[BBBP1] Profit and loss
Updated on DBnomics on September 18, 2024 (2:54 AM).
[BBK_STD_FREQ] Frequency (BBk)
- [A] Annual
[BBK_STD_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
- [DE] Germany
- [N] Unadjusted figure
[BBK_BS_REF_SEC] Reference sector breakdown
- [BA] Building and loan associations
- [BGD] MFI excluding institutions in liquidation and institutions with a truncated financial year, incl. KfW, since 1993 incl. building and loan associations
- [BS] Banks with special, development and other central support tasks
- [GB] Big banks
- [GN] Credit cooperatives
- [GZ] Regional institutions of credit cooperatives
- [KR] Commercial banks
- [LB] Landesbanken
- [PR] Private bankers
- [RB] Regional banks and other commercial banks
- [RE] Banks majority-owned by foreign banks
- [RK] Mortgage banks
- [SK] Savings banks
- [TZ] Instalment sales financing institutions
- [ZW] Branches of foreign banks
[BBK_BSPL_ITEM] Profit/Loss Item
- [A000] Total charges
- [A010] Interest paid
- [A020] Commissions paid
- [A030] Net loss from the trading portfolio
- [A040] Gross result for transactions in goods and subsidiary transactions
- [A050] General administrative spending
- [A052] Staff costs
- [A053] Wages and salaries
- [A054] Social security costs and costs relating to pensions and other benefits
- [A056] Social security costs and costs relating to pensions and other benefits, of which: pensions
- [A058] Other administrative spending
- [A060] Depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible and intangible assets
- [A066] Depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible and intangible assets, of which: assets leased
- [A070] Other operating charges
- [A07A] Other charges [up to 1992]
- [A080] Depreciation of and value adjustments to loans and advances and special securities, and provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments
- [A08A] Depreciation and value adjustments in respect of loans and special securities and appropriation to provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments [up to 1992]
- [A090] Depreciation of and value adjustments to participating interests, shares in affiliated enterprises and securities treated as fixed assets
- [A100] Charges incurred from loss transfers
- [A110] Transfers to special reserves
- [A120] Extraordinary charges
- [A130] Taxes on income and earnings
- [A140] Other taxes, if not reported under "Other operating charges"
- [A14A] Other taxes [up to 1992]
- [A150] Profits transferred under profit pooling, a profit transfer agreement or a partial profit transfer agreement
- [A160] Transfers to the fund for general banking risks
- [A170] Transfers to the fund required by the building and loan association rules
- [E000] Total income
- [E010] Total interest received
- [E012] Interest received from lending and money market transactions
- [E014] Interest received from debt securities and Debt Register claims
- [E020] Total current income
- [E022] Current income from shares and other variable-yield securities
- [E024] Current income from participating interests
- [E026] Current income from shares in affiliated enterprises
- [E030] Profits transferred under profit pooling, a profit transfer agreement or a partial profit transfer agreement
- [E040] Commissions received
- [E050] Net profit from the trading portfolio
- [E060] Gross result for transactions in goods and subsidiary transactions
- [E06A] Income from transactions in goods and subsidiary transactions [up to 1992]
- [E070] Income from value readjustments to loans and advances and special securities, and provisions for contingent liabilities and for commitments
- [E07A] Other income from appreciation in respect of loans and securities and reversal of provisions for contingent liabilites and for commitments [up to 1992]
- [E080] Income from value readjustments to participating interests, shares in affiliated enterprises and securities treated as fixed assets
- [E08A] Income from the release of provisions, except provisions for contingent liabilities and for commitments [up to 1992]
- [E090] Other operating income
- [E096] Other operating income, of which: from leasing business
- [E100] Income from the release of special reserves
- [E110] Extraordinary income
- [E120] Income from loss transfers
- [E130] Withdrawals from the fund for general banking risks
- [E140] Withdrawals from the fund required by the building and loan association rules
- [EK11] Return on equity before tax (excluding participation rights capital)
- [EK15] Return on equity after tax (excluding participation rights capital)
- [G010] Profit or loss (-) for the financial year
- [G200] Balance sheet profit or loss (-)
- [K010] Net interest income
- [K011] Total interest received, current income, profits transferred under profit pooling, a profit transfer agreement or a partial profit transfer agreement
- [K020] Net commission income
- [K050] Total general administrative spending (including depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible and intangible assets)
- [K052] Other administrative spending (including depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible and intangible assets, excluding assets leased)
- [K060] Partial operating result
- [K062] Operating income
- [K065] Operating result before the valuation of assets
- [K070] Result from the trading portfolio
- [K072] Result from the valuation of assets (other than tangible or financial fixed assets)
- [K074] Other operating result
- [K080] Operating result
- [K090] Other and extraordinary result
- [K092] Other and extraordinary income
- [K094] Other and extraordinary charges
- [K100] Profit for the financial year before tax
- [K110] Withdrawals from or transfers to (-) reserves and participation rights capital including profit/loss (-) brought forward
- [K120] Annual average total assets
- [K150] Number of reporting institutions
- [K74A] Net other income or charges [up to 1992]
- [P010] Net interest income as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P011] Interest received as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P012] Interest paid as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P020] Net commission income as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P021] Commissions received as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P022] Commissions paid as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P050] Allgemeine Verwaltungsaufwendungen insgesamt (inkl. Abschreibungen und Wertberichtigungen auf immaterielle Werte und Sachanlagen) in % der durchschnittlichen Bilanzsumme
- [P052] Other administrative spending (including depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible and intangible assets, excluding assets leased) as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P054] Staff costs as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P060] Partial operating result as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P062] Operating income as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P065] Operating result before the valuation of assets as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P070] Result from the trading portfolio as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P072] Result from the valuation of assets (other than tangible or financial fixed assets) as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P074] Other operating result as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P080] Operating result as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P090] Other and extraordinary result as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P100] Profit for the financial year before tax as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P110] Withdrawals from or transfers to (-) reserves and participation rights capital including profit/loss (-) brought forward as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P130] Taxes on income and earnings as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P140] Profit or loss (-) for the financial year as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P200] Balance sheet profit or loss (-) as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [P74A] Net other income or charges as a percentage of the average balance sheet total [up to 1992]
- [S010] Net interest income as a percentage of operating income
- [S012] Interest received from lending and money market transactions as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S014] Interest received from debt securities and Debt Register claims as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S020] Net commission income as a percentage of operating income
- [S022] Current income from shares and other variable-rate securities as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S024] Current income from participating interests as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S026] Current income from shares in affiliated enterprises as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S030] Profits transferred under profit pooling, a profit transfer agreement or a partial profit transfer agreement as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S050] General administrative spending as a percentage of operating income
- [S052] Other administrative spending as a percentage of operating income
- [S054] Staff costs as a percentage of operating income
- [S070] Result from the trading portfolio as a percentage of operating income
- [S072] Result from the valuation of assets as a percentage of operating income
- [S074] Other operating result as a percentage of operating income
- [S090] Other and extraordinary result as a percentage of operating income
- [S100] Profit for the financial year before tax as a percentage of operating income
- [S130] Taxes on income and earnings as a percentage of operating income
- [S140] Profit for the financial year after tax as a percentage of operating income
- [S220] Total current income as a percentage of annual average total assets
- [S300] General administrative spending in relation to gross earnings
[BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG] Original maturity
- [X] Not applicable
[BBK_BS_DATA_TYPE] Data type
- [1] Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
- [X] Not specified data type
[BBK_BS_COUNT_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
- [X0] Not applicable
- [Z5] World not allocated (geographically)
[BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC] Counterpart Sector
- [0000] Unspecified counterpart sector
- [9999] Not applicable
[BBK_STD_CURRENCY] Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies)
- [Z01] All currencies
- [Z0Z] Not applicable
Search filters
Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ] (1)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA] (1)
Adjustment (BBk) [BBK_STD_ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Reference sector breakdown [BBK_BS_REF_SEC] (15)
Profit/Loss Item [BBK_BSPL_ITEM] (118)
Original maturity [BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG] (1)
Data type [BBK_BS_DATA_TYPE] (2)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_BS_COUNT_AREA] (2)
Counterpart Sector [BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC] (2)
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY] (2)
This dataset has 823 series:
- from
- 1976=2,460
- to
- 2023=2,392
- min:
- 1,901
- max:
- 7,871
- avg:
- 4,449.979
- σ:
- 1,277.932
- from
- 1989=NA
- to
- 2023=1,743
- min:
- 1,277
- max:
- 2,488
- avg:
- 1,818.903
- σ:
- 281.245
- from
- 1976=961
- to
- 2023=809
- min:
- 647
- max:
- 2,411
- avg:
- 1,305.479
- σ:
- 533.906
- from
- 1976=421
- to
- 2023=262
- min:
- 78
- max:
- 1,060
- avg:
- 390.396
- σ:
- 204.14
- from
- 1993=26
- to
- 2023=187
- min:
- 12
- max:
- 1,008
- avg:
- 185.484
- σ:
- 222.422
- from
- 1993=0
- to
- 2023=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 24
- avg:
- 7.774
- σ:
- 7.749
- from
- 1976=1,133
- to
- 2023=1,565
- min:
- 974
- max:
- 3,261
- avg:
- 1,614.813
- σ:
- 514.982
- from
- 1988=NA
- to
- 2023=89
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 129
- avg:
- 24.903
- σ:
- 37.216
- from
- 1993=0
- to
- 2023=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 125
- avg:
- 16.71
- σ:
- 33.495
- from
- 1993=17.77
- to
- 2023=4.14
- min:
- 1.41
- max:
- 25.75
- avg:
- 9.223
- σ:
- 5.686
Series code | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A010.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | 2460 | 2658 | 2879 | 3211 | 3663 | 4245 | 4515 | 4405 | 4591 | 4673 | 4591 | 4447 | 4449 | 4647 | 4986 | 5301 | 5751 | 6136 | 6334 | 6658 | 6851 | 7281 | 7871 | 4198 | 4523 | 4800 | 4857 | 4878 | 4916 | 4965 | 5210 | 4917 | 4938 | 4603 | 4612 | 4464 | 4429 | 4237 | 4089 | 3977 | 3730 | 3361 | 3008 | 3128 | 2583 | 2280 | 1901 | 2392 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A020.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1983 | 2028 | 2055 | 2488 | 2335 | 2450 | 1421 | 1277 | 1316 | 1421 | 1835 | 1571 | 1629 | 1690 | 1647 | 1851 | 1617 | 1765 | 1892 | 1934 | 2010 | 1886 | 1965 | 1763 | 1707 | 1795 | 1857 | 1763 | 1684 | 2008 | 1743 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A052.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | 961 | 1035 | 1174 | 1217 | 1349 | 1376 | 1409 | 1462 | 1547 | 1625 | 1675 | 1699 | 1714 | 1778 | 1888 | 2081 | 2176 | 2222 | 2172 | 2319 | 2318 | 2327 | 2411 | 1277 | 1251 | 1193 | 1189 | 1139 | 1135 | 1132 | 1080 | 955 | 972 | 885 | 814 | 807 | 758 | 701 | 752 | 721 | 692 | 719 | 696 | 647 | 661 | 752 | 991 | 809 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A130.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | 421 | 487 | 392 | 352 | 471 | 550 | 720 | 577 | 555 | 608 | 524 | 466 | 340 | 511 | 416 | 734 | 698 | 606 | 1060 | 462 | 543 | 433 | 636 | 438 | 620 | 373 | 421 | 296 | 320 | 325 | 184 | 287 | 274 | 267 | 309 | 191 | 172 | 194 | 255 | 78 | 160 | 155 | 137 | 105 | 98 | 113 | 143 | 262 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A160.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 26 | 41 | 39 | 84 | 295 | 266 | 25 | 142 | 19 | 20 | 24 | 31 | 35 | 26 | 12 | 25 | 125 | 156 | 1008 | 321 | 127 | 437 | 235 | 557 | 695 | 173 | 257 | 63 | 74 | 225 | 187 |
[A.DE.N.BA.A170.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0 | 24 | 16 | 15 | 13 | 16 | 7 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 13 | 8 | 11 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 13 | 19 | 17 | 24 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.DE.N.BA.E040.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | 1133 | 1240 | 1336 | 1476 | 1381 | 974 | 1234 | 1139 | 1140 | 1208 | 1241 | 1413 | 1617 | 1637 | 2128 | 2668 | 2184 | 2571 | 2716 | 2538 | 2658 | 2633 | 3261 | 1468 | 1583 | 1446 | 1469 | 1789 | 1573 | 1591 | 1485 | 1425 | 1516 | 1305 | 1388 | 1395 | 1403 | 1381 | 1339 | 1375 | 1260 | 1226 | 1295 | 1309 | 1270 | 1295 | 1834 | 1565 |
[A.DE.N.BA.E130.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 51 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 27 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 65 | 1 | 29 | 113 | 26 | 40 | 108 | 129 | 89 |
[A.DE.N.BA.E140.X.1.Z5.0000.Z01.D] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 94 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 125 | 59 | 85 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 42 | 78 | 0 |
[A.DE.N.BA.EK11.X.X.Z5.0000.Z0Z.P0] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 17.77 | 21.52 | 10.88 | 12.88 | 13.08 | 14.12 | 12.73 | 25.75 | 10.3 | 10.48 | 7.73 | 8.08 | 8.4 | 3.93 | 5.98 | 6.07 | 9.53 | 9.19 | 17.86 | 7.65 | 4.97 | 8.43 | 4.49 | 8.87 | 9.18 | 2.21 | 3.83 | 1.66 | 1.41 | 2.79 | 4.14 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 823