[BBBZ1] Payments Statistics
Updated on DBnomics on September 4, 2024 (3:10 AM).
[BBK_STD_FREQ] Frequency (BBk)
- [A] Annual
[BBK_BSPS_REF_SEC] Reference sector breakdown
- [ZV00] All institutions which have to report according to paymentsstatistics
[BBK_BSPS_FORM] PS Form sheet code list
- [INET] Internet time series
[BBK_BSPS_INSTRUMENT] PS Instrument code list
- [A00] Bank account
- [I10] Cards issued by resident PSPs
- [S10] Terminals
- [T00] Payment transactions
- [T20] Non-cash transactions
- [T30] E-money transactions
- [T40] Cash transactions
[BBK_BSPS_TRANSACTION] PS Subitem code list
- [A12] Transferable overnight deposits
- [I00] Cards (irrespective of the number of functions on the card)
- [I20] Cards with a payment function
- [I30] Cards with an e-money function
- [I40] Cards with a cash function
- [S10] Terminals provided by resident PSPs
- [S11] ATMs provided by resident PSPs
- [S12] POS terminals provided by resident PSPs
- [S13] E-money card terminals provided by resident PSPs
- [S20] Terminals provided by non-resident PSPs
- [S21] ATMs provided by non-resident PSPs
- [S22] POS terminals provided by non-resident PSPs
- [S40] Over the counter
- [T00] Payment transaction
- [T10] Card payments
- [T21] Credit transfers
- [T22] Direct debits
- [T23] Cheques
[BBK_BSPS_ACCESS_TYPE] PS Type code list
- [000] Total
- [A31] Online
- [I10] With a combined debit, cash and e-money function
- [I21] With a debit funktion
- [I22] With a delayed debit funktion
- [I23] With a credit funktion
- [I31] On which e-money can be stored directly
- [S11] With a cash withdrawal function
- [S12] With a credit transfer function
- [S21] EFTPOS terminals
- [S31] E-money card loading and unloading terminals
- [S32] E-money card accepting terminals
- [T00] Transaction total
- [T10] Payments with card with a payment function
- [T11] Initiated in paper-based form
- [T12] Initiated electronically
- [T32] E-money payment transactions
- [T41] Cash withdrawals
- [T42] Cash deposits
[BBK_BSPS_CONTEXT] PS Country context code list
- [FROM] Source country
- [IN] Country / Location
- [TO] Destination country
[BBK_BSPS_COUNTERPART_AREA] Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only
- [A1] World
- [DE] Germany
- [Z9] Rest of the World
[BBK_BSPS_UNIT] PS Unit code list
- [N] Number
- [V] Value
Search filters
Frequency (BBk) [BBK_STD_FREQ] (1)
Reference sector breakdown [BBK_BSPS_REF_SEC] (1)
PS Form sheet code list [BBK_BSPS_FORM] (1)
PS Instrument code list [BBK_BSPS_INSTRUMENT] (7)
PS Subitem code list [BBK_BSPS_TRANSACTION] (18)
PS Type code list [BBK_BSPS_ACCESS_TYPE] (19)
PS Country context code list [BBK_BSPS_CONTEXT] (3)
Area (countries, list of countries), BBk only [BBK_BSPS_COUNTERPART_AREA] (3)
PS Unit code list [BBK_BSPS_UNIT] (2)
This dataset has 69 series:
- from
- 2007=91,161,471
- to
- 2021=113,954,474
- min:
- 91,161,471
- max:
- 113,954,474
- avg:
- 100,635,184.533
- σ:
- 6,610,903.948
- from
- 2007=35,375,030
- to
- 2021=83,303,192
- min:
- 35,375,030
- max:
- 83,303,192
- avg:
- 58,089,058.467
- σ:
- 14,475,993.737
- from
- 2007=132,257,975
- to
- 2021=174,260,481
- min:
- 132,257,975
- max:
- 174,260,481
- avg:
- 150,272,535.533
- σ:
- 13,119,759.409
- from
- 2007=66,099,249
- to
- 2021=44,980,521
- min:
- 44,980,521
- max:
- 94,415,540
- avg:
- 78,285,358
- σ:
- 12,746,625.336
- from
- 2007=122,984,499
- to
- 2021=159,821,637
- min:
- 122,879,303
- max:
- 159,821,637
- avg:
- 138,514,424.933
- σ:
- 11,826,870.544
- from
- 2007=100,740,254
- to
- 2021=121,374,221
- min:
- 100,667,168
- max:
- 121,374,221
- avg:
- 107,726,529.8
- σ:
- 6,236,878.236
- from
- 2007=18,791,792
- to
- 2021=32,660,292
- min:
- 18,791,792
- max:
- 34,735,448
- avg:
- 26,290,277.067
- σ:
- 4,898,640.907
- from
- 2007=3,452,453
- to
- 2021=5,787,125
- min:
- 3,221,248
- max:
- 5,838,901
- avg:
- 4,497,628.667
- σ:
- 963,655.69
- from
- 2007=77,773,812
- to
- 2021=51,581,107
- min:
- 51,581,107
- max:
- 98,961,781
- avg:
- 83,914,841.067
- σ:
- 12,664,543.766
- from
- 2007=123,558,152
- to
- 2021=159,906,436
- min:
- 123,558,152
- max:
- 161,710,353
- avg:
- 142,750,192.2
- σ:
- 12,574,541.765
Series code | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
[A.ZV00.INET.A00.A12.000.IN.DE.N] | 91161471 | 91547802 | 93974039 | 94981653 | 95684274 | 96858421 | 98511666 | 99874938 | 101660756 | 103843985 | 103875559 | 105955389 | 107973267 | 109670074 | 113954474 |
[A.ZV00.INET.A00.A12.A31.IN.DE.N] | 35375030 | 38237370 | 42269720 | 45302710 | 48206200 | 50601260 | 54259900 | 57201234 | 60512166 | 63873090 | 67036717 | 71012120 | 75139346 | 79005822 | 83303192 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I00.000.IN.DE.N] | 132257975 | 133586472 | 139137090 | 139021485 | 140575490 | 141868742 | 143114007 | 148347734 | 151135563 | 155585814 | 156984669 | 159378193 | 164759592 | 174074726 | 174260481 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I00.I10.IN.DE.N] | 66099249 | 76782538 | 81263041 | 85148622 | 88533738 | 88785504 | 90054287 | 94415540 | 89893323 | 83820994 | 74906100 | 74164000 | 74425954 | 61006959 | 44980521 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I20.000.IN.DE.N] | 122984499 | 122879303 | 126134099 | 127755028 | 130096632 | 133188182 | 133852026 | 135354020 | 139248176 | 142676722 | 144363935 | 147447798 | 152947522 | 158966795 | 159821637 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I20.I21.IN.DE.N] | 100740254 | 100667168 | 101908661 | 102413713 | 103957375 | 105593639 | 105169256 | 104099927 | 106102740 | 108951095 | 109311646 | 111550641 | 115665165 | 118392446 | 121374221 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I20.I22.IN.DE.N] | 18791792 | 18990887 | 20668449 | 21751927 | 22680796 | 23909567 | 24780693 | 26861670 | 28245156 | 28733250 | 29772187 | 30220538 | 31551504 | 34735448 | 32660292 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I20.I23.IN.DE.N] | 3452453 | 3221248 | 3556989 | 3589388 | 3458461 | 3684976 | 3902077 | 4392423 | 4900280 | 4992377 | 5280102 | 5676751 | 5730879 | 5838901 | 5787125 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I30.000.IN.DE.N] | 77773812 | 79889405 | 85954579 | 95125525 | 96509848 | 97990022 | 98961781 | 95556545 | 91908011 | 86744800 | 78627915 | 77206513 | 77448611 | 67444142 | 51581107 |
[A.ZV00.INET.I10.I40.000.IN.DE.N] | 123558152 | 125714139 | 129448218 | 130085814 | 132700549 | 135344136 | 137227093 | 144283051 | 147294618 | 149884072 | 151013616 | 153976771 | 159105865 | 161710353 | 159906436 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 69