[BUBA] Bundesbank
Updated on DBnomics on March 28, 2025 (1:36 AM)
[BBEE5] BBEE5 [BBFDV] DSI für SFDI - SP10 - Publication time series [BBFD1] BBFD1 [BBFN1] External positions of enterprises (Publication Level) [BBAI3] Deutsche Bundesbank, Insurance Corporations and Pension Undertakings Statistics [BBASV] Deutsche Bundesbank, Statistics on Insurance Corporations (Solvency I + II) [BBBP1] Profit and loss [BBBPS] BBBPS [BBBZ1] Payments Statistics [BBMME] BBMME [BBMMS] MMSR-Aggregats - Secured Market Segment [BBMMU] BBMMU [BBSDP] Number of customer deposit accounts for publication [BBSF3] Performance Indices Investment Funds BBk [BBSIS] BBSIS [BBBU2] Bank Lending Survey [BBTHB] BBTHB [BBAPV] Deutsche Bundesbank, Statistics on Insurance Corporations (Solvency I + II) [BBMMB] Euro Short-Term Rate [BBQFS] Financial Stability [BBMF1] Financial market data [BBSF2] Investmentfonds BBk [BBSSP] Sales and Purchases [BBSHI] Securities Issues Statistics (Shares) [BBSAP] WPInvest aggregates for publication [BBDE1] Short-term economic indicators (classified by economic sector) [BBDZ1] System of indicators for the German commercial property market [BBFI1] Balance of Payments [BBK01] BBK01 [BBNZ1] National Accounts - ESA 2010 (revision 2019) [BBUOP] Expectation survey individuals [BBXE1] Leading indicators of foreign countries [BBXF1] Government Finance of foreign countries [BBXL3] Labour Market and Population of foreign countries [BBXP1] Consumer Prices of foreign countries [BBXS1] Business and consumer surveys of foreign countries [BBFI3] BBFI3 [BBFB1] Balance of Payments [BBDG1] Commodities [BBDL1] BBDL1 [BBXN1] National Accounts of foreign countries [BBDP1] BBDP1 [BBDR1] Real Estate Prices [BBDY1] System of indicators of the German residential property market [BBSA1] BBSA1 [BBDB2] consolidated financial statement statistics [BBEE1] Effective Exchange Rates [BBEX3] BBEX3 [BBSSY] BBSSY [BBSDI] Discount interest rates pursuant to section 253 (2) of the German Commercial Code [BBK10] BBK10 [BBFBOPV] Balance of Payments Statistics (publication level with 17-DIM) [BBBK10] BBBK10 [BBBK11] BBBK11 [BBBK12] BBBK12 [BBBK4] BBBK4 [BBBK5] BBBK5 [BBBK6] BBBK6 [BBBK7] BBBK7 [BBBK8] BBBK8 [BBBK9] BBBK9 [BBUMF] BBUMF [BBBEK1] BBBEK1 [BBSEI] Expectation of inflation rate and expected real interest rates [BBMFK1] BBMFK1 [BBIB1] Bundesbank's interest rate statistics [BBIM1] MFI interest rate statistics [BBIG1] Money market [BBAF3] BBAF3 [BBFFDITV] BBFFDITV [BBFEPOEV] External positions of enterprises (Publication Level)