[ENQ-CONJ-SERV] Outlook survey in services
Updated by provider on February 21, 2025 (12:00 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [S] Semi-annual
- [T] Quarterly
[INDICATEUR] Indicators
- [CLIMAT_AFFAIRES] Business climate summary indicator
- [ECS_ACCACQ] % of enterprises considering increasing their fleet in the next 3 months by equipment acquisition
- [ECS_ACCLOC] % of enterprises considering increasing their fleet in the next 3 months by rental (excluding leasing)
- [ECS_ACHEXT] % of enterprises having purchased vehicles over the last 3 months to extend their fleet
- [ECS_ACHNON] % of enterprises having purchased no vehicles over the last 3 months
- [ECS_ACHREM] % of enterprises having purchased vehicles over the last 3 months for replacement
- [ECS_BAUT] Barriers to hiring - Others
- [ECS_BCOTIS] Barriers to hiring - Social contributions too high
- [ECS_BECO] Barriers to hiring - Uncertainty about the economic situation
- [ECS_BEMB] Percentage of companies experiencing barriers to hiring
- [ECS_BJUR] Barriers to hiring - Legal risks associated with dismissal procedure
- [ECS_BLEG] Barriers to hiring - Uncertainties about the labour legislation
- [ECS_BLIC] Barriers to hiring - Dismissal costs
- [ECS_BMO] Barriers to hiring - Unavailability of skilled labour
- [ECS_BRECRU] Barriers to hiring - Recruitment costs
- [ECS_BSAL] Barriers to hiring - Wage level too high
- [ECS_CAPA_E] Past trend of activity
- [ECS_CAPRE_E] Expected trend of activity
- [ECS_CAXPA] Past trend in activity abroad
- [ECS_CAXPRE] Expected trend in activity abroad
- [ECS_CONCPE] Trend over the last 6 months in competition with foreign enterprises from countries of Central and Eastern Europe
- [ECS_CONCPN] Trend over the last 6 months in competition with foreign enterprises from countries of Northern Europe in its broadest sense
- [ECS_CONCPS] Trend over the last 6 months in competition with foreign enterprises from countries of Southern Europe
- [ECS_COUT] Barriers to hiring - Barriers linked with labor costs
- [ECS_DEM_E] Expected trend of demand
- [ECS_DICAD] Percentage of enterprises having difficulties in recruiting managers
- [ECS_DIFAU] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by other factors
- [ECS_DIFDEM] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted only by demand-related factors
- [ECS_DIFDI] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by insufficient demand
- [ECS_DIFE] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by equipment or plant shortages
- [ECS_DIFFI] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by financial factors
- [ECS_DIFMO] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by personnel shortages or growing difficulties
- [ECS_DIFNUL] Enterprises that do not experience obstacles to activity growth
- [ECS_DIFOD] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted by supply and demand-related factors
- [ECS_DIFOFF] % of enterprises whose activity is restricted only by supply-related factors
- [ECS_DINCAD] Percentage of enterprises having difficulties in recruiting non-managers
- [ECS_DINROU] Percentage of enterprises having difficulties in recruiting non travelling personnel
- [ECS_DIREC] Percentage of enterprises having difficulties in recruiting personnel
- [ECS_DIROU] Percentage of enterprises having difficulties in recruiting travelling personnel
- [ECS_DITRE] Cash position
- [ECS_INCERT] Economic uncertainty felt
- [ECS_INVTANDE] Annual trend in investment: expected in April for the current year
- [ECS_INVTANQE] Annual trend in investment: observed in April of the following year
- [ECS_INVTC_BATICONS] Observed annual trend in investment by asset - Lands, buildings and infrastructures
- [ECS_INVTC_BATIPRE] Expected annual trend in investment by asset - Lands, buildings and infrastructures
- [ECS_INVTC_EQPCONS] Observed annual trend in investment by asset - Machinery and equipment
- [ECS_INVTC_EQPPRE] Expected annual trend in investment by asset - Machinery and equipment
- [ECS_INVTC_IMMATCONS] Observed annual trend in investment by asset - Intangible investments
- [ECS_INVTC_IMMATPRE] Expected annual trend in investment by asset - Intangible investments
- [ECS_INVTD_AUCONS] Destination of investment for the current year - Other purposes
- [ECS_INVTD_AUPRE] Expected destination of investment - Other purposes
- [ECS_INVTD_CAPCONS] Destination of investment for the current year - Extension of productive capacity
- [ECS_INVTD_CAPPRE] Expected destination of investment - Extension of productive capacity
- [ECS_INVTD_MODCONS] Destination des investissements pour l'année en cours - Modernisation, rationalisation
- [ECS_INVTD_MODPRE] Expected destination of investment - Modernising, streamlining
- [ECS_INVTD_REMCONS] Destination of investment for the current year - Replacement of installations or equipment
- [ECS_INVTD_REMPRE] Expected destination of investment - Replacement of installations or equipment
- [ECS_INVTF_AUCONS] Factors stimulating investment for the current year - Other factors
- [ECS_INVTF_AUPRE] Factors stimulating expected investment - Other factors
- [ECS_INVTF_DEMCONS] Factors stimulating investment for the current year - Demand
- [ECS_INVTF_DEMPRE] Factors stimulating expected investment - Demand
- [ECS_INVTF_FINCONS] Factors stimulating investment for the current year - Financial conditions
- [ECS_INVTF_FINPRE] Factors stimulating expected investment - Financial conditions
- [ECS_INVTF_TECHCONS] Factors stimulating investment for the current year - Technical factors
- [ECS_INVTF_TECHPRE] Factors stimulating expected investment - Technical factors
- [ECS_INVTPA_E] Past trend of investment
- [ECS_INVTPRE2] Expected trend in investment for the next three months
- [ECS_INVTPRE_E] Expected trend of investment
- [ECS_INVT_CAPEND] Effect of debt capacity on investment decisions for the current year
- [ECS_PAC_INVTANTE] Annual trend in investment: expected in October of the current year
- [ECS_PAP_INVTANPE] Annual trend in investment: expected in October of the previous year
- [ECS_PARCPA] Trend in utilisation of the fleet over the last 3 months
- [ECS_PGSAL] General wage outlooks
- [ECS_PGSEC_U] General prospects on activity
- [ECS_PMTPRV] Private clientele payment period
- [ECS_PMTPUB] Public clientele payment period
- [ECS_PVPA_E] Past trend of prices
- [ECS_PVPRE_E] Expected trend of prices
- [ECS_REDPARC] % of enterprises considering reducing their fleet over the next 3 months
- [ECS_REGLE] Barriers to hiring - Barriers linked with regulations
- [ECS_REPA] Past trend of operating results
- [ECS_REPRE] Expected trend of operating results
- [ECS_RGLFOUR] Supplier payment period
- [ECS_RVPR] Change over the last 6 months in the ability to pass on changes in costs to market prices
- [ECS_SALPA_E] Past trend of employment
- [ECS_SALPRE_E] Expected trend of employment
- [ECS_SITPER_E] Change in the situation of the enterprise over the last 3 months
- [ECS_STAPARC] % of enterprises considering stabilising their fleet over the next 3 months
- [ECS_TIPA] Past trend in domestic international road haulage
- [ECS_TIPRE] Expected trend in domestic international road haulage
- [ECS_TNIPA] Past trend in domestic inter-urban road haulage
- [ECS_TNIPRE] Expected trend in domestic inter-urban road haulage
- [ECS_TNPPA] Past trend in domestic local road haulage
- [ECS_TNPPRE] Expected trend in domestic local road haulage
- [RETOURNEMENT] Summary indicator of overall economic situation reversal
- [SURPRISE] Surprise indicator
- [SURPRISE_LISSE] Smoothed surprise indicator
[ACTIVITE_EC] Economic activities
- [78-20Z] Interim services
- [ENS] All services activities
- [ENSHI] All services excluding interim, excluding transport
- [ENSHT] All services excluding transport
- [ENSTHI] All services excluding interim, including transportation
- [H] Transportation and storage
- [I] Accommodation and food service activities
- [I55Z] Hotels and tourist accommodation
- [I56Z] Other restaurants
- [J] Information and communication
- [L] Real estate
- [M] Professional, scientific and technical activities
- [MN] Professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative services and support activities
- [MNHI] Professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative services and support activities, excluding interim services
- [N] Administrative and support service activities
- [NHI] Administrative services and support activities excluding interim services
- [S] Other service activities
- [SO] Not applicable
- [SO] Not applicable
[NATURE] Nature
- [INDICE] Index
- [PROPORTION] Proportion
- [SOLDE_PROPORTION] Balance of two proportions
[REF_AREA] Geographic areas
- [FM] Metropolitan France
- [SO] not applicable
[CORRECTION] Seasonal adjustment
- [BRUT] Uncorrected
- [CVS] Seasonal adjusted
[SERIE_ARRETEE] Stopped_series
- [FALSE] nO
- [TRUE] yes
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (4)
Indicators [INDICATEUR] (97)
Economic activities [ACTIVITE_EC] (18)
Questions [QUESTIONS_ECS] (1)
Nature [NATURE] (3)
Geographic areas [REF_AREA] (1)
Seasonal adjustment [CORRECTION] (2)
Stopped_series [SERIE_ARRETEE] (2)
This dataset has 1,514 series:
- from
- 2022=18.2
- to
- 2024=4.6
- min:
- 4.6
- max:
- 18.2
- avg:
- 9.9
- σ:
- 5.944
- from
- 2022=19.8
- to
- 2024=7.8
- min:
- 7.3
- max:
- 19.8
- avg:
- 11.633
- σ:
- 5.778
- from
- 2022=19.7
- to
- 2024=7.7
- min:
- 7.3
- max:
- 19.7
- avg:
- 11.567
- σ:
- 5.753
- from
- 2022=18.3
- to
- 2024=4.7
- min:
- 4.7
- max:
- 18.3
- avg:
- 9.967
- σ:
- 5.961
- from
- 2022=5.9
- to
- 2024=-21.7
- min:
- -21.7
- max:
- 5.9
- avg:
- -4.1
- σ:
- 12.484
- from
- 2022=27.2
- to
- 2024=4.2
- min:
- 4.2
- max:
- 27.2
- avg:
- 12.8
- σ:
- 10.246
- from
- 2022=17
- to
- 2024=0.2
- min:
- 0.2
- max:
- 17
- avg:
- 7.8
- σ:
- 6.951
- from
- 2022=29.4
- to
- 2024=22.6
- min:
- 10.7
- max:
- 29.4
- avg:
- 20.9
- σ:
- 7.728
- from
- 2022=5.9
- to
- 2024=-7.2
- min:
- -7.2
- max:
- 5.9
- avg:
- 0.233
- σ:
- 5.492
- from
- 2022=10.7
- to
- 2024=-1.3
- min:
- -1.3
- max:
- 10.7
- avg:
- 4.733
- σ:
- 4.899
Series code | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,514