[nasa_10_f_bs] Financial balance sheets - annual data
Updated by provider on November 1, 2024 (10:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
[co_nco] Consolidated/Non consolidated
- [CO] Consolidated
- [NCO] Non-consolidated
[sector] Sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non-financial corporations
- [S11001] Public non-financial corporations
- [S11002] National private non-financial corporations
- [S11003] Foreign controlled non-financial corporations
- [S11DO] Domestically controlled non-financial corporations
- [S11_S14_S15] Non-financial corporations; households; non-profit institutions serving households
- [S12] Financial corporations
- [S12001] Public financial corporations
- [S12002] National private financial corporations
- [S12003] Foreign controlled financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S121_S122_S123] Monetary financial institutions
- [S122] Deposit taking corporations, except the central bank
- [S122_S123] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non-MMF investment funds
- [S125] Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S125_S126_S127] Other financial intermediaries (except ICPFs), financial auxiliaries, CFIs, and money lenders
- [S126] Financial auxiliaries
- [S127] Captive financial institutions and money lenders
- [S128] Insurance corporations
- [S128_S129] Insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S129] Pension funds
- [S12DO] Domestically controlled financial corporations
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government
- [S1312] State government
- [S1313] Local government
- [S1314] Social security funds
- [S14] Households
- [S14_S15] Households; non-profit institutions serving households
- [S15] Non-profit institutions serving households
- [S2] Rest of the world
- [S21] European Union
- [S22] Third countries and international organisations
- [S2I] Rest of the world - of which: intra Euro area
[finpos] Financial position
- [ASS] Assets
- [LIAB] Liabilities
[na_item] National accounts indicator (ESA 2010)
- [BF90] Financial net worth
- [F] Total financial assets/liabilities
- [F1] Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)
- [F11] Monetary gold
- [F12] Special drawing rights (SDRs)
- [F2] Currency and deposits
- [F21] Currency
- [F22] Transferable deposits
- [F221] Interbank positions
- [F229] Other transferable deposits
- [F29] Other deposits
- [F2_F8] Total financial sector liabilities (excluding SDRs)
- [F2_NAC] Currency and deposits, of which in national currency
- [F3] Debt securities
- [F31] Short-term debt securities
- [F32] Long-term debt securities
- [F32_LESSY] Long-term debt securities - with remaining maturity of one year or less
- [F32_OVERY] Long-term debt securities - with remaining maturity of more than one year
- [F3_F4] Securities other than shares, loans
- [F3_NAC] Debt securities, of which in national currency
- [F4] Loans
- [F41] Short-term - loans
- [F42] Long-term - loans
- [F42_LESSY] Long-term loans - with remaining maturity of one year or less
- [F42_OVERY] Long-term loans - with remaining maturity of more than one year
- [F4_NAC] Loans, of which in national currency
- [F5] Equity and investment fund shares
- [F51] Equity
- [F511] Listed shares
- [F512] Unlisted shares
- [F519] Other equity
- [F52] Investment fund shares/units
- [F521] Money market fund shares /units
- [F522] Non-money market fund shares/units
- [F6] Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantees
- [F61] Non-life insurance technical reserves
- [F62] Life insurance and annuity entitlements
- [F63] Pension entitlements
- [F63_F64_F65] Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F64] Claims of pension funds on pension managers
- [F65] Entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F66] Provisions for calls under standardised guarantees
- [F7] Financial derivatives and employee stock options
- [F71] Financial derivatives
- [F711] Options
- [F712] Forwards
- [F72] Employee stock options
- [F8] Other accounts receivable/payable
- [F81] Trade credits and advances
- [F89] Other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
- [F8_NAC] Other accounts receivable/payable, of which in national currency
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Consolidated/Non consolidated [co_nco] (2)
Sector [sector] (37)
Financial position [finpos] (2)
National accounts indicator (ESA 2010) [na_item] (51)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (37)
Series matching your search: 98,111 / 362,848. Showing results 1 to 10.
- from
- 2013=57.8
- to
- 2022=54.9
- min:
- 54.9
- max:
- 67.8
- avg:
- 60.89
- σ:
- 3.861
- from
- 1995=70.8
- to
- 2023=231.8
- min:
- 70.8
- max:
- 278.2
- avg:
- 208.272
- σ:
- 68.348
- from
- 1995=223.4
- to
- 2023=405.1
- min:
- 223.4
- max:
- 541.4
- avg:
- 431.569
- σ:
- 90.845
- from
- 1995=379.6
- to
- 2023=93.1
- min:
- 51.1
- max:
- 379.6
- avg:
- 92.114
- σ:
- 67.418
- from
- 1995=124.8
- to
- 2023=2,093.3
- min:
- 124.8
- max:
- 3,135.6
- avg:
- 1,470.224
- σ:
- 1,029.579
- from
- 1995=50
- to
- 2023=112
- min:
- 46.2
- max:
- 139.1
- avg:
- 81.607
- σ:
- 28.663
- from
- 1995=72.1
- to
- 2023=311.1
- min:
- 72.1
- max:
- 322.9
- avg:
- 221.759
- σ:
- 70.673
- from
- 1995=85.2
- to
- 2023=369.9
- min:
- 85.2
- max:
- 396.4
- avg:
- 247.703
- σ:
- 93.265
- from
- 2001=217.8
- to
- 2023=459.8
- min:
- 211.9
- max:
- 517.3
- avg:
- 375.678
- σ:
- 93.551
- from
- 1995=33.3
- to
- 2023=176.6
- min:
- 30.2
- max:
- 183.3
- avg:
- 103.324
- σ:
- 45.412
Series code | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.AL] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 57.8 | 57.2 | 63.2 | 67.8 | 63.4 | 59.3 | 57.8 | 62.7 | 64.8 | 54.9 | - |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.AT] | 70.8 | 73.2 | 82.3 | 91.1 | 120.8 | 140.7 | 149.5 | 148.8 | 158 | 176.8 | 225.6 | 255 | 273.4 | 268.5 | 278.2 | 274.4 | 272.7 | 272.5 | 270.3 | 271 | 258.9 | 246.7 | 243.9 | 226.7 | 234.7 | 244.9 | 248.2 | 230.5 | 231.8 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.BE] | 223.4 | 243.2 | 270.1 | 296.3 | 356.7 | 358.1 | 368.6 | 347.1 | 373.4 | 390.4 | 454.4 | 478.3 | 523.5 | 513.8 | 541.4 | 534.8 | 518.2 | 504.9 | 497.1 | 506.6 | 512.1 | 527.2 | 495.7 | 436.8 | 464.3 | 475.4 | 476 | 422.6 | 405.1 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.BG] | 379.6 | 275.5 | 66.4 | 51.1 | 62.7 | 67.3 | 66.2 | 56.8 | 51.3 | 60 | 57.3 | 63.1 | 62.2 | 58.6 | 64 | 66.3 | 64.7 | 74.1 | 78.1 | 87.2 | 88.3 | 98.2 | 93.5 | 94.1 | 94.2 | 103.1 | 101.1 | 93.2 | 93.1 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.CY] | 124.8 | 139.4 | 150.5 | 156.7 | 163.3 | 183 | 182.4 | 194.5 | 210.6 | 1191.6 | 1190.7 | 1187.3 | 1152.7 | 1224.9 | 1549.3 | 1549.9 | 1637.9 | 1990.6 | 2161.3 | 2561.2 | 2786.9 | 2634.5 | 2592.6 | 2889.7 | 3135.6 | 2813.8 | 2539.4 | 2248.1 | 2093.3 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.CZ] | 50 | 46.2 | 52 | 50 | 59.5 | 60.8 | 60 | 59.4 | 54.8 | 53.3 | 63.6 | 60.7 | 63.6 | 65.9 | 69.4 | 71.9 | 75.3 | 79.4 | 92.7 | 96.7 | 101.4 | 111.1 | 124.9 | 124.1 | 120.2 | 127.4 | 139.1 | 121.2 | 112 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.DE] | 72.1 | 78.3 | 92 | 108.7 | 137.9 | 156.8 | 172.6 | 174.6 | 180.5 | 189.9 | 218.3 | 229.5 | 246.6 | 255.5 | 248.6 | 252 | 252.7 | 267.9 | 247.8 | 262.7 | 260.7 | 263.3 | 258.5 | 261.8 | 280.4 | 312.9 | 322.9 | 314.4 | 311.1 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.DK] | 85.2 | 96.4 | 110.1 | 116.8 | 148.2 | 163.7 | 165.5 | 152.5 | 167.1 | 178.5 | 211.3 | 212.3 | 227.8 | 241 | 248.2 | 276.6 | 296 | 297.5 | 293.4 | 320.6 | 310.9 | 332.1 | 331.6 | 320.3 | 362.3 | 396.4 | 390.3 | 360.9 | 369.9 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.EA20] | - | - | - | - | - | - | 217.8 | 211.9 | 224.8 | 242.1 | 286.6 | 311.1 | 329.1 | 317.4 | 341.3 | 355.1 | 363.3 | 384.5 | 386.3 | 435.9 | 452.7 | 462.1 | 452.4 | 442.1 | 468.4 | 504.1 | 517.3 | 474.5 | 459.8 |
[A.PC_GDP.CO.S1.ASS.F.EE] | 33.3 | 30.2 | 41.7 | 40.4 | 46.2 | 48 | 52.2 | 53.6 | 60 | 71.8 | 87.2 | 95.9 | 106.2 | 109.8 | 125.2 | 127.2 | 125.7 | 133.3 | 127.6 | 135.4 | 135.2 | 133 | 131.1 | 125.4 | 134.4 | 160.3 | 183.3 | 166.2 | 176.6 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 362,848