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[ODD-SANTE-BIEN-ETRE] Sustainable Development Goal n°3 : Health and wellbeing

Updated by provider on February 12, 2024 (12:00 AM).

Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Indicator [INDICATEUR] (1)
Cluster [INDICATEUR-ODD] (8)
Nature [NATURE] (4)
Catalog of demographic indicators [DEMOGRAPHIE] (3)
Diplomas [DIPLOME] (5)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (2)
Gender [SEXE] (5)
Age [AGE] (13)
Correction [CORRECTION] (1)
Alcohol consumption [CONSOMMATION_ALCOOL_RISQUE] (6)
Mode of contamination with the HIV [MODE_CONTAMINATION_VIH] (5)
Giving up care for financial reasons [RENONCEMENT_SOINS] (5)
Activity status [STATUT_ACTIVITE] (4)
Type of road [TYPE_ROUTE] (4)

This dataset has 60 series: