[FSI] Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)
Updated by provider on March 25, 2025 (12:00 AM).
The Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), developed by the IMF together with the international community, are aimed at supporting macroprudential analysis—the surveillance and assessment of the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems. FSIs are macroprudential statistics aimed at filling the gap between macroeconomic statistics and micro-prudential data.
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference Area
- [5Y] Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU)
- [AE] United Arab Emirates
- [AG] Antigua and Barbuda
- [AI] Anguilla
- [AL] Albania
- [AM] Armenia
- [AO] Angola
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [AZ] Azerbaijan
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BB] Barbados
- [BD] Bangladesh
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BI] Burundi
- [BN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BO] Bolivia
- [BR] Brazil
- [BT] Bhutan
- [BW] Botswana
- [BY] Belarus
- [BZ] Belize
- [CA] Canada
- [CD] Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
- [CF] Central African Republic
- [CG] Congo
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CL] Chile
- [CM] Cameroon
- [CN] China
- [CO] Colombia
- [CR] Costa Rica
- [CW] Curacao
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DJ] Djibouti
- [DK] Denmark
- [DM] Dominica
- [DO] Dominican Republic
- [DZ] Algeria
- [EC] Ecuador
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [ET] Ethiopia
- [FI] Finland
- [FJ] Fiji
- [FM] Micronesia, Federated States of
- [FR] France
- [GA] Gabon
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GD] Grenada
- [GE] Georgia
- [GH] Ghana
- [GM] Gambia
- [GN] Guinea
- [GQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GR] Greece
- [GT] Guatemala
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HN] Honduras
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IL] Israel
- [IN] India
- [IQ] Iraq
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [JO] Jordan
- [JP] Japan
- [KE] Kenya
- [KG] Kyrgyzstan
- [KH] Cambodia
- [KM] Comoros
- [KN] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [KW] Kuwait
- [KZ] Kazakhstan
- [LB] Lebanon
- [LC] Saint Lucia
- [LK] Sri Lanka
- [LS] Lesotho
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MA] Morocco
- [MD] Moldova, Republic of
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MG] Madagascar
- [MK] North Macedonia, Republic of
- [MO] Macao
- [MS] Montserrat
- [MT] Malta
- [MU] Mauritius
- [MV] Maldives
- [MW] Malawi
- [MX] Mexico
- [MY] Malaysia
- [MZ] Mozambique
- [NA] Namibia
- [NG] Nigeria
- [NI] Nicaragua
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [NP] Nepal
- [PA] Panama
- [PE] Peru
- [PG] Papua New Guinea
- [PH] Philippines
- [PK] Pakistan
- [PL] Poland
- [PS] Palestine, State of
- [PT] Portugal
- [PY] Paraguay
- [RO] Romania
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [RW] Rwanda
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SB] Solomon Islands
- [SC] Seychelles
- [SE] Sweden
- [SG] Singapore
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [SM] San Marino
- [SV] El Salvador
- [SX] Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
- [SZ] Eswatini
- [TD] Chad
- [TH] Thailand
- [TJ] Tajikistan
- [TO] Tonga
- [TR] Türkiye
- [TT] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TZ] Tanzania, United Republic of
- [UA] Ukraine
- [UG] Uganda
- [US] United States
- [UY] Uruguay
- [UZ] Uzbekistan
- [VC] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VN] Viet Nam
- [VU] Vanuatu
- [WS] Samoa
- [XK] Kosovo, Republic of
- [ZA] South Africa
- [ZM] Zambia
[INDICATOR] Indicator
- [FSANL_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Asset Quality, Non-performing Loans to Total Gross Loans, Percent
- [FSCD_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans, Percent
- [FSCET_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Common Equity Tier 1 Capital to Risk-weighted Assets, Percent
- [FSCGPS_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Deposit Takers, Total Assets, Credit growth to private sector, Percent
- [FSCLE_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Asset Quality, Loan Concentration by Economic Activity, Percent
- [FSCRNINC_FSCRNI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net claims and underwriting expenses, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FSCRNINC_FSCRNI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net claims and underwriting expenses, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FSCRNINC_FSCRNI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net claims and underwriting expenses, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FSCRNINP_FSCRNI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net premium earned, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FSCRNINP_FSCRNI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net premium earned, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FSCRNINP_FSCRNI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Net premium earned, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FSCRNI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Combined ratio (Nonlife insurance only), Percent
- [FSCR_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Real Estate Markets, Commercial Real Estate Loans to Total Loans, Percent
- [FSDERA_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, Euros
- [FSDERA_FSERA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, Return on assets, Euros
- [FSDERA_FSERA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, Return on assets, US Dollars
- [FSDERA_FSERA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, Return on assets, Domestic Currency
- [FSDERA_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, US Dollars
- [FSDERA_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Total Assets, National Currency
- [FSDERE_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, Euros
- [FSDERE_FSERE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, Return on equity, Euros
- [FSDERE_FSERE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, Return on equity, US Dollars
- [FSDERE_FSERE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, Return on equity, Domestic Currency
- [FSDERE_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, US Dollars
- [FSDERE_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Capital, National Currency
- [FSDFAT_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Total Financial System Assets, Euros
- [FSDFAT_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Total Financial System Assets, US Dollars
- [FSDFAT_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Total Financial System Assets, National Currency
- [FSDFCD_FSFCD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Deposit Takers, Total Liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,Euros
- [FSDFCD_FSFCD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Deposit Takers, Total Liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,US Dollars
- [FSDFCD_FSFCD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Deposit Takers, Total Liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,Domestic Currency
- [FSDKA_FSKA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Tier 1 Capital to Assets, Total assets, Tier 1 capital to assets, Euros
- [FSDKA_FSKA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Tier 1 Capital to Assets, Total assets, Tier 1 capital to assets, US Dollars
- [FSDKA_FSKA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Tier 1 Capital to Assets, Total assets, Tier 1 capital to assets, Domestic Currency
- [FSED_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, External Debt to Equity, Percent
- [FSEIE_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Earnings to Interest Expenses, Percent
- [FSEIM_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Interest Margin to Gross Income, Percent
- [FSEI_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Earnings to Interest and Principal Expenses, Percent
- [FSENE_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Non-interest Expenses to Gross Income, Percent
- [FSERAWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSERAWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSERAWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSERAWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSERAWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSERAWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Assets, Weighted Skewness
- [FSERA_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Return on Assets, Percent
- [FSEREWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSEREWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSEREWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSEREWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSEREWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSEREWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Return on Equity, Weighted Skewness
- [FSERE_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Return on Equity, Percent
- [FSFAG_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Assets to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Percent
- [FSFAT_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Assets to Total Financial System Assets, Percent
- [FSFCDE_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Foreign Currency Debt to Equity, Percent
- [FSFCD_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Foreign-Currency-Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities, Percent
- [FSFC_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Foreign-Currency-Denominated Loans to Total Loans, Percent
- [FSGA_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Gross Asset Position in Financial Derivatives to Capital, Percent
- [FSGDAE_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Advanced economies, Percent
- [FSGDD_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Geographic distribution of total loans, Domestic economy, Percent
- [FSGDEMEDA_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Emerging and developing Asia , Percent
- [FSGDEMEDE_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Emerging and developing Europe , Percent
- [FSGDEMLAC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Latin America and the Caribbean , Percent
- [FSGDEMMEC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Middle East and Central Asia, Percent
- [FSGDEMSSA_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Sub-Saharan Africa, Percent
- [FSGDEM_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies , Percent
- [FSGDLAE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to advanced economies, Euros
- [FSGDLAE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to advanced economies, US Dollars
- [FSGDLAE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to advanced economies, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLD_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Loans to Domestic economy, Euros
- [FSGDLD_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Loans to Domestic economy, US Dollars
- [FSGDLD_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Loans to Domestic economy, National Currency
- [FSGDLEMEDA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Asia, Euros
- [FSGDLEMEDA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Asia, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEMEDA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Asia, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLEMEDE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Europe, Euros
- [FSGDLEMEDE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Europe, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEMEDE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to emerging and developing Europe, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLEMLAC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Latin America and the Caribbean, Euros
- [FSGDLEMLAC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Latin America and the Caribbean, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEMLAC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Latin America and the Caribbean, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLEMMEC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to the Middle East and Central Asia, Euros
- [FSGDLEMMEC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to the Middle East and Central Asia, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEMMEC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to the Middle East and Central Asia, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLEMSSA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Sub-Saharan Africa, Euros
- [FSGDLEMSSA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Sub-Saharan Africa, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEMSSA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Emerging market and developing economies, Loans to Sub-Saharan Africa, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDLEM_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to emerging market & developing countries, Euros
- [FSGDLEM_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to emerging market & developing countries, US Dollars
- [FSGDLEM_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Geographic distribution of loans, Loans to emerging market & developing countries, Domestic Currency
- [FSGDL_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Total gross loans, Euros
- [FSGDL_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FSGDL_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Total gross loans, National Currency
- [FSGDPIC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: OFCs, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: Insurance Corporations, Percent
- [FSGDPMMF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: OFCs, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: Money Market Funds, Percent
- [FSGDPPF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: OFCs, OFCs' Assets to Gross Domestic Product: Pension Funds, Percent
- [FSGL_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Gross Liability Position in Financial Derivatives to Capital, Percent
- [FSHDDI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Households, Household Debt to Household Disposal Income, Percent
- [FSHG_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Households, Household Debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Percent
- [FSHS_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Households, Household Debt Service and Principal Payments to Income, Percent
- [FSKAWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSKAWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKAWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKAWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKAWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSKAWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Weighted Quartiles, Weighted Skewness
- [FSKA_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Capital to Assets, Percent
- [FSKHHI_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Sector Asset Concentration (Herfindahl Index)
- [FSKNLWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSKNLWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKNLWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKNLWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKNLWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSKNLWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Capital, Weighted Skewness
- [FSKNL_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Non-performing Loans Net of Provisions to Capital, Percent
- [FSKRC_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Regulatory Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets, Percent
- [FSKRTCWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSKRTCWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Quartiles, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKRTCWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Quartiles, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKRTCWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Quartiles, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSKRTCWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSKRTCWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Tier 1 Capital to Risk Weighted Assets, Weighted Skewness
- [FSKRTC_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Regulatory Tier 1 Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets, Percent
- [FSLAPF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Pension Funds, Liquid assets to estimated pension payments in the next year, Percent
- [FSLCR_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Liquidity, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Percent
- [FSLE_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Large Exposures to Capital, Percent
- [FSLS_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Liquidity, Liquid Assets to Short Term Liabilities, Percent
- [FSLT_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Liquidity, Liquid Assets to Total Assets (Liquid Asset Ratio), Percent
- [FSNERAB_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, Euros
- [FSNERAB_FSERE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, Return on equity, Euros
- [FSNERAB_FSERE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, Return on equity, US Dollars
- [FSNERAB_FSERE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, Return on equity, Domestic Currency
- [FSNERAB_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, US Dollars
- [FSNERAB_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income after Taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FSNERA_EUR] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Return on Assets, Net Income, Euros
- [FSNERA_FSERA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income before Taxes, Return on assets, Euros
- [FSNERA_FSERA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income before Taxes, Return on assets, US Dollars
- [FSNERA_FSERA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Net Income before Taxes, Return on assets, Domestic Currency
- [FSNERA_USD] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Return on Assets, Net Income, US Dollars
- [FSNERA_XDC] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Earnings and Profitability, Return on Assets, Net Income, National Currency
- [FSNFAT_FSFAT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Assets to Total Financial System Assets, Assets, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: total OFCs, Euros
- [FSNFAT_FSFAT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Assets to Total Financial System Assets, Assets, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: total OFCs, US Dollars
- [FSNFAT_FSFAT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Other Financial Corporations, Assets to Total Financial System Assets, Assets, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: total OFCs, Domestic Currency
- [FSNKNL_FSKNL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Non-performing Loans Net of Provisions, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, Euros
- [FSNKNL_FSKNL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Non-performing Loans Net of Provisions, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, US Dollars
- [FSNKNL_FSKNL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Capital Adequacy, Non-performing Loans Net of Provisions, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FSNLWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSNLWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSNLWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSNLWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSNLWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSNLWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Nonperforming Loans to Total Loans, Weighted Skewness
- [FSNSF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Liquidity, Net Stable Funding Ratio, Percent
- [FSNSNO_FSSNO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Sensitivity to Market Risk, Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, Euros
- [FSNSNO_FSSNO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Sensitivity to Market Risk, Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, US Dollars
- [FSNSNO_FSSNO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Sensitivity to Market Risk, Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FSPE_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Personnel Expenses to Non-interest Expenses, Percent
- [FSPNWK_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, Weighted Kurtosis
- [FSPNWQ1_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, 1st Quartile (weighted)
- [FSPNWQ2_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, 2nd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSPNWQ3_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, 3rd Quartile (weighted)
- [FSPNWSD_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, Weighted Standard Deviation
- [FSPNWS_PT] Financial Soundness Indicators, Concentration and distribution measures for selected FSIs, Distribution measures, Provisions to Nonperforming Loans, Weighted Skewness
- [FSPN_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Asset Quality, Provisions to Non-performing Loans, Percent
- [FSRALI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Return on assets (Life insurance only), Percent
- [FSRAPF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Pension Funds, Return on assets, Percent
- [FSREIC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Percent
- [FSRELI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Return on equity (Life insurance only), Percent
- [FSRENI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), Percent
- [FSREPCR_PC_CP_A_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Real Estate Markets, Commercial Real Estate Prices, Percent
- [FSREPRR_PC_CP_A_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Real Estate Markets, Residential Real Estate Prices, Percent
- [FSRE_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Return on Equity, Percent
- [FSRR_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Real Estate Markets, Residential Real Estate Loans to Total Loans, Percent
- [FSSELTI_FSSETALI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FSSELTI_FSSETALI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FSSELTI_FSSETALI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FSSENTI_FSSETANI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Nonlife insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FSSENTI_FSSETANI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Nonlife insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FSSENTI_FSSETANI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Nonlife insurance only), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FSSETAI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Percent
- [FSSETALI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance only), Percent
- [FSSETANI_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder Equity to Total Invested Assets (Nonlife insurance only), Percent
- [FSSETI_FSSETAI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Euros
- [FSSETI_FSSETAI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), US Dollars
- [FSSETI_FSSETAI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Insurance Corporations, Shareholder equity to Total Invested Assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Total invested assets, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Domestic Currency
- [FSSH_BP] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Spread Between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rate, Basis Points
- [FSSNO_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Core Set, Deposit Takers, Sensitivity to Market Risk, Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange to Capital, Percent
- [FSSR_BP] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Spread Between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates, Basis Points
- [FSTDGDP_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Total Debt to GDP, Percent
- [FSTD_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Total Debt to Equity, Percent
- [FSTFIC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Total Financial Assets: Insurance Corporations, Percent
- [FSTFMMF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Total Financial Assets: Money Market Funds, Percent
- [FSTFPF_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, OFCs' Assets to Total Financial Assets: Pension Funds, Percent
- [FSTI_PT] Financial, Financial Soundness Indicators, Encouraged Set, Deposit Takers, Trading Income to Total Income, Percent
- [FS_HH_AFC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, National Currency
- [FS_HH_AFD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, National Currency
- [FS_HH_AFE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, National Currency
- [FS_HH_AFI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_AFO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, Euros
- [FS_HH_AFO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AFO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, National Currency
- [FS_HH_AF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_HH_AF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_AF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, National Currency
- [FS_HH_ANFCG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Consumer durable goods, Euros
- [FS_HH_ANFCG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Consumer durable goods, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_ANFO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, Euros
- [FS_HH_ANFO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_ANFO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, National Currency
- [FS_HH_ANFRE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Residential and commercial real estate, Euros
- [FS_HH_ANFRE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Residential and commercial real estate, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_ANFRE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Residential and commercial real estate, National Currency
- [FS_HH_ANF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Euros
- [FS_HH_ANF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_ANF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, National Currency
- [FS_HH_A_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Euros
- [FS_HH_A_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_A_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Total assets, National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDGC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Current transfers (e.g., from government), Euros
- [FS_HH_IDGC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Current transfers (e.g., from government), US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDGC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Current transfers (e.g., from government), National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDGL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Less taxes including social security contributions, and other current transfers, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDGL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Less taxes including social security contributions, and other current transfers, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDGL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Less taxes including social security contributions, and other current transfers, National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDGO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Other, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDGO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Other, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDGO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Other, National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDGP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Property income receivable, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDGP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Property income receivable, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDGP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Property income receivable, National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDGW_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Wages and salaries from employment, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDGW_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Wages and salaries from employment, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDGW_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Wages and salaries from employment, National Currency
- [FS_HH_IDG_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHDDI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt to household disposal income, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHDDI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt to household disposal income, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHDDI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt to household disposal income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt service and principal payments to income, Euros
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt service and principal payments to income, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDG_FSHS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, Household debt service and principal payments to income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_IDG_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_IDG_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Gross disposable income, National Currency
- [FS_HH_LDL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Loans, Euros
- [FS_HH_LDL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LDL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Loans, National Currency
- [FS_HH_LDOD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, Euros
- [FS_HH_LDOD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LDOD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_LDO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other liabilities, Euros
- [FS_HH_LDO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_HH_LDP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), Euros
- [FS_HH_LDP_FSHS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), Household debt service and principal payments to income, Euros
- [FS_HH_LDP_FSHS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), Household debt service and principal payments to income, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LDP_FSHS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), Household debt service and principal payments to income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_LDP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LDP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt-service payments (interest and principal), Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_LDRE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt collateralized by real estate, Euros
- [FS_HH_LDRE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt collateralized by real estate, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LDRE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Memorandum series, Debt collateralized by real estate, National Currency
- [FS_HH_LD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Euros
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHDDI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Household debt to household disposal income, Euros
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHDDI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Household debt to household disposal income, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHDDI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Household debt to household disposal income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, Household debt to gross domestic product, Euros
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, Household debt to gross domestic product, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LD_FSHG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt , Other debt instruments, Household debt to gross domestic product, Domestic Currency
- [FS_HH_LD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_LD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, National Currency
- [FS_HH_L_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Euros
- [FS_HH_L_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_L_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_HH_NW_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Net worth, Euros
- [FS_HH_NW_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Net worth, US Dollars
- [FS_HH_NW_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Households, Balance Sheet, Net worth, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_ACR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ACR_FSRE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ACR_FSRE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ACR_FSRE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ACR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ACR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations Sector, Average capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Other assets, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Other assets, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Other assets, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AFT_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Trade credit, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AFT_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Trade credit, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AFT_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Trade credit, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Financial assets, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_FSRE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_FSRE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_FSRE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_AINBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Non-financial Corporations, Annualized net income after taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Equipment, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANFE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Equipment, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Equipment, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANFIP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Intellectual property products, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANFIP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Intellectual property products, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANFIP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Intellectual property products, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANFI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Inventories, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANFI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Inventories, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANFI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Inventories, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Other, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANFR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Real estate property, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANFR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Real estate property, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANFR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Real estate property, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ANF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Euros
- [FS_NFC_ANF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ANF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_A_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, Euros
- [FS_NFC_A_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_A_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Total Assets, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_B_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_NFC_B_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_B_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance sheet total, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_CR_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSED_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, External debt to equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSED_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, External debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSED_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, External debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSFCDE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Foreign currency debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSFCDE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Foreign currency debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSTD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Total debt to equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSTD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Total debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_CR_FSTD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, Total debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_CR_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_CR_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Capital and reserves, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_CS_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Cost of sales, Euros
- [FS_NFC_CS_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Cost of sales, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_CS_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Cost of sales, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_DFX_FSFCDE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt in foreign currency, Foreign currency debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DFX_FSFCDE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt in foreign currency, Foreign currency debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_DFX_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt in foreign currency, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DFX_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt in foreign currency, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_DNR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, Euros
- [FS_NFC_DNR_FSED_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, External debt to equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_DNR_FSED_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, External debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DNR_FSED_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, External debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_DNR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DNR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Total debt to nonresidents, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_DP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Dividends payable, Euros
- [FS_NFC_DP_FSEI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Dividends payable, Earnings to interest and principal expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_DP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Dividends payable, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Dividends payable, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_DSP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Debt-service payments (principal and interest), Euros
- [FS_NFC_DSP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Debt-service payments (principal and interest), US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_DSP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Balance sheet-related series, Debt-service payments (principal and interest), Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Euros
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEIE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest expenses, Euros
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEIE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEIE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest and principal expenses, Euros
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest and principal expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_FSEI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, Earnings to interest and principal expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_EBIT_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income statement-related series, Earnings before interest and tax, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_EI_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest expense, Euros
- [FS_NFC_EI_FSEIE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Interest expense, Earnings to interest expenses, Euros
- [FS_NFC_EI_FSEIE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Interest expense, Earnings to interest expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_EI_FSEIE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Interest expense, Earnings to interest expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_EI_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest expense, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_EI_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest expense, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_IIPO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Additional series, Interest and principal income receivable from other nonfinancial corporations, Euros
- [FS_NFC_IIPO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Memorandum series, Additional series, Interest and principal income receivable from other nonfinancial corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_II_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest income, Euros
- [FS_NFC_II_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest income, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_II_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Interest income, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_INAET_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, Euros
- [FS_NFC_INAET_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_INAET_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), Euros
- [FS_NFC_INBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_ION_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Other income (net), Euros
- [FS_NFC_ION_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Other income (net), US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_ION_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Other income (net), National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LDD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LDD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LDD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LDL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LDL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LDL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LDO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LDO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LDO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LDT_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Trade credit, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LDT_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Trade credit, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LDT_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Trade credit, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTDGDP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to GDP, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTDGDP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to GDP, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTDGDP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to GDP, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to equity, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to equity, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LD_FSTD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Total debt to equity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_LD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Debt, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_LG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and specific provisions, Euros
- [FS_NFC_LG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and specific provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_LG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and specific provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_NFC_L_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, Euros
- [FS_NFC_L_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_L_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_OIN_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net operating income, Euros
- [FS_NFC_OIN_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net operating income, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_OIN_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Net operating income, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_RE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Retained Earnings, Euros
- [FS_NFC_RE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Retained Earnings, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_RE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Retained Earnings, National Currency
- [FS_NFC_RS_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Revenue from sales of goods and services (excluding indirect sales taxes), Euros
- [FS_NFC_RS_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Revenue from sales of goods and services (excluding indirect sales taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_RS_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Revenue from sales of goods and services (excluding indirect sales taxes), National Currency
- [FS_NFC_TIC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Corporate income taxes, Euros
- [FS_NFC_TIC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Corporate income taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_NFC_TIC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Non-financial corporations, Corporate income taxes, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Shares and other equity, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFF_FSGA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFF_FSGA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFF_FSGA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_CB_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Central bank, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_CB_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Central bank, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_CB_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Central bank, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSANL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSANL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSANL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSCR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSCR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSCR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSRR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSRR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_FSRR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_GG_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, General government, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_GG_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, General government, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_GG_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, General government, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_FSCLE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, Loan concentration by economic activity, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_FSCLE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, Loan concentration by economic activity, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_FSCLE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, Loan concentration by economic activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NFC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonfinancial corporations, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_FSCD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_FSCD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_FSCD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Noninterbank loans, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NODX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NRES_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonresidents, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NRES_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonresidents, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_NRES_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Nonresidents, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODS_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other domestic sectors, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODS_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other domestic sectors, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODS_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other domestic sectors, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_NRES_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Nonresident, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_NRES_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Nonresident, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_NRES_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Nonresident, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_RES_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Resident, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_RES_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Resident, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_RES_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, Resident, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_ODX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, Interbank loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_OFM_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other financial corporations, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_OFM_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other financial corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_OFM_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, noninterbank loans, Other financial corporations, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLG_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Gross loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Nonperforming loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSANL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSANL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSANL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Nonperforming loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSPN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Provisions to nonperforming loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSPN_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Provisions to nonperforming loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_FSPN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Non-performing loans, Provisions to nonperforming loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Nonperforming loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLNP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Nonperforming loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_FSCR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_FSCR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_FSCR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLREC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Commercial real estate loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_FSRR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_FSRR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_FSRR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, Residential real estate loans to total gross loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLRER_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Residential real estate loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_FSPN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, Provisions to nonperforming loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_FSPN_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, Provisions to nonperforming loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_FSPN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, Provisions to nonperforming loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFLS_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Specific provisions, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_FSFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_FSFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_FSFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, Foreign-currency-denominated loans to total loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFL_FX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans (after specific provisions), National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AFO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AFO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AFO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Other assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Financial assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_ALB_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Euros
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to total assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ALB_FSLT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), Liquid assets to total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ALB_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ALB_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Liquid assets (broad measure), National Currency
- [FS_ODX_ANF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ANF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ANF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_ARW_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSCET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSCET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSCET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRTC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRTC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ARW_FSKRTC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Risk-weighted assets, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ARW_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ARW_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Risk-weighted assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_AT1_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital less corresponding supervisory deductions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_AT1_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital less corresponding supervisory deductions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_AT1_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital less corresponding supervisory deductions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_A_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_A_FSLT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Liquid assets to total assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_A_FSLT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Liquid assets to total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_A_FSLT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Liquid assets to total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_A_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_A_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_B_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_ODX_B_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_B_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet total, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_CET1_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CET1_FSCET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CET1_FSCET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CET1_FSCET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CET1_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CET1_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Common Equity Tier 1 capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CLE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CLE_FSCLE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, Loan concentration by economic activity, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CLE_FSCLE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, Loan concentration by economic activity, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CLE_FSCLE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, Loan concentration by economic activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CLE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CLE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Loan concentration by economic activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CPS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , Euros
- [FS_ODX_CPS_FSCGPS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , Credit growth to private sector, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CPS_FSCGPS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , Credit growth to private sector, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CPS_FSCGPS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , Credit growth to private sector, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CPS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CPS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Credit to the private sector , Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total regulatory capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross asset position in financial derivatives to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSGL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKNL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKNL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKNL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKRC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKRC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSKRC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSSNO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSSNO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_FSSNO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total regulatory capital, Net open position in foreign exchange to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CRT_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total regulatory capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CRT_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Total regulatory capital, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_CR_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CR_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CR_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Capital and reserves, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT1_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 1 Capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKRTC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKRTC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSKRTC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSLE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Large exposures to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSLE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Large exposures to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT1_FSLE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Tier 1 Capital, Large exposures to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT1_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 1 Capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT1_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 1 Capital, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT2_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 2 Capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT2_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 2 Capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT2_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 2 Capital, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_CT3_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 3 Capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_CT3_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 3 Capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_CT3_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Tier 3 Capital, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_DP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Dividends payable, Euros
- [FS_ODX_DP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Dividends payable, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_DP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Dividends payable, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_EI_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest expense, Euros
- [FS_ODX_EI_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest expense, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_EI_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest expense, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_ENI_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSENE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Noninterest expenses to gross income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSENE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Noninterest expenses to gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSENE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Noninterest expenses to gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSPE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSPE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ENI_FSPE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ENI_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ENI_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_EO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Other expenses, Euros
- [FS_ODX_EO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Other expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_EO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Other expenses, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_EP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, Euros
- [FS_ODX_EP_FSPE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, Euros
- [FS_ODX_EP_FSPE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_EP_FSPE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, Personnel expenses to noninterest expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_EP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_EP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest expenses, Personnel costs, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_FSA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, Euros
- [FS_ODX_FSA_FSNSF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, Euros
- [FS_ODX_FSA_FSNSF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_FSA_FSNSF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_FSA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_FSA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Available amount of stable funding, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_FSR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, Euros
- [FS_ODX_FSR_FSNSF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, Euros
- [FS_ODX_FSR_FSNSF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_FSR_FSNSF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, Net stable funding ratio, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_FSR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_FSR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Required amount of stable funding, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_HI_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Highest interbank rate
- [FS_ODX_HI_FSSH_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Highest interbank rate, Spread between highest and lowest interbank rates (base points)
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_FSLCR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, Liquidity coverage ratio, Euros
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_FSLCR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, Liquidity coverage ratio, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_FSLCR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, Liquidity coverage ratio, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_HQLA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, High-quality liquid assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_IG_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Gross income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSEIM_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Interest margin to gross income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSEIM_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Interest margin to gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSEIM_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Interest margin to gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSENE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Noninterest expenses to gross income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSENE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Noninterest expenses to gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSENE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Noninterest expenses to gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSTI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Trading income to total income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSTI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Trading income to total income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IG_FSTI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Trading income to total income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_IG_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IG_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Gross income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_IIG_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Gross interest income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IIG_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Gross interest income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IIG_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Gross interest income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_IILP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Less provisions for accrued interest on nonperforming assets, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IILP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Less provisions for accrued interest on nonperforming assets, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IILP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Less provisions for accrued interest on nonperforming assets, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_IIN_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net interest income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IIN_FSEIM_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net interest income, Interest margin to gross income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_IIN_FSEIM_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net interest income, Interest margin to gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IIN_FSEIM_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net interest income, Interest margin to gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_IIN_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net interest income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_IIN_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net interest income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_II_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_II_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_II_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Interest income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INAET_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INAET_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INAET_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Net income after extraordinary items and taxes, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), Euros
- [FS_ODX_INBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before extraordinary items and taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_INIF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Fees and commissions receivable, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INIF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Fees and commissions receivable, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INIF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Fees and commissions receivable, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_FSTI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, Trading income to total income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_FSTI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, Trading income to total income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_FSTI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, Trading income to total income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INIGL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Gains or losses on financial instruments, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INIO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Other income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INIO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Other income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INIO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Other income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INIP_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Prorated earnings, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INIP_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Prorated earnings, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INIP_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Prorated earnings, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_INI_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, Euros
- [FS_ODX_INI_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_INI_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Noninterest income, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_FSCD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_FSCD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_FSCD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, Customer deposits to total (noninterbank) loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCDC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Customer deposits, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_NRES_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Nonresident, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_NRES_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Nonresident, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_NRES_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Nonresident, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_RES_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Resident, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_RES_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Resident, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_RES_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, Resident, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCD_ODX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Interbank deposits, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDCO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Other currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDCO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Other currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDCO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Other currency and deposits, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDC_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDC_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDC_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Currency and deposits, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Debt securities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Loans, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LDO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LDO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LDO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Other liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Debt, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LF_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LF_FSGL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_LF_FSGL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LF_FSGL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Gross liability position in financial derivatives to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_LF_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_LF_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Financial derivatives, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_LI_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Lowest interbank rate
- [FS_ODX_LI_FSSH_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Lowest interbank rate, Spread between highest and lowest interbank rates (base points)
- [FS_ODX_L_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_FSFCD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,Euros
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_FSFCD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_FSFCD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, Foreign-currency-denominated liabilities to total liabilities,Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_L_FX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Foreign currency liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_L_S_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_L_S_FSLS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, Euros
- [FS_ODX_L_S_FSLS_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_L_S_FSLS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, Liquid assets to short-term liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_L_S_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_L_S_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Short-term liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_L_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_L_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Liabilities, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehsensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_ODX_OCINT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehsensive income (loss) net of tax, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehsensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_OGP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and other provisions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_OGP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and other provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_OGP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, General and other provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_ONOBS_FX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Net open position in foreign currency for on-balance-sheet items, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ONOBS_FX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Net open position in foreign currency for on-balance-sheet items, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ONOBS_FX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Net open position in foreign currency for on-balance-sheet items, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_ON_FX_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet-related series, Total net open position in foreign currency, Euros
- [FS_ODX_ON_FX_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet-related series, Total net open position in foreign currency, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_ON_FX_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Balance sheet-related series, Total net open position in foreign currency, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_PNL_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Loan loss provisions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_PNL_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Loan loss provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_PNL_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Loan loss provisions, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_PNO_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Other financial asset provisions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_PNO_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Other financial asset provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_PNO_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Other financial asset provisions, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_PN_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), Euros
- [FS_ODX_PN_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_PN_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Provisions (net), National Currency
- [FS_ODX_RD_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Reference deposit rates
- [FS_ODX_RD_FSSR_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Reference deposit rates, Spread between reference lending and deposit rates (base points)
- [FS_ODX_RE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Retained earnings, Euros
- [FS_ODX_RE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Retained earnings, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_RE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Retained earnings, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_RL_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Reference lending rates
- [FS_ODX_RL_FSSR_BP] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Series for further analysis of the balance sheet, Reference lending rates, Spread between reference lending and deposit rates (base points)
- [FS_ODX_SD_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Supervisory deductions, Euros
- [FS_ODX_SD_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Supervisory deductions, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_SD_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Supervisory deductions, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_TEM_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Basel III total exposure measure, Euros
- [FS_ODX_TEM_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Basel III total exposure measure, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_TI_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_ODX_TI_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income tax, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_TI_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Income tax, National Currency
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, Euros
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_FSLCR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, Liquidity coverage ratio, Euros
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_FSLCR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, Liquidity coverage ratio, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_FSLCR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, Liquidity coverage ratio, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_TNCO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Total net cash outflows over the next 30 calendar days, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_VLE_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Value of large exposures, Euros
- [FS_ODX_VLE_FSLE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Value of large exposures, Large exposures to capital, Euros
- [FS_ODX_VLE_FSLE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Value of large exposures, Large exposures to capital, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_VLE_FSLE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Memorandum Series, Supervisory-based series, Value of large exposures, Large exposures to capital, Domestic Currency
- [FS_ODX_VLE_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Value of large exposures, US Dollars
- [FS_ODX_VLE_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Deposit takers, Value of large exposures, National Currency
- [FS_OFM_A_EUR] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total Assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_A_FSFAG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: OFCs, Euros
- [FS_OFM_A_FSFAG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: OFCs, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_A_FSFAG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: OFCs, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_A_USD] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total Assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_A_XDC] Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total Assets, National Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_ICLI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_ICLI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_ICLI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_FSREIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_FSREIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_FSREIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ACR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRRCO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRRCO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRRCO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRREC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRREC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFRREC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AFR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_FSREIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_FSREIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_FSREIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_AINBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANFPO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_ANF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSGDPIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Insurance Corporations, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSGDPIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Insurance Corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSGDPIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Insurance Corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSTFIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Insurance Corporations, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSTFIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Insurance Corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_FSTFIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Insurance Corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_A_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_B_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_B_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_B_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CIT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_FSSETAI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_FSSETAI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_FSSETAI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance & nonlife insurance), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_CR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_GRF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_GRF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_GRF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINFI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINFI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINFI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINOI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINOI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_IINOI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LDD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LDD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LDL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LDL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LDL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LINE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LINE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LINE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIOP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIOP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIOP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LIPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_LO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_L_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_L_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_L_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NII_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NII_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NII_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NTR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NTR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_NTR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEU_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEU_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OEU_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_OI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PEG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PEG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PEG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_PE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_TI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_TI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_IC_TI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LICLI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LICLI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LICLI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_FSRALI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Return on assets (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_FSRALI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Return on assets (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_FSRALI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Return on assets (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_FSRELI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_FSRELI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_FSRELI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ACR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRRCO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRRCO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRRCO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRREC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRREC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFRREC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AFR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_FSRELI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_FSRELI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_FSRELI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_FSRALI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on assets (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_FSRALI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on assets (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_FSRALI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on assets (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_AINBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANFPO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_ANF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_A_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Life insurance corporations, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_A_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Life insurance corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_A_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Life insurance corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_B_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_B_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_B_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CIT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_FSSETALI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_FSSETALI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_FSSETALI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Life insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_CR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_GRF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_GRF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_GRF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINFI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINFI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINFI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINOI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINOI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IINOI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IIN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IIN_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_IIN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LDD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LDD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LDL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LDL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LDL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LINE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LINE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LINE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIOP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIOP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIOP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIPF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LIPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_LO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_L_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_L_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_L_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NTR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NTR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_NTR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEU_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OEU_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_OI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PEG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PEG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PEG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_PE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_TI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_TI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_LIC_TI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLICLI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLICLI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, US Dollars|
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLICLI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AA_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_FSRENI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_FSRENI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_FSRENI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ACR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Average capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRRCO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRRCO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRRCO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance recoverable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRREC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRREC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFRREC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Reinsurance receivable , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AFR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Reinsurance claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_FSRENI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_FSRENI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_FSRENI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Return on equity (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income after taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_AINBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Data series for compiling FSIs: ROA and ROE, Annualized net income before taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property for investment, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANFPO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, of which, Property, own use, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_ANF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial Assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_A_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Nonlife insurance corporations, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_A_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Nonlife insurance corporations, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_A_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Insurance corporations, Nonlife insurance corporations, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_B_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_B_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_B_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance sheet total, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Changes in reserves for claims outstanding, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers’ share of gross claim payments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CIT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves to other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Claims incurred, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_FSSETANI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_FSSETANI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_FSSETANI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Shareholder equity to total invested assets (Nonlife insurance only), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_CR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Capital and reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_GRF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_GRF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_GRF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gain/losses due to revaluations of financial assets/liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINFI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINFI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINFI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From financial investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Interest cost, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINOI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINOI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IINOI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), From other investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IIN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IIN_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_IIN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income (net), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INAET_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INBT_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LDL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LINE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LINE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LINE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIOP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIOP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIOP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Other technical provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Pension fund reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LIPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes, Prepayment of insurance premiums and insurance payable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_LO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_L_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_L_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_L_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Balance Sheet, Liabilities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net income from insurance activity, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NTR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NTR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_NTR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Net change in technical reserves for future claims, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Other expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEP_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Personnel costs, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Real estate expenses or nonfinancial assets depreciation, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEU_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEU_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OEU_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Underwriting expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Commissions received, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Gains and losses from sales of fixed assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Other income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIR_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OIR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Real estate income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_OI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Other operating income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PEG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PEG_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PEG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Gross premium earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PER_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PER_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PER_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Reinsurers' share of gross premiums earned, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Transfer of premium reserves from other companies, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_PE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Premiums earned, net of reinsurance, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_TI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_TI_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_NLIC_TI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Non-Life Insurance Corporations, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Average total assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AA_FSRAPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Average total assets, Return on assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AA_FSRAPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Average total assets, Return on assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Average total assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Currency and deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Debt securities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Equity and investment fund shares, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Pension benefit surplus, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Pension benefit surplus, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Loans , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Other financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFRRCO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFRRCO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFRRCO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFRREC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFRREC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Financial derivatives , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFR_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Contributions receivable, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AFR_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Contributions receivable, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AINBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Annualized net income before taxes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AINBT_FSRAPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Annualized net income before taxes, Return on assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AINBT_FSRAPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Annualized net income before taxes, Return on assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_AINBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Data series for compiling FSI: ROA , Annualized net income before taxes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ALB_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Liquid assets , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ALB_FSLAPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Liquid assets , Liquid assets to estimated pension payments in the next year, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ALB_FSLAPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Liquid assets , Liquid assets to estimated pension payments in the next year, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ALB_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Liquid assets , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ALB_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Liquid assets , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANFPI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Property for investment, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANFPI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Property for investment, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANFPO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Property, own use, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANFPO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Property, own use, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANFPO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Property, own use, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_ANF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Total assets, Nonfinancial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSGDPPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Pension Funds, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSGDPPF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Pension Funds, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSGDPPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Pension Funds, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSTFPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Pension Funds, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSTFPF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Pension Funds, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_FSTFPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Pension Funds, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_A_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Pension funds, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_B_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance sheet total, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_B_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_B_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance sheet total, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIVI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Investment management expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIVI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Investment management expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIVT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Taxation on investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIVT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Taxation on investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIV_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EIV_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment expense, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EPP_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Estimated pension payments in the next 12 months., Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EPP_FSLAPF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Estimated pension payments in the next 12 months., Liquid assets to estimated pension payments in the next year, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EPP_FSLAPF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Estimated pension payments in the next 12 months., Liquid assets to estimated pension payments in the next year, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_EPP_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Memorandum Series, Other series required to calculate additional FSIs, Estimated pension payments in the next 12 months., Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_ICN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Net change in fair value of investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_ICN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Net change in fair value of investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_IIO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Other income from investments, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_IIO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Other income from investments, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_II_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Interest income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_INI_II_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Interest income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_IVI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_IVI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Investment income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LDD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LDD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LDL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LDL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDB_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined benefit, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDB_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined benefit, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDB_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined benefit, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined contribution, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined contribution, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEDC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Defined contribution, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEHS_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Hybrid schemes, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNEHS_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Hybrid schemes, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNE_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNW_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net worth, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNW_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net worth, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LNW_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Net worth, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_LO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Other liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_L_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_L_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_NA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net actuarial gains/losses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_NA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net actuarial gains/losses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_NE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net investment income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_NE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net investment income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_OI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_OI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_TA_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Total administrative expenses, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_TA_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Total administrative expenses, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_TI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_IPF_PF_TI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Pension Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFC_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Currency and deposits, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFC_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Currency and deposits, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFC_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Currency and deposits, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFD_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Debt securities , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFD_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Debt securities , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFD_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Debt securities , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFE_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Equity and investment fund shares , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFE_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Equity and investment fund shares , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Financial derivatives , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Financial derivatives , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Loans , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFL_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Loans , US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Loans , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFO_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Other financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFO_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Other financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AFO_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets,Other financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_AF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Financial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_ANF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_ANF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Total Assets, Nonfinancial assets, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSGDPMMF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Money Market funds, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSGDPMMF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Money Market funds, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSGDPMMF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to gross domestic product: Money Market funds, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSTFMMF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Money Market fund, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSTFMMF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Money Market fund, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_FSTFMMF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, OFCs' assets to total financial assets: Money Market fund, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_A_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, Money market funds, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_B_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet total, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_B_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet total, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_B_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet total, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_EI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Interest expenses , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_EI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Interest expenses , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_ENIPN_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses and provisions, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_ENIPN_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest expenses and provisions, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_IG_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_IG_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Gross income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_II_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Interest income, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_II_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Interest income, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INAET_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INAET_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income after tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INBT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INBT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Net income (before taxes), Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest income , Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_INI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Noninterest income , Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LDL_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LDL_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Loans, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Financial derivatives and employee stock options, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LIF_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Investment fund shares issued, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LIF_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Investment fund shares issued, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_LIF_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Investment fund shares issued, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_L_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_L_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_MMF_L_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_MD1_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Maturity distribution of investments, 1–30 days, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_MD2_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Maturity distribution of investments, 31–90 days, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_MD3_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Maturity distribution of investments, >90 days, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_OCINT_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_OCINT_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Other comprehensive income (loss) net of tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_CB_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Central bank, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_CG_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Central government, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_DT_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Deposit takers, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_NFC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Nonfinancial corporations, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_NR_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Nonresidents, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_OFC_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Other financial corporations, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_OG_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Memorandun Series, Sectoral distribution of investments, Other general government, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_SD_R_PT] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Additional FSIs, Other Financial Corporations, Money Market funds (MMF), Sectoral distribution of investments, Residents, Percent
- [FS_OFM_MMF_TI_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Euros
- [FS_OFM_MMF_TI_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Money Market Funds, Income and Expense Statement, Income tax, Domestic Currency
- [FS_OFM_O_EUR] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs: Others, Euros
- [FS_OFM_O_USD] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs: Others, US Dollars
- [FS_OFM_O_XDC] Monetary and Financial Accounts, Financial Soundness Indicators, Balance Sheets and Income Statements, Other financial corporations, Total financial system assets, Total Assets, OFCs: Others, Domestic Currency
- [NGDP_EUR] National Accounts, Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, Euros
- [NGDP_USD] National Accounts, Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, US Dollars
- [NGDP_XDC] National Accounts, Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, Domestic Currency
Temporal Coverage: Varies by country.
Geographic Coverage: FSIs include data for 126 countries.
Methodology: FSIs are compiled based on the FSI Compilation Guide (available on the Documents tab). Please see also the Concepts and Definitions document. The FSI Compilation Guide is revised periodically to reflect new developments in the regulatory and accounting frameworks and in response to additional data need.
Sectoral Coverage: The data include 40 indicators and their underlying series, 25 for the sector of deposit takers (of which 12 are core FSIs), and 15 for client sectors of deposit takers as well as for markets which are crucial to deposit takers' soundness, including: other financial corporations (2 indicators); non-financial corporations (5 indicators); households (2 indicators); market liquidity (2 indicators); and real estate markets (4 indicators). Participating countries are to compile and report at least the 12 core FSIs, their underlying series, and corresponding metadata. Countries are also encouraged to compile and submit data and metadata for the 28 encouraged FSIs. Reporting Templates: The FSI dataset is composed of the following templates:
- FS1: Institutional coverage of the FSIs compiled by a country.
- FS2: Underlying series used in compiling FSIs: income statement and balance sheet of deposit takers; balance sheets of the other financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, and households, and memorandum series.
- FSD: Data Report Form for Financial Soundness Indicators and Underlying Series.
- FSM: Metadata for the compiled FSIs.
Code: FSI
Number of time series: 70911
Number of observations: 2281650
This dataset has 70,911 series:
- from
- 2015=16.746
- to
- 2023=11.099
- min:
- 10.093
- max:
- 16.746
- avg:
- 12.009
- σ:
- 1.791
- from
- 2015=143.393
- to
- 2023=161.947
- min:
- 143.393
- max:
- 161.947
- avg:
- 155.086
- σ:
- 5.491
- from
- 2015=7.693
- to
- 2023=4.819
- min:
- 4.819
- max:
- 7.693
- avg:
- 6.337
- σ:
- 0.733
- from
- 2015=27,803.672
- to
- 2023=31,832.214
- min:
- 27,803.672
- max:
- 31,832.214
- avg:
- 29,607.176
- σ:
- 1,371.731
- from
- 2015=1,090.629
- to
- 2023=2,716.544
- min:
- 1,090.629
- max:
- 2,836.826
- avg:
- 2,124.93
- σ:
- 544.513
- from
- 2015=26,683.637
- to
- 2023=29,361.369
- min:
- 25,776.542
- max:
- 29,361.369
- avg:
- 27,530.561
- σ:
- 1,147.451
- from
- 2015=28,118.238
- to
- 2023=32,260.212
- min:
- 28,118.238
- max:
- 32,260.212
- avg:
- 29,763.403
- σ:
- 1,402.164
- from
- 2015=63.816
- to
- 2023=51.496
- min:
- 46.121
- max:
- 63.816
- avg:
- 55.698
- σ:
- 6.453
- from
- 2015=71.752
- to
- 2023=68.417
- min:
- 62.525
- max:
- 100.026
- avg:
- 71.303
- σ:
- 10.527
- from
- 2015=0.798
- to
- 2023=1.323
- min:
- -0.195
- max:
- 1.358
- avg:
- 0.86
- σ:
- 0.429
Series code | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.5Y.FSANL_PT] | 16.745945 | 10.930264 | 12.046184 | 11.286779 | 10.092731 | 11.586715 | 12.050975 | 12.246209 | 11.09945 |
[A.5Y.FSCD_PT] | 143.392551 | 154.228435 | 157.701639 | 157.368492 | 155.724643 | 148.219837 | 157.451591 | 159.737677 | 161.947386 |
[A.5Y.FSCR_PT] | 7.693447 | 6.533591 | 6.272607 | 6.516565 | 5.866085 | 6.922926 | 6.296924 | 6.110939 | 4.818882 |
[A.5Y.FSDERA_FSERA_XDC] | 27803.672166667 | 28162.29975 | 29056.844916667 | 30649.692469804 | 30809.570816167 | 28335.58733975 | 28904.576833333 | 30910.123666667 | 31832.214083333 |
[A.5Y.FSDERE_FSERE_XDC] | 1090.62925 | 1544.901583333 | 1796.759916667 | 2036.069636471 | 2113.615916667 | 2403.587107152 | 2836.825834012 | 2585.434583333 | 2716.54375 |
[A.5Y.FSDFCD_FSFCD_XDC] | 26683.637 | 26548.488 | 27709.854 | 28969.433 | 26753.215794 | 25776.542 | 27430.589 | 28541.917 | 29361.369 |
[A.5Y.FSDKA_FSKA_XDC] | 28118.238 | 28169.078 | 29631.202 | 31000.812 | 28951.702794 | 28361.279 | 30285.967 | 31092.138 | 32260.212 |
[A.5Y.FSEIM_PT] | 63.815749 | 62.379318 | 61.750666 | 59.272142 | 58.580731 | 46.120836 | 50.604925 | 47.26015 | 51.495548 |
[A.5Y.FSENE_PT] | 71.751654 | 67.577593 | 69.948334 | 66.0637 | 64.730166 | 62.525326 | 70.691656 | 100.026353 | 68.416633 |
[A.5Y.FSERA_PT] | 0.798175 | 0.800133 | 0.736785 | 1.080232 | 1.357936 | 0.965149 | 0.870938 | -0.195451 | 1.322806 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 70,911