[BBDB2] consolidated financial statement statistics
Updated on DBnomics on December 19, 2024 (2:57 AM).
[BBK_STD_FREQ] Frequency (BBk)
- [A] Annual
- [H] Semiannual
[BBK_STD_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
- [DE] Germany
- [N] Unadjusted figure
[BBK_DOBS_COMPANY] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Firm
- [A] Total
- [BN2BCDEF] Groups in the production sector - section B-F
- [BN2GHIJLMNOPQRS] Non-financial services - section G-S without K
[BBK_DOBS_BALANCETYPE] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Balance Type
- [C] Consolidated financial statements, non-financial corporations
[BBK_DOBS_ACCOUNTING] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Financial Accounting
[BBK_DOBS_LISTING] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Listing
- [B] Listed
[BBK_DOBS_SIZE] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Size
- [A] All Sizes
[BBK_DOBS_LEGALFORM] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Legal Form
- [K] Incorporated firms
[BBK_DOBS_INDICATORCATEGORY] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Indicator Category
- [A] Assets
- [E] Profit situation
- [P] Liabilities
[BBK_DOBS_INDICATOR] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Indicator
- [A001] Total assets
- [A003] Intangible fixed assets
- [A007] Tangible fixed assets
- [A009] Financial assets
- [A011] Non-current assets
- [A013] Trade receivables
- [A015] Inventories
- [A017] Cash & cash equivalents
- [A019] Current assets
- [E001] Sales
- [E027] Operating result
- [E039] EBITDA
- [P003] Equity
- [P007] Debt
- [P009] Long-term debt
- [P011] Short-term debt
- [P015] Long-term financial debt
- [P017] Short-term financial debt
- [P039] Trade payables
[BBK_DOBS_BASIS] Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Basis
- [ABA] Absolute value
- [PPGJ] Year-on-year change in percentage points
- [V25] Ratio, 1st quartile
- [V50] Ratio, median (2nd quartile)
- [V75] Ratio, 3rd quartile
- [VGJ] Year-on-year percentage change
- [VWM] Ratio, weighted arithmetic mean
[BBK_DO_SUFFIX] Series suffix (Germany)
- [A] Free
Search filters
Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ] (2)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_AREA] (1)
Adjustment (BBk) [BBK_STD_ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Firm [BBK_DOBS_COMPANY] (3)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Balance Type [BBK_DOBS_BALANCETYPE] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Financial Accounting [BBK_DOBS_ACCOUNTING] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Listing [BBK_DOBS_LISTING] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Size [BBK_DOBS_SIZE] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Legal Form [BBK_DOBS_LEGALFORM] (1)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Indicator Category [BBK_DOBS_INDICATORCATEGORY] (3)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Indicator [BBK_DOBS_INDICATOR] (19)
Corporate Balance Sheet Analysis Basis [BBK_DOBS_BASIS] (7)
Series suffix (Germany) [BBK_DO_SUFFIX] (1)
This dataset has 282 series:
- from
- 2007=1,498,916,563
- to
- 2023=3,320,456,299
- min:
- 1,498,916,563
- max:
- 3,431,634,958
- avg:
- 2,311,412,477.882
- σ:
- 623,658,601.982
- from
- 2007=289,846,114
- to
- 2023=699,204,157
- min:
- 289,846,114
- max:
- 713,460,939
- avg:
- 474,081,831.824
- σ:
- 139,826,728.212
- from
- 2007=19.34
- to
- 2023=21.06
- min:
- 18.72
- max:
- 21.32
- avg:
- 20.362
- σ:
- 0.753
- from
- 2007=380,433,385
- to
- 2023=823,214,997
- min:
- 380,433,385
- max:
- 823,214,997
- avg:
- 578,715,829.353
- σ:
- 143,324,787.8
- from
- 2007=25.38
- to
- 2023=24.79
- min:
- 23.44
- max:
- 26.61
- avg:
- 25.188
- σ:
- 0.89
- from
- 2007=178,895,834
- to
- 2023=385,452,665
- min:
- 178,895,834
- max:
- 414,016,493
- avg:
- 276,327,861
- σ:
- 71,873,676.884
- from
- 2007=11.94
- to
- 2023=11.61
- min:
- 11.14
- max:
- 12.47
- avg:
- 11.986
- σ:
- 0.361
- from
- 2007=900,348,556
- to
- 2023=2,038,686,262
- min:
- 900,348,556
- max:
- 2,057,037,738
- avg:
- 1,417,589,113.176
- σ:
- 381,054,933.884
- from
- 2007=60.07
- to
- 2023=61.4
- min:
- 59.36
- max:
- 63.19
- avg:
- 61.319
- σ:
- 1.195
- from
- 2007=152,614,618
- to
- 2023=259,859,115
- min:
- 143,246,026
- max:
- 268,252,131
- avg:
- 203,312,578.706
- σ:
- 39,322,910.959
Series code | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A001.ABA.A] | 1498916563 | 1584065532 | 1590081249 | 1711055781 | 1800423660 | 1865499251 | 1900613663 | 2077114773 | 2223293327 | 2363667951 | 2395638577 | 2588963368 | 2800562576 | 2850016886 | 3292007710 | 3431634958 | 3320456299 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A003.ABA.A] | 289846114 | 306130456 | 313549271 | 331565878 | 337119322 | 377954461 | 384673643 | 430500894 | 469704280 | 492242769 | 498621883 | 540809432 | 586329506 | 607571432 | 680106704 | 713460939 | 699204157 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A003.VWM.A] | 19.34 | 19.33 | 19.72 | 19.38 | 18.72 | 20.26 | 20.24 | 20.73 | 21.13 | 20.83 | 20.81 | 20.89 | 20.94 | 21.32 | 20.66 | 20.79 | 21.06 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A007.ABA.A] | 380433385 | 399904092 | 423174686 | 445339837 | 462473125 | 475865421 | 485146984 | 520516568 | 565196383 | 595387472 | 602394579 | 610768188 | 737145877 | 733109560 | 773831829 | 804266116 | 823214997 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A007.VWM.A] | 25.38 | 25.25 | 26.61 | 26.03 | 25.69 | 25.51 | 25.53 | 25.06 | 25.42 | 25.19 | 25.15 | 23.59 | 26.32 | 25.72 | 23.51 | 23.44 | 24.79 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A009.ABA.A] | 178895834 | 181246065 | 188746457 | 210906328 | 224525869 | 232063877 | 232411302 | 249579248 | 273130518 | 288867356 | 295895611 | 288471072 | 333435213 | 335141880 | 384787849 | 414016493 | 385452665 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A009.VWM.A] | 11.94 | 11.44 | 11.87 | 12.33 | 12.47 | 12.44 | 12.23 | 12.02 | 12.28 | 12.22 | 12.35 | 11.14 | 11.91 | 11.76 | 11.69 | 12.06 | 11.61 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A011.ABA.A] | 900348556 | 942405985 | 980649712 | 1050503599 | 1089759100 | 1152787532 | 1170520137 | 1283610469 | 1393329089 | 1476311873 | 1487820852 | 1536685030 | 1769670015 | 1797323884 | 1971565091 | 2057037738 | 2038686262 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A011.VWM.A] | 60.07 | 59.49 | 61.67 | 61.4 | 60.53 | 61.8 | 61.59 | 61.8 | 62.67 | 62.46 | 62.11 | 59.36 | 63.19 | 63.06 | 59.89 | 59.94 | 61.4 |
[A.DE.N.A.C.IFRS.B.A.K.A.A013.ABA.A] | 152614618 | 160323329 | 143246026 | 166453717 | 176742847 | 174477957 | 175461168 | 186861197 | 189994135 | 217299225 | 224984296 | 234746034 | 237586762 | 225887324 | 261523957 | 268252131 | 259859115 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 282