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[ODD-VIE-AQUATIQUE] Sustainable Development Goal n°14 : Life below water

Updated by provider on July 8, 2024 (12:00 AM).

Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Indicator [INDICATEUR] (1)
Cluster [INDICATEUR-ODD] (9)
Nature [NATURE] (3)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (7)
Correction [CORRECTION] (1)
Oceans, seas and court of water [OCEANS-MERS-COURS-EAU-ODD] (7)
Status, type of pollution and impacts of the site [ETAT_TYPE-POLLUTION_IMPACTS_SITE_ODD] (36)
Stopped series [SERIE_ARRETEE] (2)

This dataset has 58 series: