Profit and loss (IFRS-group) [BBBPS]

Updated on DBnomics on May 30, 2022 (6:22 AM)

Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA]
Reference sector breakdown [BBK_BS_REF_SEC]
Profit/Loss Item [BBK_BSPL_IFRS_ITEM]
Original maturity [BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG]
Data type [BBK_BS_DATA_TYPE]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_BS_COUNT_AREA]
Counterpart Sector [BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]

Dataset has 7 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2008-Q12008-Q22008-Q32008-Q42009-Q12009-Q22009-Q32009-Q42010-Q12010-Q22010-Q32010-Q42011-Q12011-Q22011-Q32011-Q42012-Q12012-Q22012-Q32012-Q42013-Q12013-Q22013-Q32013-Q42014-Q12014-Q22014-Q32014-Q42015-Q12015-Q22015-Q32015-Q42016-Q12016-Q22016-Q32016-Q42017-Q12017-Q22017-Q32017-Q42018-Q12018-Q22018-Q32018-Q42019-Q12019-Q22019-Q32019-Q42020-Q12020-Q22020-Q32020-Q42021-Q12021-Q22021-Q3
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I010.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E 8.333 8.84 9.197 10.873 10.384 9.479 9.93 9.905 10.075 10.631 9.681 10.267 9.847 10.528 10.254 9.987 9.771 9.85 9.269 9.745 8.732 8.976 8.704 8.949 7.809 8.929 8.486 8.361 9.168 9.125 8.313 9.048 8.486 8.287 7.461 6.832 7.339 7.166 7.344 7.275 7.021 7.526 7.43 8.782 7.321 7.725 7.609 7.495 7.622 7.455 6.668 6.822 7.068 6.882 6.874
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I020.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E 1.009 0.677 2.488 5.617 2.901 5.493 4.608 6.409 2.401 1.919 1.533 1.599 1.078 0.457 1.347 1.926 1.002 1.63 2.1 2.194 1.396 1.653 1.977 2.123 0.358 0.73 0.97 2.433 0.403 0.707 0.723 1.11 1.147 1.12 1.707 2.506 0.692 1.041 0.931 2.048 -0.106 0.156 0.432 2.727 0.226 0.529 0.583 0.487 1.657 2.162 1.343 1.572 0.203 0.165 0.076
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I040.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E 4.906 4.94 4.786 4.535 4.596 4.742 4.79 4.714 5.082 5.176 4.995 5.258 5.345 5.146 4.802 4.396 4.868 4.668 5.051 4.989 5.026 5.073 5.057 4.971 5.038 5.099 5.142 5.366 5.171 5.6 5.125 5.497 5.026 5.011 5.107 5.155 5.257 5.025 4.645 4.752 4.792 4.741 4.575 4.354 4.518 4.577 4.526 4.621 4.7 4.428 4.574 4.79 5.515 5.259 5.348
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I070.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E -0.947 3.311 -5.2 -17.341 2.356 1.238 -0.22 -5.246 5.339 2.178 1.319 2.524 6.812 4.235 -0.986 -1.035 4.773 2.362 2.931 -2.624 4.413 3.567 1.004 -1.991 4.406 3.252 1.119 0.449 4.297 3.448 -4.191 -0.833 2.106 2.485 0.772 -2.947 3.086 2.027 2.888 -1.118 2.063 2.603 1.681 -1.58 1.498 1.323 1.654 0.579 0.307 1.344 1.708 -1.148 3.589 2.858 3.125
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I090.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E 9.778 14.252 8.845 3.086 17.709 19.143 18.689 14.651 19.744 15.368 16.714 16.923 19.635 17.736 13.092 14.21 18.478 15.551 17.193 15.202 18.062 16.758 14.506 14.009 15.78 15.951 14.769 14.754 18.128 16.831 14.791 13.885 15.683 14.32 14.054 12.828 15.08 14.287 13.511 13.034 13.804 13.04 13.094 12.51 13.213 13.183 12.247 12.536 12.455 13.404 12.925 13.026 15.01 13.915 13.813
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I100.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E -3.461 0.472 -5.138 -12.322 2.729 4.922 3.969 0.032 4.587 -0.439 2.038 1.398 4.443 2.062 -1.964 -0.173 3.839 1.033 2.873 0.468 4.304 2.709 0.745 0.089 2.933 1.923 1.141 1.027 3.789 2.106 1.353 -0.66 2.171 1.022 1.486 0.841 2.484 2.096 1.522 1.007 1.991 0.773 1.089 -0.626 1.374 0.881 0.112 0.42 0.133 1.521 1.683 1.414 2.427 1.774 1.591
Q.DE.N.SG1100.I400.X.X.Z5.0000.Z01.E 10.32 9.975 9.564 9.851 11.076 11.657 11.373 11.178 11.869 11.567 11.71 12.203 12.584 11.667 11.445 11.926 12.013 11.791 11.696 13.973 11.44 11.87 12.176 12.916 11.416 11.691 12.437 12.442 14.144 13.289 12.575 13.421 12.614 11.372 11.604 13.351 12.123 10.884 10.846 11.957 12.296 10.878 10.917 11.042 11.775 10.947 10.164 10.761 11.045 10.401 10.023 10.08 11.183 10.289 10.528
Dimension codes and labels
[BBK_STD_FREQ] Frequency (BBk)
  • [Q] Quarterly
[BBK_STD_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
  • [DE] Germany
  • [N] Unadjusted figure
[BBK_BS_REF_SEC] Reference sector breakdown
  • [SG1100] ESRB set of indicators
[BBK_BSPL_IFRS_ITEM] Profit/Loss Item
  • [I010] Net interest income
  • [I020] Risk provisioning in lending business
  • [I040] Net comission and fee income
  • [I070] Pre-tax profit
  • [I090] Operating income
  • [I100] Net gains or losses on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
  • [I400] General administrative spending
[BBK_BS_MATURITY_ORIG] Original maturity
  • [X] Not applicable
[BBK_BS_DATA_TYPE] Data type
  • [X] Not specified data type
[BBK_BS_COUNT_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
  • [Z5] World not allocated (geographically)
[BBK_BS_COUNT_SEC] Counterpart Sector
  • [0000] Unspecified counterpart sector
[BBK_STD_CURRENCY] Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies)
  • [Z01] All currencies
Technical links