[INSEE] Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
Updated on DBnomics on March 28, 2025 (11:18 AM)
[CNA-2010-CONSO-SI] Final consumption expenditure by institutional sectors - Results by transaction and product [CNA-2010-EMPLOI] Domestic employment, hours worked and hourly productivity [CNA-2014-PAT-NF] Balance sheet accounts for non-financials assets [DEMANDES-EMPLOIS-NATIONALES] Job seekers at Pôle Emploi [ENQ-CONJ-IND-BAT] Outlook survey in the building construction industry [ODD-CONSOMMATION-PRODUCTION] Sustainable Development Goal n°12 : Consumption and responsible production [ODD-EAU-PROPRE-ASSAINISSEMENT] Sustainable Development Goal n°6 : Clean water and sanitation [ODD-REDUCTION-INEGALITES] Sustainable Development Goal n°10 : Reducing inequalities [REVALORISATION-PENSIONS] CPI for calculating alimony payments [AMNGT_TER] Town and country planning [METHODES] Méthodes
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