International investment position, foreign portfolio investment in Canadian bonds and Canadian money market instruments, by geographic region, monthly [36100486]

Include interest accruals, made up of accruals on coupons and the amortization between the issue price and the maturity price. Include, prior to 1995, repurchase agreements (REPO's) on Canadian bonds. From 1995 onward, REPO's on Canadian and foreign securities are included in loans assets and liabilities. Include interest accruals, made up of accruals on coupons and the amortization between the issue price and the maturity price, from January 2002. Include, prior to 1995, repurchase agreements (REPO's) on Canadian money market instruments. From 1995 onward, REPO's on Canadian and foreign securities are included in loans assets and liabilities. Other European Union (EU) countries include: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. From January 1995, includes Austria, Finland and Sweden. From May 2004, includes Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. From January 2007, includes Bulgaria and Romania. Other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries include: Australia, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey; from July 1994, Mexico; from December 1995 up to April 2004, the Czech Republic; from May 1996 up to April 2004, Hungary; from November 1996 up to April 2004, Poland; from December 1996, Republic of Korea; from January 2001 up to April 2004, the Slovak Republic; up to December 1994, Austria, Finland and Sweden.

Updated on DBnomics on April 18, 2024 (2:21 AM)

Frequency [freq]
Geography [geogr]
Type of instrument [typ_of_ins]
Geographic region [geo_reg]
Valuation [valua]

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Dimension codes and labels
[freq] Frequency
  • [M] Monthly
[geogr] Geography
  • [geogr_1] Canada
[typ_of_ins] Type of instrument
  • [typ_of_ins_1] Canadian bonds
  • [typ_of_ins_2] Canadian money market instruments
[geo_reg] Geographic region
  • [geo_reg_1] All countries
  • [geo_reg_2] United States
  • [geo_reg_3] United Kingdom
  • [geo_reg_4] Other European Union countries
  • [geo_reg_5] Japan
  • [geo_reg_6] Other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries
  • [geo_reg_7] All other countries
[valua] Valuation
  • [valua_1] Book value
  • [valua_2] Market value
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