Indices of exchange rate effects in the international investment position [BBEE5]

Updated on DBnomics on October 5, 2023 (3:18 AM)

Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ]
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_STD_REF_AREA]
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY]
Accounting entry (asset, liability, net) [BBK_ES_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY]
Resident sector of the compiling economy [BBK_ES_REF_SECTOR]
Functional category [BBK_ES_FUNCTIONAL_CAT]
Type of financial instrument [BBK_ES_INSTR_ASSETS_CLASSIF]
Original maturity [BBK_ES_MATURITY_ORIG]
Type code list [BBK_EREI_TYPE]
Suffix (Indices of exchange rate effects on IIP) code list [BBK_EREI_SUFFIX]

Dataset has 102 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2012-Q42013-Q12013-Q22013-Q32013-Q42014-Q12014-Q22014-Q32014-Q42015-Q12015-Q22015-Q32015-Q42016-Q12016-Q22016-Q32016-Q42017-Q12017-Q22017-Q32017-Q42018-Q12018-Q22018-Q32018-Q42019-Q12019-Q22019-Q32019-Q42020-Q12020-Q22020-Q32020-Q42021-Q12021-Q22021-Q32021-Q42022-Q12022-Q22022-Q3
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F._Z.I.000 100 100.18 99.57 99.24 98.85 98.83 99.35 101.08 101.62 105.11 104.52 103.86 104.46 102.89 103.02 102.55 103.61 103.38 101.81 101.09 100.75 100.45 101.25 101.29 101.44 102.23 101.63 102.53 102.22 102.42 101.83 101.05 100.38 101.48 101.26 101.77 102.51 102.91 104.07 105.15
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F5._Z.I.000 100 100.05 99.47 99.27 98.9 98.88 99.45 101.23 101.76 105.47 104.87 104.12 104.73 103.07 103.17 102.65 103.73 103.5 101.91 101.19 100.85 100.59 101.33 101.36 101.49 102.34 101.7 102.6 102.33 102.51 101.9 101.11 100.44 101.59 101.36 101.9 102.71 103.12 104.32 105.43
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F511._Z.I.000 100 99.55 99.19 99.28 98.91 99.03 99.37 99.93 99.78 101.8 101.55 101.32 101.4 101.17 101.07 100.89 101.03 101.03 100.74 100.48 100.35 100.3 100.44 100.51 100.52 100.73 100.6 100.82 100.87 100.93 100.79 100.66 100.6 100.63 100.65 100.7 100.91 100.93 101.05 101.2
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F512._Z.I.000 100 100.17 99.58 99.29 98.89 98.86 99.42 101.35 101.98 105.93 105.2 104.49 105.18 103.47 103.66 103.17 104.34 104.09 102.4 101.64 101.3 101 101.82 101.83 102 102.85 102.2 103.17 102.8 103.07 102.44 101.56 100.79 102 101.74 102.38 103.25 103.75 105.19 106.53
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.F519._Z.I.000 100 99.97 99.39 99.26 98.9 98.89 99.5 101.2 101.7 105.27 104.79 103.95 104.53 102.82 102.83 102.27 103.3 103.1 101.51 100.81 100.47 100.22 100.92 100.97 101.08 101.95 101.28 102.17 101.98 102.07 101.46 100.71 100.11 101.28 101.06 101.53 102.32 102.67 103.7 104.63
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D.FL._Z.I.000 100 100.61 99.91 99.16 98.71 98.73 99.08 100.65 101.22 104.05 103.46 103.09 103.65 102.35 102.58 102.24 103.24 103.01 101.52 100.78 100.44 100.02 101 101.06 101.27 101.88 101.4 102.28 101.85 102.13 101.61 100.87 100.21 101.14 100.93 101.36 101.88 102.23 103.25 104.24
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D1.FL._Z.I.000 100 100.63 99.9 99.13 98.57 98.58 99.13 101.3 102.09 106.24 105.44 104.83 105.64 103.7 103.96 103.42 104.84 104.53 102.38 101.34 100.86 100.28 101.67 101.72 102.03 102.94 102.23 103.42 102.86 103.2 102.5 101.62 100.87 102.11 101.86 102.39 103.11 103.5 104.71 105.81
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D2.FL._Z.I.000 100 100.52 99.88 99.2 99.01 99.02 99.12 99.55 99.71 100.45 100.29 100.24 100.39 100.06 100.17 100.11 100.46 100.38 99.99 99.78 99.68 99.52 99.77 99.8 99.86 99.99 99.88 100.2 99.99 100.16 99.97 99.55 99.09 99.59 99.45 99.71 99.94 100.17 100.67 101.2
Q.DE._T.A.S1.D3.FL._Z.I.000 100 100.62 99.94 99.19 98.79 98.8 98.99 100.12 100.53 102.25 101.79 101.64 102.02 101.33 101.57 101.41 102.07 101.91 101.01 100.56 100.33 100.06 100.68 100.76 100.87 101.24 100.99 101.64 101.32 101.52 101.16 100.48 99.89 100.52 100.34 100.7 101.09 101.44 102.47 103.59
Q.DE._T.A.S1.O.F._Z.I.000 100 100.28 99.84 99.45 99.09 99.12 99.41 100.93 101.54 104.57 103.93 103.59 104.19 103.14 103.51 103.29 104.32 104.09 102.79 102.1 101.77 101.38 102.26 102.4 102.57 103.04 102.71 103.52 103.18 103.46 103.01 102.34 101.8 102.47 102.3 102.65 103.13 103.39 104.36 105.24
Dimension codes and labels
[BBK_STD_FREQ] Frequency (BBk)
  • [Q] Quarterly
[BBK_STD_REF_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
  • [DE] Germany
[BBK_STD_CURRENCY] Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies)
  • [_T] All currencies of denomination (according to BPM6)
[BBK_ES_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting entry (asset, liability, net)
  • [A] Assets (Net Acquisition of)
  • [L] Liabilities (Net Incurrence of)
[BBK_ES_REF_SECTOR] Resident sector of the compiling economy
  • [S1] Total economy
  • [S121] Central bank
  • [S12M] Financial corporations other than MFIs
  • [S12T] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
  • [S13] General government
  • [S1V] Non financial corporations, households and NPISH
[BBK_ES_FUNCTIONAL_CAT] Functional category
  • [D] Direct investment
  • [D1] Direct investor in direct investment enterprises
  • [D2] Direct investment enterprises in direct investor
  • [D3] Direct investment between fellow enterprises
  • [O] Other Investment
  • [P] Portfolio investment
  • [R] Reserve Assets
  • [_T] All functional categories
[BBK_ES_INSTR_ASSETS_CLASSIF] Type of financial instrument
  • [F] Total financial assets/liabilities
  • [F12] SDRs
  • [F2] Currency and deposits
  • [F3] Debt securities
  • [F4] Loans
  • [F5] Equity and investment fund shares/units
  • [F51] Equity
  • [F511] Listed shares
  • [F512] Unlisted shares
  • [F519] Other equity
  • [F52] Investment fund shares/units
  • [F6] Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
  • [F81] Trade credits and advances
  • [F89] Other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
  • [FL] Debt instruments (FDI)
[BBK_ES_MATURITY_ORIG] Original maturity
  • [L] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity)
  • [S] Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year)
  • [T] All original maturities
  • [_Z] Not applicable
[BBK_EREI_TYPE] Type code list
  • [I] Index
[BBK_EREI_SUFFIX] Suffix (Indices of exchange rate effects on IIP) code list
  • [000] All users
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