB.SB.MK.ZS] Starting a Business - Min. capital (% of income per capita)
- [PS.DB.SB.PR.NO] Starting a Business - Procedures (number)
- [PS.DB.TAB.CE.CD] Trading Across Borders - Cost to export (US$ per container)
- [PS.DB.TAB.CI.CD] Trading Across Borders - Cost to import (US$ per container)
- [PS.DB.TAB.DE.NO] Trading Across Borders - Documents to export (number)
- [PS.DB.TAB.DI.NO] Trading Across Borders - Documents to import (number)
- [PS.DB.TAB.TE.NO] Trading Across Borders - Time to export (days)
- [PS.DB.TAB.TI.NO] Trading Across Borders - Time to import (days)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.BASREQU.Score] Global Competitiveness Index: Basic requirements Score
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.BUSIN] Governance-Business sophistication (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.EFFENHA.Score] Global Competitiveness Index: Efficiency enhancers Score
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.FINMAR] Governance-Financial market sophistication (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.GLOBAL.Score] Global Competitiveness Index Score
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.GOODS] Governance-Goods market efficiency (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.HEALT] Governance-Health and primary education (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.HEDU] Governance-Higher education and training (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.INFRA] Governance-Infrastructure (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.INNOV] Governance-Innovation (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.INNOV.RANK] Governance-Innovation (Rank)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.INST.RANK] Governance-Institutions (Rank)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.LABOR] Governance-Labor market efficiency (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.LABOR.RANK] Governance-Labor market efficiency (Rank)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.MACRO] Governance-Macroeconomic stability (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.MACRO.RANK] Governance-Macroeconomic stability (Rank)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.MSIZE] Governance-Market size (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.MSIZE.RANK] Governance-Market size (Rank)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.TECH] Governance-Technological readiness (Score)
- [PS.WGI.GOV.COMP.TECH.RANK] Governance-Technological readiness (Rank)
- [PX.REC.REER.ZS] Real Exchange Rate Index (2000=100)
- [SE.ADT.1524.ILT.FE.ZS] Illiteracy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.1524.ILT.FM.ZS] Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24) (ILT)
- [SE.ADT.1524.ILT.MA.ZS] Illiteracy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.1524.ILT.ZS] Illiteracy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.1524.LT.FE.ZS] Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.1524.LT.FM.ZS] Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24) (LT)
- [SE.ADT.1524.LT.MA.ZS] Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.1524.LT.ZS] Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
- [SE.ADT.ILTR.FE.ZS] Illiteracy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
- [SE.ADT.ILTR.MA.ZS] Illiteracy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
- [SE.ADT.ILTR.ZS] Illiteracy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
- [SE.ADT.LITR.FE.ZS] Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
- [SE.ADT.LITR.MA.ZS] Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
- [SE.ADT.LITR.ZS] Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
- [SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS] Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
- [SE.PRM.ENRR] School enrollment, primary (% gross)
- [SE.PRM.ENRR.FE] School enrollment, primary, female (% gross)
- [SE.PRM.ENRR.MA] School enrollment, primary, male (% gross)
- [SE.PRM.GINT.TOT] Primary School, apparent intake rate, Gross(%)
- [SE.PRM.MATH] Proportion of children and young people at the end of primary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in: Maths (%)
- [SE.PRM.NENR] School enrollment, primary, total (% net)
- [SE.PRM.NENR.FE] School enrollment, primary, female (% net)
- [SE.PRM.NENR.MA] School enrollment, primary, male (% net)
- [SE.PRM.PRS5.ZS] Percent of cohort reaching grade 5
- [SE.PRM.REPT.FE.ZS] Repetition rate, primary, female (% of total enrollment)
- [SE.PRM.REPT.MA.ZS] Repetition rate, primary, male (% of total enrollment)
- [SE.PRM.REPT.ZS] Repetition rate, primary (% of total enrollment)
- [SE.PRM.TCHR.FE.ZS] Primary education, teachers (% female)
- [SE.PRM.TRAN.FE] Transition Primary to Secondary (%). Female
- [SE.PRM.TRAN.MA] Transition Primary to Secondary (%). Male
- [SE.PRMSEC.ENRR] Enrolment ratio Primary & Secondary (% Gross)
- [SE.PRMSEC.ENRR.FE] Enrolment ratio Primary & Secondary Female (% Gross)
- [SE.PRMSEC.ENRR.MA] Enrolment ratio Primary & Secondary Male (% Gross)
- [SE.SEC.CMPT.ZS] Secondary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
- [SE.SEC.ENRR] School enrollment, secondary (% gross)
- [SE.SEC.ENRR.FE] School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross)
- [SE.SEC.ENRR.MA] School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross)
- [SE.SEC.REPT.FE] % repeaters in secondary Female
- [SE.SEC.REPT.MA] % repeaters in secondary T Male
- [SE.SEC.REPT.ZS] % repeaters in secondary Total
- [SE.SEC.TCHR.FE.ZS] Secondary education, teachers (% female)
- [SE.TERT.ENRR.FE.NUM] Tertiary education, Enrolment ('000) - FEMALE
- [SE.TERT.ENRR.MA.NUM] Tertiary education, Enrolment ('000) - MALE
- [SE.XPD.BUDG.ZS] Public expenditure on Education (% of budget)
- [SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS] Percentage of GDP Spent on Education (%)
- [SE.XPD.TOTL.GN.ZS] Public spending on education, total(% of GNI, UNESCO)
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.FE] School Life Expectancy, female (year)
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.MA] School Life Expectancy - Male (years)
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PS.FE] School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Female
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PS.MA] School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Male
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PS.TOT] School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Total
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PT.FE] School life expectancy (years). Primary to tertiary. Female
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PT.MA] School life expectancy (years). Primary to tertiary. Male
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.PT.TOT] School life expectancy (years). Primary to tertiary. Total
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.TERT.FE] School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Female
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.TERT.MA] School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Male
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.TERT.TOT] School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Total
- [SE.YRS.SCHL.TO] School Life Expectancy - total (years)
- [SG.EMP.INSV.FE.ZS] Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector (%)
- [SG.GEN.HHHW.TO.ZS] Households headed by women, Total (% )
- [SG.GEN.MNST.ZS] % of women at the ministerial level
- [SG.GEN.PARL.ZS] Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament (%)
- [SG.STT.CAPTY] Total amount of all resources made available to strengthen statistical capacity (Thousands of US$)
- [SG.STT.NSDS] Number of countries with a national statistical plan that is fully funded and under implementation
- [SH.CON.1524.FE.ZS] Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24)
- [SH.CON.1524.MA.ZS] Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24)
- [SH.DALY.COPD.ZS] Number of Disability-Adjusted Life Year per 1000 capita for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease for Adults aged > 30 years attribuable to solid fuel
- [SH.DALY.LUNG.ZS] Number of Disability-Adjusted Life Year per 1000 capita for Lung Cancer for Adults aged > 30 years attribuable to solid fuel
- [SH.DALY.PNEUM.ZS] Number of Disability-Adjusted Life Year per 1000 capita for pneumonia for Children aged < 5 years attribuable to solid fuel use
- [SH.DYN.1524.AIDS.FE.ZS] Prevalence of HIV female (% of ages 15-24)
- [SH.DYN.1524.AIDS.MA.ZS] Prevalence of HIV, Male (% ages 15-24)
- [SH.DYN.1524.AIDS.ZS] Prevalence of HIV (% of ages 15-24)
- [SH.DYN.AIDS.ZS] Percentage of Adults (aged 15-49) living with HIV/AIDS
- [SH.DYN.MORT] Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000)
- [SH.DYN.NMRT] Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births)
- [SH.H2O.IMPR] Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services (%)
- [SH.H2O.SAFE.RU.ZS] Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access)
- [SH.H2O.SAFE.TO.ZS] Improved water source, (% of total population with access)
- [SH.H2O.SAFE.UR.ZS] Improved water source, urban (% of urban population with access)
- [SH.HIV.1524.FE.ZS] prevalence of HIV, females (% ages 15-24)
- [SH.HIV.1524.MA.ZS] prevalence of HIV, males (% ages 15-24)
- [SH.IMM.IBCG] Immunization coverage, BCG (% of one-year-old children)
- [SH.IMM.IDPT] Immunization, DPT (% of children)
- [SH.IMM.MEAS] Immunization, measles (% of children)
- [SH.KNOW.P1524.HIVAIDS.FEM.ZS] Percentage of Female Population aged 15-24 years with knowledge of HIV/AIDS
- [SH.KNOW.P1524.HIVAIDS.MA.ZS] Percentage of Male Population aged 15-24 years with knowledge of HIV/AIDS
- [SH.MED.ACHS.ZS] Access to health services (%)
- [SH.MED.BEDS.TO] Number of hospital beds
- [SH.MED.BEDS.ZS] Hospital beds (per 100,000 people)
- [SH.MED.LE00.IN.FE] Healthy Life Expectancy : Female
- [SH.MED.LE00.IN.MA] Healthy Life Expectancy : Male
- [SH.MED.NURS.NUM] Nurses (number)
- [SH.MED.NURS.ZS] Nurses (per 100,000 people)
- [SH.MED.NURSMID.NUM] Nursing and midwifery personnel (number)
- [SH.MED.PHYS.NUM] Physicians (number)
- [SH.MED.PHYS.ZS] Physicians (per 100,000 people)
- [SH.PRG.ANEM] Prevalence of anaemia (among women) (%)
- [SH.STA.ACSN] Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access)
- [SH.STA.ACSN.RU] Improved sanitation facilities, rural (% of rural population with access)
- [SH.STA.ACSN.UR] Improved sanitation facilities, urban (% of urban population with access)
- [SH.STA.BRTC.ZS] Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)
- [SH.STA.BRTW.ZS] Low-birthweight babies (% of births)
- [SH.STA.COPD.ZS] Number of deaths from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease for Adults aged > 30 years attribuable to solid fuel use
- [SH.STA.LUNG.ZS] Number of deaths from Lung Cancer for Adults aged > 30 years attribuable to solid fuel use
- [SH.STA.MALN.ZS] Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age (% of children under 5)
- [SH.STA.MALR] Reported cases of malaria per 100000 population
- [SH.STA.MALR.NUM] Malaria number of reported cases
- [SH.STA.MMRT.NE] Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births)
- [SH.STA.MORT] Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000)
- [SH.STA.PNEUM.ZS] Number of deaths from pneumonia for Children aged < 5 years attribuable to solid fuel use
- [SH.STA.STNT.ZS] Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% of children under 5)
- [SH.TBS.INCD] Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people)
- [SH.TBS.PREV] Prevalence of Tuberculosis (per 100,000)
- [SH.XPD.EXTR.ZS] External resources for health (% of total expenditure on health)
- [SH.XPD.PCAP] Health expenditure per capita (current US$)
- [SH.XPD.PUBL.ZS] Public Expenditure on Health (as % of GDP)
- [SH.XPD.TOTL.ZS] Health expenditure, total (% of GDP)
- [SI.DST.02ND.20] Income share held by second 20%
- [SI.DST.03RD.20] Income share held by third 20%
- [SI.DST.04TH.20] Income share held by fourth 20%
- [SI.DST.05TH.20] Income share held by highest 20%
- [SI.DST.10P.10] Share of Income held by Poorest 10%
- [SI.DST.10R.10] Share of Income held by Richest 10%
- [SI.DST.10TH.10] Income share held by highest 10%
- [SI.DST.20P.20] Share of Income held by Poorest 20%
- [SI.DST.20R.20] Share of Income held by Richest 20%
- [SI.DST.FRST.10] Income share held by lowest 10%
- [SI.DST.FRST.20] Income share held by lowest 20%
- [SI.POV.2DAY] Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (PPP) (% of population)
- [SI.POV.3DAY] Poverty headcount ratio at $3.10 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population)
- [SI.POV.DAY1] Proportion of population below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day
- [SI.POV.DDAY] Poverty headcount ratio at $1 a day (PPP) (% of population)
- [SI.POV.DDAY1] Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population)
- [SI.POV.EMP1.1524] Proportion of employed population aged (15-24) below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day
- [SI.POV.EMP1.25UP] Proportion of employed population below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per day, aged 15 and over (%)
- [SI.POV.GAP2] Poverty gap at $2 a day (PPP) (%)
- [SI.POV.GAP3] Poverty gap at $3.10 a day (2011 PPP) (%)
- [SI.POV.GAPS] Poverty gap at $1 a day (PPP) (%)
- [SI.POV.GAPS1] Poverty gap at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (%)
- [SI.POV.LMIC] Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (% population)
- [SI.POV.LMIC.GP] Poverty gap at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (%)
- [SI.POV.NAHC] Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population)
- [SI.POV.RUHC] Poverty headcount ratio at rural poverty line (% of rural population)
- [SI.POV.URHC] Poverty headcount ratio at urban poverty line (% of urban population)
- [SL.EMP.GTOTL] Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers (%)
- [SL.EMP.PCAP] Growth rate of real GDP per employed person (%)
- [SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.ZS] Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%)
- [SL.TLF.1524.UEM] Unemployment rate, (aged 15-24) (%)
- [SL.TLF.15UP.UEM] Unemployment rate, (aged 15 over) (%)
- [SL.TLF.MANF] Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (%)
- [SN.ITK.CALO.ZS] Daily Calorie supply (per capita)
- [SN.ITK.DEFC] The Number of people who are undernourished
- [SN.ITK.DEFC.ZS] Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population)
- [SN.ITK.FACE] Food Aid in Cereals ('000 MT)
- [SN.ITK.FATS.ZS] Daily Fat supply (per capita)
- [SN.ITK.PROT.ZS] Daily Protein supply (per capita)
- [SP.ADO.TFRT] Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women age 15-19)
- [SP.DYN.CBRT.IN] Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
- [SP.DYN.CDRT.IN] Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
- [SP.DYN.CONU.ZS] Contraceptive prevalence (% of women ages 15-49)
- [SP.DYN.IFRT15-49] % Women of Childbearing age 15-49 years
- [SP.DYN.IMRT.IN] Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)
- [SP.DYN.IMRT.IN.FE] Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births)
- [SP.DYN.IMRT.IN.MA] Mortality rate, infant, Male (per 1,000 live births)
- [SP.DYN.LE00.FE.IN] Life expectancy at birth, female (years)
- [SP.DYN.LE00.FE.MA.ZS] Life expectancy at birth, Ratio of female to Male
- [SP.DYN.LE00.IN] Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
- [SP.DYN.LE00.MA.IN] Life expectancy at birth, male (years)
- [SP.DYN.RNIN.ZS] Rate of Natural Increase (%)
- [SP.DYN.SEXR] Sex ratio (Males per 100 females)
- [SP.DYN.TFRT.IN] Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
- [SP.HOU.FEMA.ZS] Female headed households (% of households with a female head)
- [SP.POP.0014.TO.ZS] Population aged < 15, (% of total)
- [SP.POP.1524.ZS] Population ages 15-24, (% of total)
- [SP.POP.1549.FE.ZS] Population ages 15-49, female (as % of total)
- [SP.POP.1564.FE.ZS] Population ages 15-64, female (% of total)
- [SP.POP.1564.MA.ZS] Population ages 15-64, male (% of total)
- [SP.POP.1564.ZS] Population ages 15-64, (% of total)
- [SP.POP.65UP.ZS] Population of 65 years and above (as % ot total)
- [SP.POP.FE.END] Population at end of year, thousands.
- [SP.POP.FE.GROW] Population, female, Growth (annual, %)
- [SP.POP.GROW] Population growth (annual %)
- [SP.POP.MA.END] Population, male, end of year, in thousands.
- [SP.POP.MA.GROW] Population, male, Growth (annual, %)
- [SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS] Population, female (% of total)
- [SP.POP.TOTL.MA.ZS] Population, male (% of total)
- [SP.RUR.TOTL.ZG] Rural population growth (annual %)
- [SP.RUR.TOTL.ZS] Rural population (% of total population)
- [SP.URB.GROW] Urban population growth (annual %)
- [SP.URB.LCTY.UR.ZS] Population in the largest city (% of urban population)
- [SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS] Urban population (% of total)
- [TG.WEO.TM.CD] Imports of goods & services, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TM.GDP.ZS] Imports of Goods and Services (As % of GDP)
- [TG.WEO.TM.ZG] Growth rate of Imports value of Goods and Services (%)
- [TG.WEO.TMG.CD] Imports of goods, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TMG.ZG] Growth rate of Imports value of Goods (%)
- [TG.WEO.TMGO.CD] Oil imports, Value (Cur. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TMGO_R.KD] Imports of oil, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TMGXO.CD] Imports of non-oil products, Value (Cur. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TMGXO_R.KD] Imports of non-oil products, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TMG_R.KD] Imports of Goods, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TMG_R.ZG] Real Import Growth, Goods (%)
- [TG.WEO.TMS.CD] Imports of services, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TM_R.KD] Imports of Goods & Services, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TM_R.ZG] Real Import Growth, Goods and services (%)
- [TG.WEO.TRAD.ZS] Total trade ( as % of GDP)
- [TG.WEO.TT.ZG] Terms of trade, goods and services (Percentage change)
- [TG.WEO.TTT.ZG] Terms of trade, goods (Percentage change)
- [TG.WEO.TX.CD] Exports of goods & services, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TX.GDP.ZS] BOP-Exports of Goods and Services (As % of GDP)
- [TG.WEO.TX.ZG] Growth rate of Export value of goods and services (%)
- [TG.WEO.TXG.CD] Exports of goods, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TXG.ZG] Growth rate of Exports value of Goods (%)
- [TG.WEO.TXGO.CD] Oil exports, Value (Cur. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TXGO_R.KD] Exports of oil, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TXGXO.CD] Exports of non-oil products, Value (Cur. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TXGXO_R.KD] Exports of non-oil products, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TXG_R.KD] Exports of Goods, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TXG_R.ZG] Real Export Growth, Goods (%)
- [TG.WEO.TXS.CD] Exports of services, Value (WEO, cur. US$)
- [TG.WEO.TX_R.KD] Exports of goods & services, Volume (Const. Prices Year 2000. USD)
- [TG.WEO.TX_R.ZG] Real Export Growth, Goods and services (%)
- [VC.PRS.UNSEC] Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population (%)
[units] Units
- [000-ha] 000 ha
- [000-hectares] 000 hectares
- [000-mt] 000 mt
- [000-sq-km-per-annum] 000 sq km per annum
- [000m3] 000m3
- [10-eq-highly-clean-to-0-eq-highly-corrupt] 10=highly clean to 0=highly corrupt
- [annual-pct] annual %
- [annual-pct-growth] annual % growth
- [annual-pct_165] annual, %
- [as-pct-of-active-population] as % of active population
- [as-pct-of-economically-active-population] as % of Economically active population
- [as-pct-of-economically-active-population_17] as % of Economically active population
- [as-pct-of-exports-of-goods-services] as % of Exports of Goods & services
- [as-pct-of-global-exports-of-goods] as % of Global Exports of Goods
- [as-pct-of-global-imports-of-goods] as % of Global Imports of Goods
- [as-pct-of-global-trade-of-goods] as % of Global Trade of Goods
- [as-pct-of-land-area] as % of land area
- [as-pct-of-total] as % of Total
- [as-pct-of-total-external-debt-stock] as % of total external debt stock
- [as-pct-of-total-external-public-debt] as % of Total external public debt
- [as-pct-of-total-fdi-to-developing-countries] as % of Total FDI to Developing Countries
- [as-pct-of-world-trade-of-goods] as % of World Trade of Goods
- [as-pct-ot-total] as % ot total
- [births-per-1000-women-age-15-19] births per 1,000 women age 15-19
- [births-per-woman] births per woman
- [cents-on-the-dollar] cents on the dollar
- [const-prices-year-2000-usd] Const. Prices Year 2000. USD
- [constant-2000-price-usd] constant 2000 price US$
- [constant-2000-prices-us] constant 2000 Prices, US $
- [constant-2000-usd] constant 2000 US$
- [constant-us] Constant US $
- [constant-usd] constant US$
- [cubic-meters] cubic meters
- [current-international] current international $
- [current-lcu] current LCU
- [current-prices] Current Prices
- [current-prices-in-usd] Current prices in US$
- [current-usd] current US$
- [days] days
- [gdp-per-m2] GDP/M2
- [gwh] GWh
- [ha] Ha
- [hectares] Hectares
- [hours-per-year] hours per year
- [in-metric-tons] in Metric Tons
- [in-pct-of-gni-recipient] In % of GNI Recipient
- [in-pct-of-gross-fixed-capital-formation] In % of Gross Fixed Capital Formation
- [in-united-states-dollars] in United States dollars
- [index-0-10] Index, (0-10)
- [index-0-100] Index, (0-100)
- [index-0-6] Index, (0-6)
- [index-1999-2001-eq-100] index, 1999-2001 = 100
- [index-2000-eq-100] index, 2000 = 100
- [index-2004-2006-eq-100] Index, 2004-2006 = 100
- [kg-of-oil-equivalent-per-capita] kg of oil equivalent per capita
- [kg-per-2000-usd-of-gdp] kg per 2000 US$ of GDP
- [kg-per-hectare] kg per hectare
- [kilowatt-hours] Kilowatt-hours
- [km] km
- [kt] kt
- [lcu-per-international] LCU per international $
- [lcu-per-usd-end-period] LCU per US$, end period
- [lcu-per-usd-period-average] LCU per US$, period average
- [m2] m²
- [m3] m3
- [males-per-100-females] males per 100 females
- [metric-tons] metric tons
- [metric-tons-per-capita] metric tons per capita
- [million-ton-km] million ton-km
- [million-tons-per-km] million tons per km
- [national-currency] National currency
- [number] Number
- [passenger-km] passenger-km
- [passenger-million-km] passenger- million km
- [pct] %
- [pct-adults] % adults
- [pct-ages-15-24] % ages 15-24
- [pct-female] % female
- [pct-gross] % gross
- [pct-net] % net
- [pct-of-active-population] % of Active Population
- [pct-of-ages-15-24] % of ages 15-24
- [pct-of-births] % of births
- [pct-of-budget] % of budget
- [pct-of-capital-formation] % of capital formation
- [pct-of-children] % of children
- [pct-of-children-under-5] % of children under 5
- [pct-of-debt] % of debt
- [pct-of-energy-use] % of energy use
- [pct-of-estate] % of estate
- [pct-of-female-employment] % of female employment
- [pct-of-females-ages-15-24] % of females ages 15-24
- [pct-of-females-ages-15-and-above] % of females ages 15 and above
- [pct-of-gdp] % of GDP
- [pct-of-gni-unesco] % of GNI, UNESCO
- [pct-of-households-with-a-female-head] % of households with a female head
- [pct-of-income-per-capita] % of income per capita
- [pct-of-land-area] % of land area
- [pct-of-male-employment] % of male employment
- [pct-of-males-ages-15-24] % of males ages 15-24
- [pct-of-males-ages-15-and-above] % of males ages 15 and above
- [pct-of-one-year-old-children] % of one-year-old children
- [pct-of-people-ages-15-24] % of people ages 15-24
- [pct-of-people-ages-15-and-above] % of people ages 15 and above
- [pct-of-population] % of population
- [pct-of-population-with-access] % of population with access
- [pct-of-property-value] % of property value
- [pct-of-relevant-age-group] % of relevant age group
- [pct-of-rural-population] % of rural population
- [pct-of-rural-population-with-access] % of rural population with access
- [pct-of-salary] % of salary
- [pct-of-total] % of total
- [pct-of-total-domestic-credit] % of total domestic credit
- [pct-of-total-electricity-output] % of total electricity output
- [pct-of-total-employment] % of total employment
- [pct-of-total-energy] % of total energy
- [pct-of-total-energy-use] % of total energy use
- [pct-of-total-enrollment] % of total enrollment
- [pct-of-total-expenditure-on-health] % of total expenditure on health
- [pct-of-total-final-energy-consumption] % of total final energy consumption
- [pct-of-total-land-area] % of total land area
- [pct-of-total-population] % of total population
- [pct-of-total-population-with-access] % of total population with access
- [pct-of-total-roads] % of total roads
- [pct-of-total-water-resources] % of total water resources
- [pct-of-total_163] % of total
- [pct-of-urban-population] % of urban population
- [pct-of-urban-population-with-access] % of urban population with access
- [pct-of-women-ages-15-49] % of women ages 15-49
- [pct-of-women-at-the-ministerial-level] % of women at the ministerial level
- [pct-population] % population
- [pct-profit] % profit
- [pct-repeaters-in-secondary-female] % repeaters in secondary Female
- [pct-repeaters-in-secondary-t-male] % repeaters in secondary T Male
- [pct-repeaters-in-secondary-total] % repeaters in secondary Total
- [pct-women-of-childbearing-age-15-49-years] % Women of Childbearing age 15-49 years
- [people-per-sq-km] people per sq. km
- [per-100-000] per 100 000
- [per-100-inhabitants] per 100 inhabitants
- [per-1000] per 1,000
- [per-1000-inhabitants] per 1000 inhabitants
- [per-1000-live-births] per 1,000 live births
- [per-1000-people] per 1,000 people
- [per-100000] per 100,000
- [per-100000-live-births] per 100,000 live births
- [per-100000-people] per 100,000 people
- [per-100000-population] per 100000 population
- [per-capita] per capita
- [percentage-change] percentage change
- [qty] Qty
- [rank] Rank
- [ratio] ratio
- [score] score
- [sq-km] sq km
- [thousands] thousands
- [thousands-of-metrics-tons] Thousands of metrics tons
- [thousands-of-usd] Thousands of US$
- [tonnes] tonnes
- [tonnes-per-capita] tonnes per capita
- [unit] Unit
- [us-millions] US $ Millions
- [usd] US$
- [usd-per-container] US$ per container
- [usd-thousand] US$ thousand
- [usd_43] USD
- [value] Value
- [weeks-of-wages] weeks of wages
- [years] years
[scale] Scale
- [1] 1
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
Search filters
Country [country] (109)
Indicator [indicator] (907)
Units [units] (168)
Scale [scale] (1)
Frequency [frequency] (1)
This dataset has 76,180 series:
- from
- 1980=1,530.777
- to
- 2015=5,326.336
- min:
- 1,530.777
- max:
- 5,326.336
- avg:
- 3,263.801
- σ:
- 1,233.58
- from
- 1980=7,396.415
- to
- 2015=22,691.035
- min:
- 7,396.415
- max:
- 22,691.035
- avg:
- 13,994.897
- σ:
- 4,586.016
- from
- 1980=10,284.193
- to
- 2015=32,388.546
- min:
- 10,284.193
- max:
- 32,388.546
- avg:
- 20,116.665
- σ:
- 6,688.802
- from
- 1980=93.286
- to
- 2015=347.63
- min:
- 93.286
- max:
- 347.63
- avg:
- 196.587
- σ:
- 77.417
- from
- 1980=531.188
- to
- 2015=2,231.823
- min:
- 531.188
- max:
- 2,231.823
- avg:
- 1,389.131
- σ:
- 547.778
- from
- 1980=132.346
- to
- 2015=264
- min:
- 57
- max:
- 269
- avg:
- 136.666
- σ:
- 70.172
- from
- 1980=89.4
- to
- 2015=56
- min:
- 40
- max:
- 254.387
- avg:
- 144.606
- σ:
- 62.038
- from
- 1980=238.491
- to
- 2015=672.887
- min:
- 110
- max:
- 672.887
- avg:
- 407.765
- σ:
- 148.408
- from
- 1980=20.959
- to
- 2015=75.106
- min:
- 20.959
- max:
- 75.106
- avg:
- 50.203
- σ:
- 18.786
- from
- 1980=353.416
- to
- 2015=766.586
- min:
- 110.686
- max:
- 766.586
- avg:
- 434.217
- σ:
- 184.239
Series code | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.ADB] | 1530.77699999999 | 1532.89799999999 | 1568.4270000000001 | 1592.07999999999 | 1633.521 | 1671.5529999999999 | 1731.691 | 1787.06199999999 | 1842.059 | 1894.75099999999 | 2614.292 | 2703.30299999999 | 2758.02 | 2899.498 | 3013.232 | 3097.659 | 3164.3119999999894 | 3195.698 | 3297.848 | 3367.578 | 3396.0159999999896 | 3458.8669999999897 | 3521.5819999999894 | 3823.454 | 3856.62199999999 | 3996.6959999999895 | 4072.607 | 4158.56599999999 | 4778.041 | 4858.626 | 4938.70399999999 | 4981.3820000000005 | 5038.691 | 5148.226 | 5246.14699999999 | 5326.335999999989 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.ADF] | 7396.41499999999 | 7644.6990000000005 | 7956.254 | 8330.229 | 8755.634999999991 | 9197.761999999999 | 9530.073 | 9801.32999999999 | 10179.2449999999 | 10536.563999999998 | 10320.7439999999 | 10892.812 | 10394.1639999999 | 10746.177 | 11308 | 12529.828000000001 | 13216.87 | 13112.181 | 13492.183 | 13481.538 | 13904.9109999999 | 14765.048 | 15372.4039999999 | 15844.168 | 16479.621 | 16955.626 | 17393.0299999999 | 17993.983 | 18590.0569999999 | 19092.035 | 19927.232 | 20797.5669999999 | 21393.076 | 21669.642000000003 | 22124.172000000002 | 22691.035 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.AFR] | 10284.1929999999 | 10646.601 | 11069.938999999998 | 11581.205 | 12135.0189999999 | 12642.63 | 13128.77 | 13569.1699999999 | 14041.731000000002 | 14506.828000000001 | 15066.8139999999 | 15806.5599999999 | 15466.9809999999 | 16066.548 | 16864.134 | 18274.2809999999 | 19144.657 | 19180.414 | 19713.002 | 19855.325 | 20385.9989999999 | 21389.6959999999 | 22142.588 | 23001.211 | 23757.042999999998 | 24462.613999999998 | 25057.964 | 25828.848999999904 | 27130.2979999999 | 27800.773999999903 | 28806.025 | 29801.7119999999 | 30538.938999999904 | 31011.219999999903 | 31651.66 | 32388.546000000002 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.AGO] | 93.286 | 96.146 | 99.052 | 102.006 | 105.15100000000001 | 108.477 | 112.421 | 114.791 | 118.124 | 123.76799999999999 | 130.139 | 136.369 | 142.705 | 164.834 | 169.477 | 171.890999999999 | 174.747 | 180.574 | 188.116999999999 | 196.43400000000003 | 205.06099999999998 | 212.77 | 220.768 | 229.067 | 237.678 | 246.611999999999 | 255.347 | 264.399999999999 | 273.757 | 283.454 | 293.494 | 303.601 | 314.055999999999 | 324.870999999999 | 336.057999999999 | 347.63 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.AMU] | 531.187999999999 | 535.649 | 557.288 | 575.444999999999 | 598.321 | 619.932 | 650.701 | 677.9119999999999 | 710.05 | 733.7289999999999 | 1162 | 1204.6789999999999 | 1255.1589999999999 | 1300.443 | 1350.04 | 1398.9229999999998 | 1422.851 | 1429.15599999999 | 1494.694 | 1532.161 | 1570.60799999999 | 1611.496 | 1653.4479999999899 | 1696.494 | 1740.662 | 1785.986 | 1828.644 | 1872.38899999999 | 1916.9579999999899 | 1962.984 | 2009.98299999999 | 2026.9560000000001 | 2044.203 | 2130.266 | 2185.496 | 2231.823 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.BDI] | 132.346 | 132.31799999999998 | 137.972 | 141.765999999999 | 147.438999999999 | 148.212999999999 | 153.158999999999 | 157.161 | 161.503999999999 | 167.25899999999902 | 171.474999999999 | 174.009999999999 | 177.477 | 185.944999999999 | 199.43400000000003 | 208.84599999999998 | 223.291 | 229.61900000000003 | 236.75299999999902 | 57 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 269 | 264 | 264 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.BEN] | 89.4 | 91.016 | 94.706 | 101.00399999999999 | 103.491 | 106.28299999999999 | 110.986 | 117.415 | 121.94199999999901 | 129.286 | 134.387 | 138.972 | 143.974999999999 | 149.598999999999 | 155.093999999999 | 160.241 | 165.018 | 169.692 | 173.252 | 177.899 | 183.197 | 40 | 41 | 40 | 204.723999999999 | 210.49099999999999 | 216.393 | 222.5 | 228.69999999999902 | 235.110999999999 | 241.704 | 247.96400000000003 | 254.387 | 94 | 56 | 56 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.BFA] | 238.49099999999999 | 245.217 | 247.027999999999 | 256.978 | 270.079999999999 | 275.07599999999996 | 281.622999999999 | 293.002999999999 | 300.267 | 310.615 | 325 | 332.843 | 347.226 | 362.500999999999 | 378.01199999999994 | 389.389 | 399.190999999999 | 409.855 | 421.019 | 110 | 112 | 456.658999999999 | 469.365999999999 | 482.42699999999996 | 495.851 | 509.649 | 524.125999999999 | 539 | 554.299999999999 | 570.07 | 586.261999999999 | 602.644999999999 | 619.4869999999991 | 636.798 | 654.594 | 672.886999999999 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.BWA] | 20.959 | 21.78 | 22.8159999999999 | 23.3569999999999 | 24.3299999999999 | 25.7079999999999 | 27.221999999999998 | 28.829 | 30.0139999999999 | 31.570999999999998 | 34.018 | 35.875 | 38.121 | 41.4829999999999 | 44.526 | 48.14 | 50.255 | 52.136 | 53.943999999999996 | 56.02499999999989 | 58.703 | 60.258 | 61.85399999999989 | 63.493 | 65.1749999999999 | 66.902 | 67.926 | 69 | 70 | 71.09099999999991 | 72.179 | 72.75499999999991 | 73.3359999999999 | 73.921 | 74.51099999999991 | 75.10599999999991 |
[AG.CCL.FRST.MT.CAEMC] | 353.416 | 358.781 | 370.316 | 373.298 | 383.413999999999 | 382.206999999999 | 396.249 | 417.642 | 429.639 | 441.226 | 263.99 | 280.427 | 296.061 | 316.961 | 336.93999999999903 | 349.791999999999 | 394.256 | 111.84100000000001 | 116.109 | 110.68599999999901 | 113.36399999999999 | 438.779999999999 | 450.110999999999 | 440.733 | 451.920999999999 | 463.408999999999 | 438.865999999999 | 646.625999999999 | 661.171 | 672.7669999999999 | 691.403 | 705.817999999999 | 720.5369999999999 | 735.567 | 750.913 | 766.5859999999989 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 76,180