DBnomics, the world's economic database

[BBFEPOEV] External positions of enterprises (Publication Level)

Updated on DBnomics on August 14, 2024 (2:01 AM).

Search filters
Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ] (1)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_REF_AREA] (1)
Adjustment (BBk) [BBK_STD_ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Data typ (stock, (derived) transactions, exchange rate changes, other changes) [BBK_ESNB_DATA_TYPE] (1)
Accounting entry (asset, liability, net) [BBK_ES_ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] (2)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_COUNT_AREA] (98)
Resident sector of the compiling economy [BBK_ES_REF_SECTOR] (1)
Type of financial instrument [BBK_ESNB_INSTR_CLASSIFIC] (5)
Original maturity [BBK_ES_MATURITY_ORIG] (3)
Non-resident counterpart sector [BBK_ESNB_COUNTERPART] (4)
Area (ISO currency codes, list of currencies) [BBK_STD_CURRENCY] (3)
Foreign interest [BBK_ESNB_INTEREST] (1)
Economic activity [BBK_ES_ECON_ACT] (1)
Denomination of series [BBK_ESNB_SERIES_DENOM] (1)

This dataset has 1,696 series: