[DSD_BOP@DF_TIS] International trade in services
Updated by provider on March 22, 2025 (1:28 AM).
Metadata by country are available in English and French. Please click on the link below:
The aim of this dataflow International Trade in Services EBOPS 2010 (by partner country) is to collect and disseminate balance of payments data on international trade in services at the most detailed partner country level available. To the extent that countries report them, data are also broken down by type of service according to the EBOPS 2010 classification.
There has been a growing interest in monitoring patterns of trade in services around the world, which is partly associated with ongoing trade negotiations and partly due to the increasing importance of services in OECD economies. It has been developed to supplement other OECD publications on trade in services to address the data needs of trade analysts. It is also an important part of OECD's programme to facilitate the implementation of the recommendations of the revised Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010.
The currency unit used for all series is:
Millions of US dollars or Millions of National Currency or Millions of Euros.
OECD statistics contact: stat.contact@oecd.org
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [ARG] Argentina
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [CAN] Canada
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [COL] Colombia
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DNK] Denmark
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EU27_2020] European Union (27 countries from 01/02/2020)
- [EU28] European Union (28 countries)
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GRC] Greece
- [HKG] Hong Kong (China)
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KOR] Korea
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MEX] Mexico
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russia
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [USA] United States
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area
- [A] America
- [A7] South America
- [ABW] Aruba
- [AFG] Afghanistan
- [AGO] Angola
- [AIA] Anguilla
- [ALA] Åland
- [ALB] Albania
- [AND] Andorra
- [ANT_F] Former Netherlands Antilles
- [ARE] United Arab Emirates
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ARM] Armenia
- [ASM] American Samoa
- [ATA] Antarctica
- [ATF] French Southern and Antarctic Lands
- [ATG] Antigua and Barbuda
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [AZE] Azerbaijan
- [BDI] Burundi
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BEN] Benin
- [BES] Bonaire, Saba, Saint Eustatius
- [BFA] Burkina Faso
- [BGD] Bangladesh
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BHR] Bahrain
- [BHS] Bahamas
- [BIH] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BLM] Saint Barthélemy
- [BLR] Belarus
- [BLZ] Belize
- [BMU] Bermuda
- [BOL] Bolivia
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRB] Barbados
- [BRN] Brunei Darussalam
- [BTN] Bhutan
- [BVT] Bouvet Island
- [BWA] Botswana
- [CAF] Central African Republic
- [CAN] Canada
- [CCK] Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China (People’s Republic of)
- [CIV] Côte d’Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COD] Democratic Republic of the Congo
- [COG] Congo
- [COK] Cook Islands
- [COL] Colombia
- [COM] Comoros
- [CPV] Cabo Verde
- [CRI] Costa Rica
- [CUB] Cuba
- [CUW] Curaçao
- [CXR] Christmas Island
- [CYM] Cayman Islands
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czechia
- [DEU] Germany
- [DJI] Djibouti
- [DMA] Dominica
- [DNK] Denmark
- [DOM] Dominican Republic
- [DZA] Algeria
- [E] Europe
- [EA19] Euro area (19 countries)
- [ECU] Ecuador
- [EGY] Egypt
- [ERI] Eritrea
- [ESH] Western Sahara
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [ETH] Ethiopia
- [EU27] European Union (27 countries)
- [EU27_2020] European Union (27 countries from 01/02/2020)
- [EU28] European Union (28 countries)
- [F] Africa
- [F97] Middle East
- [FIN] Finland
- [FJI] Fiji
- [FLK] Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
- [FRA] France
- [FRO] Faroe Islands
- [FSM] Micronesia
- [G7] G7
- [GAB] Gabon
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GEO] Georgia
- [GGY] Bailiwick of Guernsey
- [GHA] Ghana
- [GIB] Gibraltar
- [GIN] Guinea
- [GLP] Guadeloupe
- [GMB] Gambia
- [GNB] Guinea-Bissau
- [GNQ] Equatorial Guinea
- [GRC] Greece
- [GRD] Grenada
- [GRL] Greenland
- [GTM] Guatemala
- [GUF] French Guiana
- [GULF] Gulf Arabian countries
- [GUM] Guam
- [GUY] Guyana
- [HKG] Hong Kong (China)
- [HMD] Heard Island and McDonald Islands
- [HND] Honduras
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HTI] Haiti
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IMN] Isle of Man
- [IND] India
- [IO] International organisations
- [IOT] British Indian Ocean Territory
- [IRL] Ireland
- [IRN] Iran
- [IRQ] Iraq
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JAM] Jamaica
- [JEY] Jersey
- [JOR] Jordan
- [JPN] Japan
- [KAZ] Kazakhstan
- [KEN] Kenya
- [KGZ] Kyrgyzstan
- [KHM] Cambodia
- [KIR] Kiribati
- [KNA] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- [KOR] Korea
- [KWT] Kuwait
- [LAO] Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- [LBN] Lebanon
- [LBR] Liberia
- [LBY] Libya
- [LCA] Saint Lucia
- [LIE] Liechtenstein
- [LKA] Sri Lanka
- [LSO] Lesotho
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAC] Macau (China)
- [MAF] Saint Martin
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MCO] Monaco
- [MDA] Moldova
- [MDG] Madagascar
- [MDV] Maldives
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MHL] Marshall Islands
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MLI] Mali
- [MLT] Malta
- [MMR] Myanmar
- [MNE] Montenegro
- [MNG] Mongolia
- [MNP] Northern Mariana Islands
- [MOZ] Mozambique
- [MRT] Mauritania
- [MSR] Montserrat
- [MTQ] Martinique
- [MUS] Mauritius
- [MWI] Malawi
- [MYS] Malaysia
- [MYT] Mayotte
- [NAM] Namibia
- [NCL] New Caledonia
- [NER] Niger
- [NFK] Norfolk Island
- [NGA] Nigeria
- [NIC] Nicaragua
- [NIU] Niue
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NPL] Nepal
- [NRU] Nauru
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [O] Oceania
- [OMN] Oman
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PAN] Panama
- [PCN] Pitcairn
- [PER] Peru
- [PHL] Philippines
- [PLW] Palau
- [PNG] Papua New Guinea
- [POL] Poland
- [PRI] Puerto Rico
- [PRK] Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
- [PRT] Portugal
- [PRY] Paraguay
- [PSE] Palestinian Authority or West Bank and Gaza Strip
- [PYF] French Polynesia
- [QAT] Qatar
- [REU] Réunion
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russia
- [RWA] Rwanda
- [S] Asia
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SCG_F] Former Serbia and Montenegro
- [SDN] Sudan
- [SEN] Senegal
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SGS] South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- [SHN] Saint Helena
- [SJM] Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- [SLB] Solomon Islands
- [SLE] Sierra Leone
- [SLV] El Salvador
- [SMR] San Marino
- [SOM] Somalia
- [SRB] Serbia
- [SSD] South Sudan
- [STP] Sao Tome and Principe
- [SUR] Suriname
- [SVK] Slovak Republic
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [SWZ] Eswatini
- [SXM] Sint Maarten
- [SYC] Seychelles
- [SYR] Syrian Arab Republic
- [TCA] Turks and Caicos Islands
- [TCD] Chad
- [TGO] Togo
- [THA] Thailand
- [TJK] Tajikistan
- [TKL] Tokelau
- [TKM] Turkmenistan
- [TLS] Timor-Leste
- [TON] Tonga
- [TTO] Trinidad and Tobago
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Türkiye
- [TUV] Tuvalu
- [TWN] Chinese Taipei
- [TZA] Tanzania
- [UGA] Uganda
- [UKR] Ukraine
- [UMI] United States Minor Outlying Islands
- [URY] Uruguay
- [USA] United States
- [UZB] Uzbekistan
- [VAT] Holy See
- [VCT] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- [VEN] Venezuela
- [VGB] British Virgin Islands
- [VIR] United States Virgin Islands
- [VNM] Viet Nam
- [VUT] Vanuatu
- [W] World
- [WLF] Wallis and Futuna
- [WSM] Samoa
- [WXOECD] Non-OECD economies
- [W_X] World unspecified
- [YEM] Yemen
- [ZAF] South Africa
- [ZMB] Zambia
- [ZWE] Zimbabwe
[MEASURE] Measure
- [S] Services
- [SA] Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
- [SAY] Goods for processing in reporting economy; Goods returned, Goods received
- [SAZ] Goods for processing abroad; Goods sent, Goods returned
- [SB] Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.
- [SC] Transport
- [SC1] Sea transport
- [SC11] Sea transport; Passenger
- [SC12] Sea transport; Freight
- [SC13] Sea transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC2] Air transport
- [SC21] Air transport; Passenger
- [SC22] Air transport; Freight
- [SC23] Air transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3] Other modes of transport
- [SC31] Other modes of transport; Passenger
- [SC32] Other modes of transport; Freight
- [SC33] Other modes of transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3A] Space transport
- [SC3B] Rail transport
- [SC3B1] Rail transport; Passenger
- [SC3B2] Rail transport; Freight
- [SC3B3] Rail transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3C] Road transport
- [SC3C1] Road transport; Passenger
- [SC3C2] Road transport; Freight
- [SC3C3] Road transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3D] Inland waterway transport
- [SC3D1] Inland waterway transport; Passenger
- [SC3D2] Inland waterway transport; Freight
- [SC3D3] Inland waterway transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3E] Pipeline transport
- [SC3F] Electricity transmission
- [SC3G] Other supporting and auxiliary transport services
- [SC4] Postal and courier services
- [SCA] All modes of transport; Passenger
- [SCB] All modes of transport; Freight
- [SCC] All modes of transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SCC1] All modes of transport; Other than passenger and freight; Other than Postal and courier services
- [SD] Travel
- [SD1] Travel; Goods
- [SD2] Travel; Local transport services
- [SD3] Travel; Accommodation services
- [SD4] Travel; Food-serving services
- [SD5] Travel; Other services
- [SD5Y] Travel; Other services; Education services
- [SD5Z] Travel; Other services; Health services
- [SDA] Travel; Business
- [SDA1] Travel; Business; Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SDA2] Travel; Business; Other than acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SDB] Travel; Personal
- [SDB1] Travel; Personal; Health-related
- [SDB2] Travel; Personal; Education-related
- [SDB3] Travel; Personal; Other than heath-related and education-related
- [SE] Construction
- [SE1] Construction abroad
- [SE2] Construction in the reporting economy
- [SF] Insurance and pension services
- [SF1] Direct insurance
- [SF11] Life insurance
- [SF11Y] Gross life insurance premiums receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
- [SF11Z] Gross life insurance claims receivable (credits) and payable (debits)
- [SF12] Freight insurance
- [SF13] Direct insurance other than life and freight insurance
- [SF2] Reinsurance
- [SF3] Auxiliary insurance services
- [SF4] Pension and standardized guarantee services
- [SF41] Pension services
- [SF42] Standardized guarantee services
- [SG] Financial services
- [SG1] Financial services explicitly charged and other financial services
- [SG2] Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
- [SH] Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
- [SH1] Franchises and trademarks licensing fees
- [SH2] Licences for the use of outcomes of research and development
- [SH3] Licences to reproduce and/or distribute computer software
- [SH4] Licences to reproduce and/or distribute audio-visual and related products
- [SH41] Licences to reproduce and/or distribute audio-visual products
- [SH42] Licences to reproduce and/or distribute other than audio-visual products
- [SI] Telecommunications, computer, and information services
- [SI1] Telecommunications services
- [SI2] Computer services
- [SI21] Computer software
- [SI21Z] Computer software; Software originals
- [SI22] Computer services other than computer software
- [SI3] Information services
- [SI31] News agency services
- [SI32] Information services other than news agency services
- [SJ] Other business services
- [SJ1] Research and development services
- [SJ11] Work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge
- [SJ111] Provision of customized and non-customized research and development services
- [SJ112] Sale of proprietary rights arising from research and development
- [SJ1121] Patents
- [SJ1122] Copyrights arising from research and development
- [SJ1123] Industrial processes and designs
- [SJ1124] Sales of proprietary rights arising from research and development other than patents, copyrights arising from research and development and industrial processes and designs
- [SJ12] Research and development services other than work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge
- [SJ2] Professional and management consulting services
- [SJ21] Legal, accounting, management consulting, and public relations services
- [SJ211] Legal services
- [SJ212] Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services
- [SJ213] Business and management consulting and public relations services
- [SJ22] Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling services
- [SJ3] Technical, trade-related, and other business services
- [SJ31] Architectural, engineering, scientific, and other technical services
- [SJ311] Architectural services
- [SJ312] Engineering services
- [SJ313] Scientific and other technical services
- [SJ32] Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services
- [SJ321] Waste treatment and de-pollution
- [SJ322] Services incidental to agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [SJ323] Services incidental to mining, and oil and gas extraction
- [SJ32X] Memo grouping - Services; Services incidental to agriculture and mining
- [SJ33] Operating leasing services
- [SJ34] Trade-related services
- [SJ35] Other business services n.i.e.
- [SJ35Z] Other business services n.i.e.; Employment services, i.e., search, placement and supply services of personnel
- [SK] Personal, cultural, and recreational services
- [SK1] Audiovisual and related services
- [SK11] Audio-visual services
- [SK12] Artistic related services
- [SK2] Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services
- [SK21] Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services; Health services
- [SK22] Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services; Education services
- [SK23] Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services; Heritage and recreational services
- [SK24] Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services; Personal services other than health, education and heritage and recreational services
- [SL] Government goods and services n.i.e.
- [SL1] Embassies and consulates
- [SL2] Military units and agencies
- [SL3] Government goods and services n.i.e other than embassies and consulates and military units and agencies
- [SN] Services not allocated
- [SOX] Memo Grouping - Services; Commercial services
- [SOX1] Other commercial services - other services excluding Government goods and services n.i.e
- [SPX1] Other services - Total services excluding Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, Maintenance and repair services, Transport and Travel
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting entry
- [B] Balance (revenue minus expenditure)
- [C] Revenue
- [D] Expenditure
[FS_ENTRY] Flow or stock entry
- [T] Transactions
[FREQ] Frequency of observation
- [A] Annual
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [EUR_EXC] Euros, exchange rate converted
- [USD_EXC] US dollars, exchange rate converted
- [XDC] National currency
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment
- [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted
This dataset has 1,420,737 series:
- from
- 2015=0.2
- to
- 2023=-11.3
- min:
- -15.3
- max:
- 0.2
- avg:
- -4.238
- σ:
- 5.608
- from
- 2015=0.2
- to
- 2023=-12.2
- min:
- -16.1
- max:
- 0.2
- avg:
- -4.6
- σ:
- 5.951
- from
- 2015=0.2
- to
- 2023=0.4
- min:
- 0.1
- max:
- 0.4
- avg:
- 0.2
- σ:
- 0.115
- from
- 2015=0.2
- to
- 2023=0.4
- min:
- 0.1
- max:
- 0.4
- avg:
- 0.2
- σ:
- 0.115
- from
- 2015=0
- to
- 2023=11.7
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 15.7
- avg:
- 4.45
- σ:
- 5.712
- from
- 2015=0
- to
- 2023=12.6
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 16.5
- avg:
- 4.813
- σ:
- 6.055
- from
- 2020=-0.4
- to
- 2023=-0.4
- min:
- -0.4
- max:
- -0.1
- avg:
- -0.25
- σ:
- 0.15
- from
- 2020=-0.4
- to
- 2023=-0.4
- min:
- -0.4
- max:
- -0.1
- avg:
- -0.25
- σ:
- 0.15
- from
- 2015=0.1
- to
- 2023=0.1
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0.2
- avg:
- 0.1
- σ:
- 0.047
- from
- 2015=0.1
- to
- 2023=0.1
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0.2
- avg:
- 0.1
- σ:
- 0.047
Series code | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[ARG.ABW.S.B.T.A.EUR_EXC.N] | 0.2 | 0.2 | - | -0.1 | 0 | -5.3 | -2.3 | -15.3 | -11.3 |
[ARG.ABW.S.B.T.A.USD_EXC.N] | 0.2 | 0.2 | - | -0.1 | 0 | -6.1 | -2.7 | -16.1 | -12.2 |
[ARG.ABW.S.C.T.A.EUR_EXC.N] | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
[ARG.ABW.S.C.T.A.USD_EXC.N] | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
[ARG.ABW.S.D.T.A.EUR_EXC.N] | 0 | 0 | - | 0.2 | 0.1 | 5.5 | 2.4 | 15.7 | 11.7 |
[ARG.ABW.S.D.T.A.USD_EXC.N] | 0 | 0 | - | 0.2 | 0.1 | 6.3 | 2.8 | 16.5 | 12.6 |
[ARG.ABW.SC.B.T.A.EUR_EXC.N] | - | - | - | - | - | -0.4 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.4 |
[ARG.ABW.SC.B.T.A.USD_EXC.N] | - | - | - | - | - | -0.4 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0.4 |
[ARG.ABW.SC.C.T.A.EUR_EXC.N] | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
[ARG.ABW.SC.C.T.A.USD_EXC.N] | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,420,737