[MRET] UK trade time series
Updated on DBnomics on February 21, 2025 (4:22 PM).
- [AJFB] Average Sterling exchange rate: Canadian Dollar XUMACDS
- [AJFD] Average Sterling exchange rate: Swiss franc XUMASFS
- [AJFI] Average Sterling exchange rate: Swedish kroner XUMASKS
- [AJFJ] Average Sterling exchange rate: Norwegian kroner XUMANKS
- [AJFK] Average Sterling exchange rate: Danish kroner XUMADKS
- [AJFO] Average Sterling exchange rate: Japanese yen XUMAJYS
- [AJFP] Average Sterling exchange rate: Australian Dollar
- [AJFU] Average Sterling exchange rate: Hong Kong Dollar XUMAHDS
- [AJFV] Average Sterling exchange rate: New Zealand Dollar
- [AJFW] Average Sterling exchange rate: South African Rand
- [APQL] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [AUEV] Trade in Goods: Estonia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [AUSS] Average Sterling exchange rate: US Dollar XUMAUSS
- [BK67] Sterling effective exchange rate index: Monthly average (Jan 2005=100)
- [BOGG] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOGS] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOKG] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOKH] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOKI] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOKJ] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BOKL] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BOLA] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOPL] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOPM] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOPN] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOPO] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOPP] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOQI] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOQL] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOQM] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Exports: BOP: Tons: SA
- [BOQN] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BOVA] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVB] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVC] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVD] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVE] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVF] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVG] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVH] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVI] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVQ] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVS] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVT] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVU] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVV] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVW] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOVX] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BOXA] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXB] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXC] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXD] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXE] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXF] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXG] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXH] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXI] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXQ] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXS] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXT] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXV] Trade in Goods: Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BOXX] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPAL] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPAN] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPAO] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPAP] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPBI] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPBL] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPBM] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BPBN] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Exports: BOP: Av value per ton: SA
- [BPBV] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPEJ] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPFY] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPGC] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGG] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGH] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGI] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGQ] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGT] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGU] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGV] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGW] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPGX] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [BPIA] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIB] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIC] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPID] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIE] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIF] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIG] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIH] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPII] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIQ] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIS] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIT] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIV] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BPIX] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQAN] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQAO] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQAQ] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQAR] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAS] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAT] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAU] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAV] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAW] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQAX] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: Av value per ton: SA
- [BQAY] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQBB] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQBD] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQBE] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQBG] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQBH] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: Tons: SA
- [BQDD] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQFT] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQGJ] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQGK] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQGL] Trade in Goods: Estonia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGM] Trade in Goods: Estonia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGN] Trade in Goods: Cyprus: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGO] Trade in Goods: Cyprus: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGP] Trade in Goods: Cyprus: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGQ] Trade in Goods: Latvia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGR] Trade in Goods: Latvia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGT] Trade in Goods: Latvia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGU] Trade in Goods: Lithuania: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGV] Trade in Goods: Lithuania: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGX] Trade in Goods: Lithuania: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGY] Trade in Goods: Malta: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQGZ] Trade in Goods: Malta: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHA] Trade in Goods: Malta: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHB] Trade in Goods: Slovakia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHC] Trade in Goods: Slovakia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHD] Trade in Goods: Slovakia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHE] Trade in Goods: Slovenia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHN] Trade in Goods: Slovenia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHO] Trade in Goods: Slovenia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHQ] Trade in Goods less MTIC (TlessMTIC): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQHS] Trade in Goods less MTIC (TlessMTIC): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQKH] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQKO] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQKQ] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [BQKW] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQKX] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQMQ] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQMR] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQMS] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQMT] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQMU] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQMV] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQMW] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQMX] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQMZ] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQNA] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQND] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: NSA
- [BQNE] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQNF] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQNG] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQNH] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQNI] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQNJ] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQOR] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQOS] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQOT] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQOU] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQOV] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [BQOX] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQOY] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQOZ] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPA] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPB] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPI] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPJ] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPK] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQPL] Trade in Goods: WW: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): EX: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQA] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQB] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQC] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQD] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQE] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQF] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQG] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQH] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQI] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQJ] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQK] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQL] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQM] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQN] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQO] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQP] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQQ] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQR] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQS] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQT] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQU] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQV] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [BQQW] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHMY] Trade in Goods: Austria: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHMZ] Trade in Goods: Finland: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNA] Trade in Goods: Sweden: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNB] Trade in Goods: Austria: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNC] Trade in Goods: Finland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHND] Trade in Goods: Sweden: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNE] Trade in Goods: Netherlands: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNG] Trade in Goods: Denmark: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNH] Trade in Goods: Ireland: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNI] Trade in Goods: Greece: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNJ] Trade in Goods: Portugal: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNM] Trade in Goods: Spain: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNO] Trade in Goods: Italy: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNP] Trade in Goods: Netherlands: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNR] Trade in Goods: Denmark: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNS] Trade in Goods: Ireland: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNT] Trade in Goods: Greece: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNU] Trade in Goods: Portugal: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNV] Trade in Goods: Spain: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNW] Trade in Goods: Italy: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNX] Trade in Goods: Netherlands: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHNZ] Trade in Goods: Denmark: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHOA] Trade in Goods: Ireland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHOB] Trade in Goods: Greece: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHOC] Trade in Goods: Portugal: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHOD] Trade in Goods: Spain: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHOE] Trade in Goods: Italy: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHVG] Trade in Goods: Austria: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHVH] Trade in Goods: Finland: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CHVI] Trade in Goods: Sweden: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CPAV] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CPLX] Total Trade less erratics (TTlessE): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CPLY] Total Trade less erratics (TTlessE): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CPLZ] Total Trade less erratics (TTlessE): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CQER] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CRAB] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CRAH] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCA] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCE] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCF] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCG] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCN] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCP] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCR] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCS] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSCV] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSDR] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CSDS] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTSL] Trade in Goods: WW: Total: Terms of Trade: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTUZ] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVA] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVB] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVC] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVD] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVE] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVF] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVG] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVH] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVI] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVJ] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVK] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVL] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVM] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVN] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVO] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVP] Total Trade less Oil (TTlessO): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVQ] Total Trade less Oil (TTlessO): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVR] Total Trade less Oil (TTlessO): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [CTVS] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVT] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVU] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVV] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVW] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVX] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVY] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTVZ] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWA] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWB] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWC] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWD] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWE] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTWG] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWH] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWJ] Total Trade (TT): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWK] Total Trade (TT): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWN] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWO] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWR] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWS] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWT] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWU] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWX] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTWY] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXB] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXC] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXF] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXG] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXH] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXI] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXL] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXM] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXO] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXP] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTXS] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXT] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXU] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXV] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXW] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXX] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXY] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTXZ] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYA] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYB] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYD] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYE] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYG] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYH] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYI] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYJ] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYK] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYL] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYM] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYN] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [CTYO] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTYP] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTYS] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTYT] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTYW] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTYX] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTZA] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTZB] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTZD] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [CTZE] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [E24V] Trade in Goods: Liechtenstein: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E24W] Trade in Goods: Liechtenstein: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E253] Trade in Goods: Liechtenstein: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E25L] Trade in Goods: Albania: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E2XF] Trade in Goods: Belarus: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E2XO] Trade in Goods: Chile: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E2XP] Trade in Goods: Colombia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E2XQ] Trade in Goods: Croatia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E2XR] Trade in Goods: Ukraine: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZH] Trade in Goods: Uruguay: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZI] Trade in Goods: Venezuela: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZJ] Trade in Goods: Albania: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZK] Trade in Goods: Belarus: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZL] Trade in Goods: Chile: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZM] Trade in Goods: Colombia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZN] Trade in Goods: Croatia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZO] Trade in Goods: Ukraine: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZP] Trade in Goods: Uruguay: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZQ] Trade in Goods: Venezuela: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZR] Trade in Goods: Argentina: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZS] Trade in Goods: Iran: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZT] Trade in Goods: Morocco incl. Western Sahara: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZU] Trade in Goods: Argentina: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZV] Trade in Goods: Iran: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E4ZW] Trade in Goods: Morocco incl. Western Sahara: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E52L] Trade in Goods: Belgium: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E52O] Trade in Goods: Belgium: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E52P] Trade in Goods: Belgium: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E54E] Trade in Goods: Luxembourg: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E54F] Trade in Goods: Luxembourg: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [E54G] Trade in Goods: Luxembourg: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E565] Trade in Goods: Albania: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E566] Trade in Goods: Belarus: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E567] Trade in Goods: Chile: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E5EX] Trade in Goods: Colombia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E5GB] Trade in Goods: Croatia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E5GC] Trade in Goods: Ukraine: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E5GE] Trade in Goods: Uruguay: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E5GH] Trade in Goods: Venezuela: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E6AF] Trade in Goods: Argentina: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E6AG] Trade in Goods: Iran: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [E6WY] Trade in Goods: Morocco incl. Western Sahara: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EDHK] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHL] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHM] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHN] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHO] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHP] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHS] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHT] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHW] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHX] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHY] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDHZ] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDIA] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EDIB] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [EHAA] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAB] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAC] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAE] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAF] Trade in Goods: WW: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): IM: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAG] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAH] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAI] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAJ] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAK] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAL] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAM] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAN] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAO] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAP] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAQ] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAR] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAS] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAT] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAU] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAV] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAW] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAX] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAY] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHAZ] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBA] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBB] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBC] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBF] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBG] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBH] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBI] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBJ] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBK] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBL] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBM] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBN] Trade in Goods: WW: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): BAL: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBO] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBP] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBQ] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBR] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBS] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBT] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBU] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBV] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBW] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBX] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBY] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHBZ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHCA] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHCB] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHCC] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHCD] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EHCE] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBD] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ELBE] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBF] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBG] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBH] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBI] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBJ] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBL] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ELBM] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDG] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDH] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDJ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDK] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDL] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDM] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENDN] BOP:EX:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [ENDW] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENDX] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENDY] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENDZ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENEG] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENEH] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENEI] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENEJ] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENFC] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFD] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFE] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFF] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFG] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFH] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFI] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENFJ] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENGA] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGB] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGD] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGE] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGF] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGG] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENGH] BOP:IM:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [ENGQ] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGR] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGS] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGT] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGU] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGV] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGW] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENGX] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ENHW] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENHX] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENHY] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENHZ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENIA] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENIB] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENIC] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENID] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [ENIW] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENIX] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENIY] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENJA] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENJB] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENJC] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENJD] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENJE] BOP:Balance:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [ENVB] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENVC] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENXO] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENXP] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENXQ] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYL] Trade in Goods: France: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYO] Trade in Goods: Germany: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYP] Trade in Goods: France: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYS] Trade in Goods: Germany: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYT] Trade in Goods: France: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [ENYW] Trade in Goods: Germany: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBA] Trade in Goods: Turkey: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBC] Trade in Goods: Canada: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBD] Trade in Goods: Japan: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBU] Trade in Goods: Turkey: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBW] Trade in Goods: Canada: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOBX] Trade in Goods: Japan: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOCO] Trade in Goods: Turkey: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOCQ] Trade in Goods: Canada: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EOCR] Trade in Goods: Japan: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPJX] Trade in Goods: Mexico: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPJY] Trade in Goods: Mexico: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPJZ] Trade in Goods: Mexico: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPLV] Trade in Goods: Switzerland: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPLW] Trade in Goods: Iceland: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPLX] Trade in Goods: Norway: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPMA] Trade in Goods: Australia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPMB] Trade in Goods: New Zealand: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPME] Trade in Goods: South Africa: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPMV] Trade in Goods: Switzerland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPMW] Trade in Goods: Iceland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPMX] Trade in Goods: Norway: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNA] Trade in Goods: Australia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNB] Trade in Goods: New Zealand: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNE] Trade in Goods: South Africa: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNV] Trade in Goods: Switzerland: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNW] Trade in Goods: Iceland: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPNX] Trade in Goods: Norway: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPOA] Trade in Goods: Australia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPOB] Trade in Goods: New Zealand: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EPOE] Trade in Goods: South Africa: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EQAH] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EQAP] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDG] Trade in Goods: Hong Kong: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDH] Trade in Goods: Singapore: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDI] Trade in Goods: Saudi Arabia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDJ] Trade in Goods: India: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDK] Trade in Goods: Malaysia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDL] Trade in Goods: Israel: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDM] Trade in Goods: South Korea: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDN] Trade in Goods: China: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDO] Trade in Goods: Thailand: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDP] Trade in Goods: Taiwan: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDQ] Trade in Goods: Russia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDR] Trade in Goods: Poland: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDS] Trade in Goods: Hong Kong: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDT] Trade in Goods: Singapore: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDU] Trade in Goods: Saudi Arabia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDV] Trade in Goods: India: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDW] Trade in Goods: Malaysia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDX] Trade in Goods: Israel: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDY] Trade in Goods: South Korea: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERDZ] Trade in Goods: China: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREA] Trade in Goods: Thailand: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREB] Trade in Goods: Taiwan: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREC] Trade in Goods: Russia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [ERED] Trade in Goods: Poland: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREE] Trade in Goods: Hong Kong: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREF] Trade in Goods: Singapore: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREG] Trade in Goods: Saudi Arabia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREH] Trade in Goods: India: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREI] Trade in Goods: Malaysia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREJ] Trade in Goods: Israel: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREK] Trade in Goods: South Korea: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREL] Trade in Goods: China: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREM] Trade in Goods: Thailand: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREN] Trade in Goods: Taiwan: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREO] Trade in Goods: Russia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [EREP] Trade in Goods: Poland: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FAPO] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FDSG] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FDTF] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FDYI] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FDYQ] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FEBA] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FEHH] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FGXJ] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FGZA] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FHME] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FIOU] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FIPT] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FITY] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FIUG] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FIVX] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FIWF] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FKML] Trade in Goods: Czechia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMM] Trade in Goods: Czechia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMN] Trade in Goods: Czechia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMO] Trade in Goods: Brazil: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMP] Trade in Goods: Brazil: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMQ] Trade in Goods: Brazil: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMR] Trade in Goods: Indonesia: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMS] Trade in Goods: Indonesia: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMT] Trade in Goods: Indonesia: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMU] Trade in Goods: Pakistan: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMV] Trade in Goods: Pakistan: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMW] Trade in Goods: Pakistan: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMX] Trade in Goods: Philippines: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMY] Trade in Goods: Philippines: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKMZ] Trade in Goods: Philippines: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FKOA] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FLQJ] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FLSA] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FLYS] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNGY] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNJM] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNKF] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNLQ] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNLY] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNMR] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNMZ] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNRB] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FNRU] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [FSA2] Total Trade less Oil and erratics (TTlessOE): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSA3] Total Trade less Oil and erratics (TTlessOE): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSA4] Total Trade less Oil and erratics (TTlessOE): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSB3] Trade in Goods: Oil and erratics (OE): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSB4] Trade in Goods: Oil and erratics (OE): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSB5] Trade in Goods: Oil and erratics (OE): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIC] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSID] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TTlessPM): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIE] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIF] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (PM): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIG] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIH] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSII] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (PM): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIJ] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSIK] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSJ4] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSJ6] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSJ7] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSJ8] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSJ9] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSK2] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL4] Total EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU (EUlessPM): Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL5] Total EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU (EUlessPM): Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL6] Total EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU (EUlessPM): Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL7] Total Non-EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU (NonEUlessPM): Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL8] Total Non-EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU (NonEUlessPM): Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FSL9] Total Non-EU less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU (NonEUlessPM): Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJE] Trade in Goods: Jersey: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJG] Trade in Goods: Jersey: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJH] Trade in Goods: Jersey: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJI] Trade in Goods: Guernsey: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJJ] Trade in Goods: Guernsey: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJL] Trade in Goods: Guernsey: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJM] Trade in Goods: Isle of Man: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJN] Trade in Goods: Isle of Man: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [FZJO] Trade in Goods: Isle of Man: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBB] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBC] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBD] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBE] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [IKBF] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [IKBG] Trade in Services (TS): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [IKBH] Total Trade (TT): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBI] Total Trade (TT): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBJ] Total Trade (TT): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [IKBK] Total Trade (TT): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [IKBL] Total Trade (TT): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [IKBM] Total Trade (TT): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [J8YG] Trade in Goods: United Arab Emirates: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [J8YH] Trade in Goods: United Arab Emirates: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [J8YI] Trade in Goods: United Arab Emirates: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [J9C4] Trade in Goods: United States inc Puerto Rico: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [J9C5] Trade in Goods: United States inc Puerto Rico: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [J9C6] Trade in Goods: United States inc Puerto Rico: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JIL2] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TTlessPM): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIL3] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIL4] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM3] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM4] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM5] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM6] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM7] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM8] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIM9] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN2] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN3] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN4] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN5] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN6] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN7] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN8] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIN9] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIO2] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIO3] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIO4] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JIO6] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIO7] Total Trade less precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW (TTlessPM): Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIP7] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIP8] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ2] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ3] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ5] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ6] Trade in Goods less precious metals (inc non monetary gold) (TlessPM): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ8] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIQ9] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): WW: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIR2] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIR3] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIR5] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JIR6] Trade in Goods: Precious metals (inc non monetary gold): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [JYVG] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): EU: Exports:BOP: CP: SA
- [JYVJ] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JYVT] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JYVW] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JYWG] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JYWJ] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JYYW] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JYYZ] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JYZJ] Trade in Goods: Meat (01): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JYZM] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JYZW] Trade in Goods: Meat (01): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JYZZ] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZBJ] Trade in Goods: Meat (01): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZBM] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZDZ] Trade in Goods: Meat (01): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZEC] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZEM] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & egg (02): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZEP] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZEZ] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & egg (02): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZFC] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZFM] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & egg (02): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZFP] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZIC] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & egg (02): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZIF] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZIU] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZIY] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZJX] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZKA] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZMO] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZMR] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZNB] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZNE] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZNO] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZNR] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZOB] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZOE] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZOO] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZOR] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZPB] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZPE] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZPO] Trade in Goods: Fruit & vegetables (05): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZPR] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZQB] Trade in Goods: Fruit & vegetables (05): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZQE] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZQO] Trade in Goods: Fruit & vegetables (05): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZQR] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZRB] Trade in Goods: Fruit & vegetables (05): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZRE] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZRO] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZRR] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZSB] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZSE] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZSO] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZSR] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZTB] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZTE] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZTO] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZTR] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZUB] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZUE] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZUO] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZUR] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZVB] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZVE] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZVO] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZVR] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZWB] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZWE] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZWO] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZWR] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZXB] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZXE] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZXP] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZXS] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZYC] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZYF] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [JZYP] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [JZYS] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [KO2M] Trade in Goods: Algeria: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2N] Trade in Goods: Algeria: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2O] Trade in Goods: Algeria: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2P] Trade in Goods: Libya: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2Q] Trade in Goods: Libya: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2R] Trade in Goods: Libya: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2S] Trade in Goods: Qatar: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2T] Trade in Goods: Qatar: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2U] Trade in Goods: Qatar: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2V] Trade in Goods: Vietnam: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2W] Trade in Goods: Vietnam: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO2X] Trade in Goods: Vietnam: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3M] Trade in Goods: Botswana: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3N] Trade in Goods: Botswana: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3O] Trade in Goods: Botswana: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3P] Trade in Goods: Ghana: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3Q] Trade in Goods: Ghana: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3R] Trade in Goods: Ghana: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3S] Trade in Goods: Sri Lanka: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3T] Trade in Goods: Sri Lanka: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [KO3U] Trade in Goods: Sri Lanka: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87K] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87M] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87O] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87Q] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87S] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [L87U] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LGBT] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LGBW] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LGCN] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LGDF] Trade in Goods (T): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LGEB] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LGEU] Trade in Goods (T): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LKTY] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKUA] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [LKUC] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKUF] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LKUS] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [LKUU] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKUX] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LKVL] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKVN] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [LKVQ] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKVT] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LKWG] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [LKWJ] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [LKWM] Trade in Goods less oil (TlessO): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LKYH] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LMKQ] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LNJR] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LNOO] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LNPB] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LOBA] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LOBN] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LOBY] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [LQAD] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [LQBL] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: NSA
- [LQCT] Trade in Goods (T): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: NSA
- [MBBK] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBBX] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBCK] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBCX] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBDM] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBDZ] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBGV] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MBHI] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [MTN6] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [MTN7] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [MTN8] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA: £m
- [N3C4] Trade in Goods: EMU(19): Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [N3C5] Trade in Goods: EMU(19): Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [N3C6] Trade in Goods: EMU(19): Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OABG] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OABI] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OABO] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OABP] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OACH] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OACJ] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OACN] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [OCCP] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OCCY] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ODUM] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [ODUS] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEAF] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEAL] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEAY] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEBB] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEDZ] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEEV] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEEW] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEEX] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPN] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPO] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPP] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPQ] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPR] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEPS] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEQA] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OEQV] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OFNN] Trade in Goods: Missing trader intra community (MTIC): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: NSA
- [OGLF] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRL] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRM] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRN] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRO] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRP] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGRQ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSC] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSD] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSE] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSF] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSG] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSH] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSI] Trade in Goods: Meat & meat preparations (01): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSJ] Trade in Goods: Dairy products & eggs (02): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSK] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSL] Trade in Goods: Vegetables & fruit (05): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSM] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSP] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSQ] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork (24): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSR] Trade in Goods: Pulp & waste paper (25): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSS] Trade in Goods: Textile fibres (26): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGST] Trade in Goods: Metal ores & scrap (28): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSU] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSV] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSW] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSX] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSY] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGSZ] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTA] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTB] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTC] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTD] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTE] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTF] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTG] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTH] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTI] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTJ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTK] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTL] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTM] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTN] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OGTO] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKCK] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCL] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCM] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCN] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCO] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCP] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKCQ] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKDW] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKDX] Trade in Goods: Fish (03): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKDY] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKDZ] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKEA] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKEB] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKEC] Trade in Goods: Misc. foods (09): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [OKPU] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKPV] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKPW] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKPX] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKPY] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKPZ] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQA] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQB] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQC] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQD] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQE] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQF] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQG] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQH] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQJ] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQL] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQM] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQN] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQO] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQP] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQQ] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQT] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQU] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQV] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQW] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQX] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQY] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKQZ] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRA] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRB] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRC] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRD] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRE] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRG] Trade in Goods: Live animals (00): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRH] Trade in Goods: Fish & shellfish (03): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRI] Trade in Goods: Cereals (04): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRJ] Trade in Goods: Sugar (06): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRK] Trade in Goods: Coffee, tea, cocoa etc (07): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRL] Trade in Goods: Animal feeding stuffs (08): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRM] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous foods (09): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRN] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRO] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRP] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRQ] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRR] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRS] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRT] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRV] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRX] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRY] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKRZ] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSA] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSB] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSC] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSH] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSI] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSJ] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSK] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSL] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSM] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSN] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSO] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSP] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSR] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OKSS] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OMSE] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OMSF] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OMSG] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OMSH] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [OMUB] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): WW: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [QALC] Trade in Goods: Hungary: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALD] Trade in Goods: Hungary: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALE] Trade in Goods: Hungary: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALF] Trade in Goods: Brunei: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALG] Trade in Goods: Brunei: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALH] Trade in Goods: Brunei: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALL] Trade in Goods: Egypt: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALM] Trade in Goods: Egypt: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALN] Trade in Goods: Egypt: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALU] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALV] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALW] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALX] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): WW: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALY] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): WW: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QALZ] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): WW: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATB] Trade in Goods: Kuwait: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATC] Trade in Goods: Kuwait: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATD] Trade in Goods: Kuwait: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATE] Trade in Goods: Nigeria: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATF] Trade in Goods: Nigeria: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [QATG] Trade in Goods: Nigeria: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [S23X] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S23Y] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S23Z] Trade in Services (TS): Manufacturing and Maintenance Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S26B] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S26C] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S26D] Trade in Services (TS): Transport: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S28N] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S28O] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S28P] Trade in Services (TS): Travel: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2AZ] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2B2] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2B3] Trade in Services (TS): Construction Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2DD] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2DE] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2DF] Trade in Services (TS): Insurance and Pension Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2FP] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2FQ] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2FR] Trade in Services (TS): Financial Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2I3] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2I4] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2I5] Trade in Services (TS): Intellectual Property Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2KF] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2KG] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2KH] Trade in Services (TS): Telecoms, Computer and Information Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2MR] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2MS] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2MT] Trade in Services (TS): Other Business Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2P5] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2P6] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2P7] Trade in Services (TS): Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2PK] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2PL] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [S2PM] Trade in Services (TS): Government Services, n.i.e: WW: Balance: BOP: CVM: SA: £m
- [SDAU] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDBI] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDBV] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDCI] Trade in Goods: Other crude materials (2OCM): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDCR] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDCT] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDCV] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDCY] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDDL] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDDO] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDDR] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDED] Trade in Goods: Total less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDEF] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDEH] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDEK] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDEX] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDEZ] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDFC] Trade in Goods less erratics (TlessE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDFP] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDFR] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDFT] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDFW] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDJX] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDJZ] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDKC] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDKP] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDKY] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDLA] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDLE] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDLR] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDLT] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDLW] Trade in Goods: Fuels (3): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDMV] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDNI] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDNM] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDOY] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDPC] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDPW] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDQL] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDQP] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDSA] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDSE] Trade in Goods: Food, beverages & tobacco (0and1): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDTB] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDTO] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDTS] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDVA] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDVE] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDVX] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDWK] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDWO] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDXV] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDXZ] Trade in Goods: Basic materials (2and4): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SDYZ] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SDZE] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SDZI] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEAN] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEAS] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEAW] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEBY] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SECD] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SECH] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEDN] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEDS] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEDW] Trade in Goods: Crude oil (33O): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEEZ] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEFC] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEFG] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEGK] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEGN] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEGR] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEHR] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEHU] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEHY] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEJD] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEJG] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEJK] Trade in Goods: Refined oil (33R): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEKO] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEKR] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEKV] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SELZ] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEMC] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEMG] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SENG] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SENJ] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SENN] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEOR] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEOU] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEOY] Trade in Goods: Chemicals (5): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SESM] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SESO] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SESQ] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEST] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SETG] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SETI] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SETL] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SETY] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEUA] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEUC] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEUF] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEUS] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SEUU] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SEUX] Trade in Goods: Semi-manufactures (5and6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEWA] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEXL] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SEYS] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFAD] Trade in Goods: Material manufactures less erratics (6lessPS): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFBD] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFBK] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFCO] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFCV] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFDW] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFED] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFFH] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFFO] Trade in Goods: Precious stones & silver (PS): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFJD] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFJF] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFJH] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFJK] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFJY] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFKA] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFKD] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFKU] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFKW] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFKY] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFLC] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFLP] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFLR] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SFLU] Trade in Goods: Finished manufactures (7and8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFMU] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFNB] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFOO] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFOV] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFPV] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFQC] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFRG] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFRN] Trade in Goods: Consumer goods other than cars (7and8C): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFSN] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFSU] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFTY] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFUF] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFVF] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFVM] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFWQ] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFWX] Trade in Goods: Intermediate goods (7and8I): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFXX] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFYE] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SFZI] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SFZP] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGAP] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGAW] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGCB] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGCK] Trade in Goods: Capital goods (7and8K): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGDL] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGDS] EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [SGDX] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGFB] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGFE] EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [SGFI] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGFZ] non-EU(2004):BOP:Balance:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [SGGJ] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGGM] non-EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [SGGQ] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGHU] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGHX] non-EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Ships and Aircraft(SNA) : SITC 792+793
- [SGIB] Trade in Goods: Ships & aircraft (792and793): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGLP] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGLR] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGLT] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGLW] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGMJ] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGML] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGMO] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGNB] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGND] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGNF] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGNI] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGNV] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGNX] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGOA] Trade in Goods: Manufactures (5to8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGOO] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGOY] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGPB] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGPF] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGQJ] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGQM] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGQQ] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGRK] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGRU] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGRX] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGSB] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGTG] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGTK] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SGTO] Trade in Goods: Unspecified goods (9): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGUS] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGVA] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGWH] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGWO] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGYA] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGYH] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SGZQ] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SGZX] Trade in Goods: Fuels other than oil (3OF): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHBF] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHBH] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SHBJ] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHBM] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHCA] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SHCC] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHCH] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHCV] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHCY] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SHDA] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHDD] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHDS] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SHDU] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHDX] Trade in Goods less oil & erratics (TlessOE): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHEM] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHEP] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHEZ] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHFC] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHFM] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHFP] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHFZ] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHGC] Trade in Goods: Food & live animals (0): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHGM] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHGP] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHGZ] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHHC] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHHM] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHHP] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHHZ] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHIC] Trade in Goods: Beverages and Tobacco (1): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHIN] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHIQ] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHJB] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHJE] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHJO] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHJR] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHKB] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SHKE] Trade in Goods: Crude Materials (2): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHKQ] EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Mechanical Machinery: SITC 71-74 less 716
- [SHKT] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHLD] EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Mechanical Machinery: SITC 71-74 less 716
- [SHLG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHLQ] non-EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Mechanical Machinery: SITC 71-74 less 716
- [SHLT] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHMD] non-EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Mechanical Machinery: SITC 71-74 less 716
- [SHMG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (7M): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHMT] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHNG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHNT] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHOG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (consumer) (7MC): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHOT] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHPG] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHPU] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHQH] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (intermediate) (7MI): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHRQ] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHSE] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHSR] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHTJ] Trade in Goods: Mechanical machinery (capital) (7MK): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHTV] EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Electrical Machinery: SITC 716+75+76+77
- [SHTY] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHUW] EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Electrical Machinery: SITC 716+75+76+77
- [SHVD] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHVS] non-EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Electrical Machinery: SITC 716+75+76+77
- [SHVV] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHWF] non-EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Electrical Machinery: SITC 716+75+76+77
- [SHWI] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (7E): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHWY] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHXL] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHYC] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHYS] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (consumer) (7EC): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHZF] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SHZZ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIAM] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIAZ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EI): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIBM] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIBZ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SICM] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SICZ] Trade in Goods: Electrical machinery (intermediate) (7EK): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIFU] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIFX] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIGH] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIGK] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIGU] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIGX] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIHH] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIHK] Trade in Goods: Animal and Vegetable Oils (4): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIHU] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIHW] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SIHY] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIIB] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIIO] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SIIQ] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIIT] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIJG] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIJI] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SIJK] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIJN] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIKA] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SIKC] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIKF] Trade in Goods: Oil (33): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIKS] EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Organic chemicals:SITC 51
- [SIKV] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SILF] EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Organic chemicals:SITC 51
- [SILI] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SILS] non-EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Organic chemicals:SITC 51
- [SILV] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIMF] non-EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Organic chemicals:SITC 51
- [SIMI] Trade in Goods: Organic chemicals (51): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIMX] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SINK] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SINY] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIOL] Trade in Goods: Inorganic chemicals (52): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIOY] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIPL] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIPY] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIQL] Trade in Goods: Dyeing, tanning & colouring materials (53): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIQV] Trade in Goods: EU: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): EX: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIQY] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIRI] Trade in Goods: EU: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): IM: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIRL] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIRV] Trade in Goods: RW: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): EX: BOP: CP: SA
- [SIRY] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SISI] Trade in Goods: RW: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): IM: BOP: CP: SA
- [SISL] Trade in Goods: Medicinal & pharmaceutical products (54): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SISY] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SITL] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SITY] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIUL] Trade in Goods: Toilet & cleansing preparations (55): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIVG] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIVT] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIWG] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIWT] Trade in Goods: Plastics (57and58): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIXG] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIXT] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIYG] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIYT] Trade in Goods: Fertilisers & other chemicals (56and59): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIZE] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SIZJ] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SIZW] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SJAB] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJAP] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SJAV] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJBI] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SJBN] Trade in Goods: Erratics (E): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJCI] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJCV] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJDK] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJDY] Trade in Goods: Leather manufactures (61): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJEL] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJEZ] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJFN] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJGA] Trade in Goods: Rubber manufactures (62): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJGO] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJHB] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJIA] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJIO] Trade in Goods: Wood & cork manufactures (63): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJJB] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJJO] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJKC] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJKP] Trade in Goods: Paper & paperboard (64): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJLC] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJLP] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJMC] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJMP] Trade in Goods: Textile fabrics (65): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJNC] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJNP] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJOC] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJOP] Trade in Goods: Mineral manufactures less precious stones (66lessP): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJPE] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJPR] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJQE] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJQR] Trade in Goods: Precious stones (66P): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJRE] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJRR] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJSE] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJSR] Trade in Goods: Iron & steel (67): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJTE] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJTR] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJUE] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJUR] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals less silver (68lessS): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJVF] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJVS] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJWP] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJXD] Trade in Goods: Non-ferrous metals (68): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJXQ] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJYK] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJYX] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SJZO] Trade in Goods: Silver (68S): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKAE] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKAR] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKBH] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKBU] Trade in Goods: Miscellaneous metal manufactures (69): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKNT] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKOG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKOT] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKPG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (consumer) (78C): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKPT] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKQG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKQT] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKRG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (intermediate) (78I): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKRT] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKSG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKST] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKTG] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles other than cars (capital) (78K): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKTY] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SKUB] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SKUF] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKVJ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SKVM] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SKVQ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKWQ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SKWT] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SKWX] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKYG] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: IDEF: SA
- [SKYJ] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SKYN] Trade in Goods: Cars (78M): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKZI] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SKZV] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLAI] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLAV] Trade in Goods: Other transport equipment (79): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLBF] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SLBI] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLBS] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SLBV] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLCF] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SLCI] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLCS] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SLCV] Trade in Goods: Aircraft (792): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLDI] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLDV] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLEI] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLEV] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (intermediate) (791I): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLFI] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLFV] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLGI] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLGV] Trade in Goods: Railway equipment (capital) (791K): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLHI] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLHV] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLII] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLIV] Trade in Goods: Ships (793): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLJO] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLKB] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLKP] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLLC] Trade in Goods: Clothing (84): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLLP] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLMD] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLMQ] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLNG] Trade in Goods: Footwear (85): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLNZ] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLPM] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLQA] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLQN] Trade in Goods: Works of art (896): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLRH] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLRU] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLSN] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLTB] Trade in Goods: Jewellery (897C): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLTO] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLUE] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLUR] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLVE] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (consumer) (8OC): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLVS] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLWF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLWS] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLXF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (intermediate) (8OI): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLXS] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLYF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLYS] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLZF] Trade in Goods: Other miscellaneous manufactures (capital) (8OK): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SLZS] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMAF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMAS] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMBF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (consumer) (87and88C): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMBS] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMCF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMCS] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMDF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (intermediate) (87and88I): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMDS] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMEF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMES] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMFF] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (capital) (87and88K): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMFS] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMGF] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMGS] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMHF] Trade in Goods: Cereals & animal feeding stuffs (04and08): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMIQ] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMIT] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMJD] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMJG] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMJR] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMJU] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMKE] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMKH] Trade in Goods: Material manufatures (6): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMLW] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMLZ] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMMJ] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMMM] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMMZ] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMNC] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMNM] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMNP] Trade in Goods: Machinery and Transport (7): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMPY] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMQL] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMQY] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMRL] Trade in Goods: Machinery (71to77): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMRV] EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Road vehicles: SITC 78
- [SMRY] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMSI] EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Road vehicles: SITC 78
- [SMSL] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMSV] non-EU(2004):BOP:EX:SA:Road vehicles: SITC 78
- [SMSY] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMTI] non-EU(2004):BOP:IM:SA:Road vehicles: SITC 78
- [SMTL] Trade in Goods: Road vehicles (78): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMUJ] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMUM] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMUW] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMUZ] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMVJ] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMVM] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMVW] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [SMVZ] Trade in Goods: Miscellanous manufactures (8): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMWM] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMWZ] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMXM] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMXZ] Trade in Goods: Clothing & footwear (84and85): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMYM] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMYZ] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SMZM] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): Non-EU: Exports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [SNAA] Trade in Goods: Scientific & photographic (87and88): Non-EU: Imports: BOP: CVM: SA
- [THAP] Average Sterling exchange rate: Euro XUMAERS
- [WMCX] Trade in Goods: Bulgaria: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [WMDB] Trade in Goods: Romania: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [WMDC] Trade in Goods: Romania: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [WMDG] Trade in Goods: Romania: Total: Balance: BOP: CP: SA
- [WYUF] Trade in Goods: Bulgaria: Total: Exports: BOP: CP: SA
- [WYUT] Trade in Goods: Bulgaria: Total: Imports: BOP: CP: SA
- [X222] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: EU:BOP: CP: SA
- [X223] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: EU: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X224] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: EU: BOP: CP: SA
- [X225] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: EU: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X226] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: Non-EU:BOP: CP: SA
- [X227] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: Non-EU: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X228] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: Non-EU: BOP: CP: SA
- [X229] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: Non-EU: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X22A] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: WW:BOP: CP: SA
- [X22B] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Exports: WW: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X22C] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: WW: BOP: CP: SA
- [X22D] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Imports: WW: BOP: CVM: SA
- [X22E] Trade in Goods:Oil-seeds & oleaginous fruits: Total: Balance: WW: BOP: CP: SA
[freq] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
Search filters
CDID [CDID] (1627)
Frequency [freq] (3)
This dataset has 4,881 series:
- from
- 1945=NA
- to
- 2024=1.751
- min:
- 1.584
- max:
- 2.46
- avg:
- 1.941
- σ:
- 0.295
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-12=1.801
- min:
- 1.509
- max:
- 2.618
- avg:
- 1.941
- σ:
- 0.302
- from
- 1945-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q4=1.792
- min:
- 1.533
- max:
- 2.585
- avg:
- 1.941
- σ:
- 0.3
- from
- 1945=NA
- to
- 2024=1.125
- min:
- 1.117
- max:
- 2.557
- avg:
- 1.774
- σ:
- 0.506
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-12=1.127
- min:
- 1.091
- max:
- 2.633
- avg:
- 1.774
- σ:
- 0.508
- from
- 1945-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q4=1.124
- min:
- 1.101
- max:
- 2.617
- avg:
- 1.774
- σ:
- 0.508
- from
- 1945=NA
- to
- 2024=13.509
- min:
- 10.19
- max:
- 14.887
- avg:
- 12.479
- σ:
- 1.214
- from
- 1963-01=NA
- to
- 2024-12=13.895
- min:
- 9.712
- max:
- 15.54
- avg:
- 12.478
- σ:
- 1.251
- from
- 1945-Q1=NA
- to
- 2024-Q4=13.814
- min:
- 9.986
- max:
- 15.267
- avg:
- 12.479
- σ:
- 1.242
- from
- 1945=NA
- to
- 2024=13.744
- min:
- 8.988
- max:
- 13.744
- avg:
- 11.445
- σ:
- 1.279
Series code | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
[AJFB.A] | 2.268 | 2.4596 | 2.404 | 2.2491 | 2.2299 | 2.3609 | 2.2877 | 2.3831 | 2.2048 | 2.09 | 2.1467 | 1.9621 | 1.78 | 1.5925 | 1.5862 | 1.5839 | 1.612 | 1.8188 | 1.9552 | 1.7948 | 1.6716 | 1.7293 | 1.6938 | 1.72 | 1.7245 | 1.6074 | 1.6779 | 1.7509 |
[AJFD.A] | 2.3756 | 2.4004 | 2.4311 | 2.5573 | 2.4293 | 2.3337 | 2.1979 | 2.2753 | 2.2652 | 2.3081 | 2.4016 | 1.9986 | 1.6961 | 1.6093 | 1.4207 | 1.4868 | 1.4494 | 1.5072 | 1.4716 | 1.3337 | 1.2682 | 1.3056 | 1.2686 | 1.2041 | 1.2576 | 1.1791 | 1.1169 | 1.125 |
[AJFI.A] | 12.5078 | 13.1788 | 13.3734 | 13.8683 | 14.8866 | 14.5757 | 13.1893 | 13.4523 | 13.5843 | 13.5738 | 13.5212 | 12.0931 | 11.9331 | 11.1249 | 10.4104 | 10.7326 | 10.1901 | 11.2964 | 12.8946 | 11.5744 | 10.9994 | 11.597 | 12.0721 | 11.7988 | 11.8017 | 12.4684 | 13.202 | 13.5089 |
[AJFJ.A] | 11.6002 | 12.511 | 12.6213 | 13.3219 | 12.9429 | 11.9541 | 11.5671 | 12.3416 | 11.7138 | 11.8145 | 11.7196 | 10.3395 | 9.8149 | 9.3404 | 8.9875 | 9.2208 | 9.2001 | 10.3744 | 12.3351 | 11.3771 | 10.6471 | 10.8541 | 11.2366 | 12.0605 | 11.8262 | 11.854 | 13.1396 | 13.744 |
Series code | 1997-01 | 1997-02 | 1997-03 | 1997-04 | 1997-05 | 1997-06 | 1997-07 | 1997-08 | 1997-09 | 1997-10 | 1997-11 | 1997-12 | 1998-01 | 1998-02 | 1998-03 | 1998-04 | 1998-05 | 1998-06 | 1998-07 | 1998-08 | 1998-09 | 1998-10 | 1998-11 | 1998-12 | 1999-01 | 1999-02 | 1999-03 | 1999-04 | 1999-05 | 1999-06 | 1999-07 | 1999-08 | 1999-09 | 1999-10 | 1999-11 | 1999-12 | 2000-01 | 2000-02 | 2000-03 | 2000-04 | 2000-05 | 2000-06 | 2000-07 | 2000-08 | 2000-09 | 2000-10 | 2000-11 | 2000-12 | 2001-01 | 2001-02 | 2001-03 | 2001-04 | 2001-05 | 2001-06 | 2001-07 | 2001-08 | 2001-09 | 2001-10 | 2001-11 | 2001-12 | 2002-01 | 2002-02 | 2002-03 | 2002-04 | 2002-05 | 2002-06 | 2002-07 | 2002-08 | 2002-09 | 2002-10 | 2002-11 | 2002-12 | 2003-01 | 2003-02 | 2003-03 | 2003-04 | 2003-05 | 2003-06 | 2003-07 | 2003-08 | 2003-09 | 2003-10 | 2003-11 | 2003-12 | 2004-01 | 2004-02 | 2004-03 | 2004-04 | 2004-05 | 2004-06 | 2004-07 | 2004-08 | 2004-09 | 2004-10 | 2004-11 | 2004-12 | 2005-01 | 2005-02 | 2005-03 | 2005-04 | 2005-05 | 2005-06 | 2005-07 | 2005-08 | 2005-09 | 2005-10 | 2005-11 | 2005-12 | 2006-01 | 2006-02 | 2006-03 | 2006-04 | 2006-05 | 2006-06 | 2006-07 | 2006-08 | 2006-09 | 2006-10 | 2006-11 | 2006-12 | 2007-01 | 2007-02 | 2007-03 | 2007-04 | 2007-05 | 2007-06 | 2007-07 | 2007-08 | 2007-09 | 2007-10 | 2007-11 | 2007-12 | 2008-01 | 2008-02 | 2008-03 | 2008-04 | 2008-05 | 2008-06 | 2008-07 | 2008-08 | 2008-09 | 2008-10 | 2008-11 | 2008-12 | 2009-01 | 2009-02 | 2009-03 | 2009-04 | 2009-05 | 2009-06 | 2009-07 | 2009-08 | 2009-09 | 2009-10 | 2009-11 | 2009-12 | 2010-01 | 2010-02 | 2010-03 | 2010-04 | 2010-05 | 2010-06 | 2010-07 | 2010-08 | 2010-09 | 2010-10 | 2010-11 | 2010-12 | 2011-01 | 2011-02 | 2011-03 | 2011-04 | 2011-05 | 2011-06 | 2011-07 | 2011-08 | 2011-09 | 2011-10 | 2011-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-01 | 2012-02 | 2012-03 | 2012-04 | 2012-05 | 2012-06 | 2012-07 | 2012-08 | 2012-09 | 2012-10 | 2012-11 | 2012-12 | 2013-01 | 2013-02 | 2013-03 | 2013-04 | 2013-05 | 2013-06 | 2013-07 | 2013-08 | 2013-09 | 2013-10 | 2013-11 | 2013-12 | 2014-01 | 2014-02 | 2014-03 | 2014-04 | 2014-05 | 2014-06 | 2014-07 | 2014-08 | 2014-09 | 2014-10 | 2014-11 | 2014-12 | 2015-01 | 2015-02 | 2015-03 | 2015-04 | 2015-05 | 2015-06 | 2015-07 | 2015-08 | 2015-09 | 2015-10 | 2015-11 | 2015-12 | 2016-01 | 2016-02 | 2016-03 | 2016-04 | 2016-05 | 2016-06 | 2016-07 | 2016-08 | 2016-09 | 2016-10 | 2016-11 | 2016-12 | 2017-01 | 2017-02 | 2017-03 | 2017-04 | 2017-05 | 2017-06 | 2017-07 | 2017-08 | 2017-09 | 2017-10 | 2017-11 | 2017-12 | 2018-01 | 2018-02 | 2018-03 | 2018-04 | 2018-05 | 2018-06 | 2018-07 | 2018-08 | 2018-09 | 2018-10 | 2018-11 | 2018-12 | 2019-01 | 2019-02 | 2019-03 | 2019-04 | 2019-05 | 2019-06 | 2019-07 | 2019-08 | 2019-09 | 2019-10 | 2019-11 | 2019-12 | 2020-01 | 2020-02 | 2020-03 | 2020-04 | 2020-05 | 2020-06 | 2020-07 | 2020-08 | 2020-09 | 2020-10 | 2020-11 | 2020-12 | 2021-01 | 2021-02 | 2021-03 | 2021-04 | 2021-05 | 2021-06 | 2021-07 | 2021-08 | 2021-09 | 2021-10 | 2021-11 | 2021-12 | 2022-01 | 2022-02 | 2022-03 | 2022-04 | 2022-05 | 2022-06 | 2022-07 | 2022-08 | 2022-09 | 2022-10 | 2022-11 | 2022-12 | 2023-01 | 2023-02 | 2023-03 | 2023-04 | 2023-05 | 2023-06 | 2023-07 | 2023-08 | 2023-09 | 2023-10 | 2023-11 | 2023-12 | 2024-01 | 2024-02 | 2024-03 | 2024-04 | 2024-05 | 2024-06 | 2024-07 | 2024-08 | 2024-09 | 2024-10 | 2024-11 | 2024-12 |
[AJFB.M] | 2.2376 | 2.2016 | 2.2023 | 2.2712 | 2.2542 | 2.2758 | 2.3 | 2.2277 | 2.2212 | 2.2644 | 2.3862 | 2.3678 | 2.3556 | 2.353 | 2.3551 | 2.392 | 2.3655 | 2.4184 | 2.4425 | 2.5006 | 2.5599 | 2.6176 | 2.5603 | 2.576 | 2.5083 | 2.4364 | 2.4608 | 2.3953 | 2.3601 | 2.3436 | 2.3428 | 2.399 | 2.3993 | 2.4478 | 2.3779 | 2.3796 | 2.376 | 2.3219 | 2.308 | 2.324 | 2.2546 | 2.2285 | 2.2302 | 2.2104 | 2.1325 | 2.1941 | 2.1989 | 2.2276 | 2.2225 | 2.2117 | 2.2521 | 2.234 | 2.1971 | 2.1363 | 2.1627 | 2.2112 | 2.2926 | 2.2803 | 2.287 | 2.274 | 2.2921 | 2.2706 | 2.2568 | 2.2823 | 2.2601 | 2.278 | 2.4029 | 2.4148 | 2.4504 | 2.4575 | 2.4704 | 2.4743 | 2.4919 | 2.4332 | 2.3374 | 2.2973 | 2.244 | 2.2477 | 2.2414 | 2.2262 | 2.2005 | 2.2193 | 2.2173 | 2.3005 | 2.3649 | 2.4839 | 2.4278 | 2.4186 | 2.4645 | 2.4816 | 2.4384 | 2.3908 | 2.3105 | 2.2528 | 2.2255 | 2.3509 | 2.2989 | 2.3405 | 2.3192 | 2.3442 | 2.3284 | 2.2551 | 2.1435 | 2.1616 | 2.1308 | 2.0767 | 2.0497 | 2.0282 | 2.0469 | 2.0079 | 2.0184 | 2.0232 | 2.0764 | 2.0533 | 2.0819 | 2.12 | 2.1037 | 2.1164 | 2.1731 | 2.2636 | 2.3038 | 2.2931 | 2.2746 | 2.2553 | 2.1717 | 2.1156 | 2.1365 | 2.1284 | 2.0723 | 1.9953 | 2.001 | 2.0245 | 1.9929 | 1.9625 | 2.0047 | 2.0113 | 1.9626 | 1.9976 | 2.0141 | 1.9905 | 1.9037 | 1.9915 | 1.8681 | 1.8376 | 1.7708 | 1.7953 | 1.792 | 1.8025 | 1.7764 | 1.8436 | 1.8374 | 1.7978 | 1.7663 | 1.7075 | 1.756 | 1.712 | 1.6853 | 1.651 | 1.5398 | 1.5409 | 1.5249 | 1.5334 | 1.5967 | 1.6296 | 1.6093 | 1.6144 | 1.6162 | 1.5726 | 1.5701 | 1.5924 | 1.5784 | 1.5679 | 1.5811 | 1.5841 | 1.5435 | 1.6064 | 1.5813 | 1.6088 | 1.62 | 1.5956 | 1.5722 | 1.575 | 1.5726 | 1.5891 | 1.6077 | 1.5992 | 1.5812 | 1.5601 | 1.5776 | 1.5861 | 1.5919 | 1.5977 | 1.5835 | 1.5631 | 1.5447 | 1.5607 | 1.5599 | 1.5974 | 1.5792 | 1.6134 | 1.6424 | 1.6677 | 1.6893 | 1.7424 | 1.8027 | 1.8305 | 1.846 | 1.8401 | 1.835 | 1.8314 | 1.8325 | 1.825 | 1.7937 | 1.8023 | 1.7869 | 1.8033 | 1.8324 | 1.9175 | 1.8873 | 1.8451 | 1.8842 | 1.9253 | 1.9991 | 2.0479 | 2.034 | 2.0038 | 2.0172 | 2.0531 | 2.0455 | 1.974 | 1.885 | 1.8356 | 1.8824 | 1.8316 | 1.7137 | 1.7021 | 1.7214 | 1.6324 | 1.6715 | 1.6645 | 1.6287 | 1.637 | 1.6533 | 1.7016 | 1.7589 | 1.7037 | 1.6505 | 1.6341 | 1.6369 | 1.6633 | 1.6881 | 1.7117 | 1.7183 | 1.7574 | 1.8076 | 1.7919 | 1.7325 | 1.7442 | 1.7294 | 1.6797 | 1.7033 | 1.6924 | 1.7034 | 1.7009 | 1.7157 | 1.7195 | 1.76 | 1.7442 | 1.7281 | 1.6847 | 1.634 | 1.6133 | 1.6363 | 1.6683 | 1.7053 | 1.7263 | 1.7108 | 1.7209 | 1.7252 | 1.7442 | 1.7191 | 1.6973 | 1.7135 | 1.738 | 1.7138 | 1.7157 | 1.7256 | 1.7208 | 1.7353 | 1.7611 | 1.7427 | 1.7294 | 1.7073 | 1.7139 | 1.73 | 1.7389 | 1.7402 | 1.7028 | 1.691 | 1.702 | 1.7106 | 1.7218 | 1.6675 | 1.6313 | 1.5987 | 1.5774 | 1.5511 | 1.5492 | 1.5093 | 1.5499 | 1.5781 | 1.656 | 1.6419 | 1.6256 | 1.6606 | 1.6787 | 1.6868 | 1.6779 | 1.7013 | 1.7124 | 1.6773 | 1.6687 | 1.7043 | 1.6987 | 1.7049 | 1.7043 | 1.7213 | 1.7116 | 1.7267 | 1.7426 | 1.7638 | 1.767 | 1.7899 | 1.7947 | 1.7808 | 1.8009 |
[AJFD.M] | 2.3063 | 2.3629 | 2.353 | 2.3808 | 2.3374 | 2.3715 | 2.4731 | 2.4249 | 2.3558 | 2.3697 | 2.3761 | 2.3889 | 2.412 | 2.3996 | 2.4753 | 2.5146 | 2.4181 | 2.4667 | 2.4868 | 2.4411 | 2.3557 | 2.2664 | 2.3006 | 2.2705 | 2.2854 | 2.3224 | 2.3773 | 2.4113 | 2.4329 | 2.4519 | 2.4388 | 2.4238 | 2.4757 | 2.4697 | 2.5209 | 2.5538 | 2.6096 | 2.6139 | 2.6269 | 2.6327 | 2.5915 | 2.4785 | 2.4885 | 2.5568 | 2.5204 | 2.5705 | 2.5343 | 2.4663 | 2.4077 | 2.4234 | 2.4413 | 2.4595 | 2.5001 | 2.5019 | 2.487 | 2.4158 | 2.3944 | 2.3708 | 2.3699 | 2.3837 | 2.392 | 2.4155 | 2.3812 | 2.3865 | 2.3184 | 2.2844 | 2.2904 | 2.3015 | 2.3227 | 2.3247 | 2.3028 | 2.2838 | 2.2257 | 2.1893 | 2.1524 | 2.1702 | 2.1249 | 2.1926 | 2.2087 | 2.2001 | 2.2186 | 2.2198 | 2.2495 | 2.2145 | 2.2624 | 2.3244 | 2.3321 | 2.337 | 2.2935 | 2.2852 | 2.2939 | 2.2975 | 2.2651 | 2.2293 | 2.1773 | 2.2118 | 2.2175 | 2.2478 | 2.2375 | 2.2672 | 2.2577 | 2.3017 | 2.2666 | 2.2665 | 2.2874 | 2.2731 | 2.2742 | 2.2791 | 2.2589 | 2.2812 | 2.2763 | 2.2683 | 2.2781 | 2.2713 | 2.2816 | 2.3328 | 2.3465 | 2.3643 | 2.3618 | 2.3734 | 2.4357 | 2.4267 | 2.3717 | 2.4102 | 2.4228 | 2.4498 | 2.4558 | 2.4185 | 2.3932 | 2.4012 | 2.3256 | 2.3004 | 2.1679 | 2.141 | 2.0273 | 2.0093 | 2.0524 | 2.0393 | 2.0433 | 2.0445 | 1.9956 | 1.9303 | 1.8258 | 1.6992 | 1.6291 | 1.6786 | 1.6378 | 1.69 | 1.7068 | 1.77 | 1.7664 | 1.7679 | 1.6984 | 1.6546 | 1.6805 | 1.6714 | 1.6713 | 1.6745 | 1.6055 | 1.6393 | 1.6561 | 1.6613 | 1.6114 | 1.6282 | 1.5588 | 1.5364 | 1.5711 | 1.5121 | 1.5132 | 1.5335 | 1.4843 | 1.4716 | 1.4262 | 1.3621 | 1.3284 | 1.2752 | 1.3764 | 1.4123 | 1.4353 | 1.4539 | 1.4564 | 1.4414 | 1.4448 | 1.4619 | 1.4944 | 1.4912 | 1.5237 | 1.5225 | 1.5141 | 1.4992 | 1.4992 | 1.488 | 1.4743 | 1.4257 | 1.4267 | 1.4339 | 1.4616 | 1.4463 | 1.4345 | 1.4361 | 1.4658 | 1.4528 | 1.4704 | 1.4627 | 1.4891 | 1.4805 | 1.4637 | 1.4782 | 1.497 | 1.5144 | 1.5324 | 1.5197 | 1.5265 | 1.5314 | 1.5209 | 1.5253 | 1.4269 | 1.4343 | 1.4653 | 1.4371 | 1.4406 | 1.4518 | 1.4845 | 1.5099 | 1.4913 | 1.4856 | 1.5343 | 1.4913 | 1.4505 | 1.4189 | 1.3993 | 1.3795 | 1.4211 | 1.3767 | 1.291 | 1.2714 | 1.2799 | 1.2178 | 1.2396 | 1.273 | 1.2442 | 1.2507 | 1.2367 | 1.2657 | 1.2754 | 1.24 | 1.2483 | 1.2509 | 1.2825 | 1.296 | 1.3106 | 1.3236 | 1.3275 | 1.3058 | 1.3243 | 1.3647 | 1.3422 | 1.3155 | 1.3098 | 1.2729 | 1.2642 | 1.2933 | 1.2917 | 1.2565 | 1.2767 | 1.3035 | 1.3171 | 1.3132 | 1.2981 | 1.2528 | 1.2318 | 1.1905 | 1.2238 | 1.2563 | 1.2794 | 1.2876 | 1.2675 | 1.2653 | 1.1859 | 1.2042 | 1.1921 | 1.1919 | 1.1845 | 1.1952 | 1.1855 | 1.1845 | 1.2029 | 1.1933 | 1.2092 | 1.2448 | 1.2888 | 1.274 | 1.2713 | 1.2733 | 1.2671 | 1.262 | 1.2666 | 1.2636 | 1.2402 | 1.225 | 1.246 | 1.249 | 1.2243 | 1.2204 | 1.2185 | 1.1928 | 1.1624 | 1.1479 | 1.1034 | 1.1264 | 1.1319 | 1.1352 | 1.1308 | 1.1186 | 1.1207 | 1.1174 | 1.1204 | 1.1372 | 1.1249 | 1.1159 | 1.1138 | 1.1004 | 1.106 | 1.0947 | 1.0908 | 1.1076 | 1.1292 | 1.1388 | 1.1482 | 1.1356 | 1.1475 | 1.1098 | 1.1201 | 1.1237 | 1.1225 | 1.1272 |
[AJFI.M] | 11.7128 | 12.0289 | 12.2977 | 12.5323 | 12.5344 | 12.7385 | 13.0416 | 12.8023 | 12.3284 | 12.361 | 12.7705 | 12.9381 | 13.1101 | 13.2453 | 13.2379 | 13.0773 | 12.5971 | 13.0643 | 13.1345 | 13.2725 | 13.2689 | 13.3019 | 13.307 | 13.4733 | 12.9071 | 12.9448 | 13.3264 | 13.419 | 13.6314 | 13.5655 | 13.2998 | 13.2646 | 13.3479 | 13.5091 | 13.553 | 13.7031 | 13.9288 | 13.8413 | 13.7361 | 13.8277 | 13.7176 | 13.2066 | 13.5013 | 13.8194 | 13.8576 | 14.4782 | 14.3878 | 14.1323 | 14.0173 | 14.1642 | 14.5095 | 14.6466 | 14.7662 | 15.1268 | 15.2247 | 14.8441 | 15.5397 | 15.3377 | 15.2334 | 15.2204 | 14.972 | 15.0131 | 14.6995 | 14.8776 | 14.6762 | 14.1375 | 14.5282 | 14.5502 | 14.5371 | 14.4505 | 14.2366 | 14.1669 | 13.9643 | 13.6523 | 13.5109 | 13.2791 | 12.8404 | 12.9778 | 13.1295 | 13.1864 | 12.994 | 12.9171 | 12.9734 | 12.8499 | 13.2034 | 13.5657 | 13.7515 | 13.7747 | 13.5937 | 13.7668 | 13.8185 | 13.7247 | 13.3372 | 13.0931 | 12.8765 | 12.9284 | 12.9794 | 13.1722 | 13.1259 | 13.4327 | 13.4281 | 13.8544 | 13.7165 | 13.6308 | 13.7791 | 13.8347 | 14.0802 | 13.8889 | 13.5682 | 13.6719 | 13.629 | 13.4423 | 13.6542 | 13.4493 | 13.399 | 13.6159 | 13.7324 | 13.7664 | 13.5001 | 13.421 | 13.6935 | 13.7537 | 13.6712 | 13.5889 | 13.5121 | 13.8121 | 13.6172 | 13.7633 | 13.4748 | 13.1823 | 13.1059 | 13.073 | 12.6221 | 12.4723 | 12.1329 | 11.7897 | 11.7657 | 11.8525 | 11.9299 | 11.8559 | 11.9952 | 12.5372 | 12.216 | 11.8972 | 11.728 | 12.3113 | 12.146 | 12.1256 | 11.9564 | 12.7194 | 12.5799 | 11.84 | 11.4306 | 11.2636 | 11.4925 | 11.5757 | 11.55 | 11.3533 | 10.7848 | 11.0479 | 11.311 | 11.5619 | 11.3601 | 11.4349 | 10.9766 | 10.5909 | 10.8966 | 10.6947 | 10.5299 | 10.3831 | 10.2572 | 10.1669 | 10.2217 | 10.2662 | 10.3242 | 10.4741 | 10.4748 | 10.471 | 10.655 | 10.6778 | 10.6385 | 10.5285 | 10.6545 | 10.7821 | 11.1951 | 10.9968 | 10.8348 | 10.5012 | 10.6358 | 10.677 | 10.7065 | 10.6524 | 10.349 | 9.8615 | 9.7122 | 9.9301 | 10.0914 | 10.2073 | 10.0384 | 10.138 | 10.3109 | 10.3165 | 10.606 | 10.7012 | 10.6839 | 10.7545 | 10.6588 | 10.957 | 11.0732 | 11.3068 | 11.6412 | 11.5255 | 11.6174 | 11.6389 | 11.6977 | 11.9275 | 12.2929 | 12.8129 | 12.7771 | 12.9345 | 12.8943 | 12.8766 | 13.2676 | 13.3402 | 12.8383 | 12.7672 | 13.1937 | 12.739 | 12.309 | 12.1298 | 11.8953 | 11.6138 | 11.9493 | 11.7946 | 11.2579 | 11.0922 | 11.2188 | 10.867 | 11.355 | 11.4993 | 11.0461 | 11.1215 | 11.0059 | 11.3311 | 11.3548 | 11.121 | 10.8143 | 10.4827 | 10.6722 | 10.7927 | 11.089 | 11.2636 | 11.1247 | 11.245 | 11.5103 | 11.9128 | 11.7982 | 11.7 | 11.6162 | 11.6748 | 11.683 | 11.7663 | 11.6878 | 11.437 | 11.6021 | 12.0468 | 12.2319 | 12.1618 | 12.321 | 11.9274 | 11.7398 | 11.7268 | 12.004 | 12.3526 | 12.4156 | 12.3593 | 12.4332 | 12.5532 | 12.158 | 12.4302 | 11.9641 | 11.6616 | 11.4497 | 11.4436 | 11.4646 | 11.4661 | 11.4182 | 11.2316 | 11.3139 | 11.5681 | 11.8449 | 11.737 | 11.7646 | 11.7758 | 11.9043 | 11.9836 | 11.866 | 11.8686 | 11.8453 | 12.0946 | 12.402 | 12.5791 | 12.5973 | 12.3435 | 12.3516 | 12.3686 | 12.4473 | 12.4277 | 12.3402 | 12.5849 | 12.521 | 12.6379 | 12.7222 | 12.614 | 12.713 | 12.8637 | 13.0787 | 13.6061 | 13.5463 | 13.7519 | 13.7322 | 13.4228 | 13.2666 | 12.9924 | 13.1555 | 13.168 | 13.2213 | 13.535 | 13.5788 | 13.3288 | 13.6771 | 13.4439 | 13.5191 | 13.6664 | 13.8999 | 13.895 |
Series code | 1997-Q1 | 1997-Q2 | 1997-Q3 | 1997-Q4 | 1998-Q1 | 1998-Q2 | 1998-Q3 | 1998-Q4 | 1999-Q1 | 1999-Q2 | 1999-Q3 | 1999-Q4 | 2000-Q1 | 2000-Q2 | 2000-Q3 | 2000-Q4 | 2001-Q1 | 2001-Q2 | 2001-Q3 | 2001-Q4 | 2002-Q1 | 2002-Q2 | 2002-Q3 | 2002-Q4 | 2003-Q1 | 2003-Q2 | 2003-Q3 | 2003-Q4 | 2004-Q1 | 2004-Q2 | 2004-Q3 | 2004-Q4 | 2005-Q1 | 2005-Q2 | 2005-Q3 | 2005-Q4 | 2006-Q1 | 2006-Q2 | 2006-Q3 | 2006-Q4 | 2007-Q1 | 2007-Q2 | 2007-Q3 | 2007-Q4 | 2008-Q1 | 2008-Q2 | 2008-Q3 | 2008-Q4 | 2009-Q1 | 2009-Q2 | 2009-Q3 | 2009-Q4 | 2010-Q1 | 2010-Q2 | 2010-Q3 | 2010-Q4 | 2011-Q1 | 2011-Q2 | 2011-Q3 | 2011-Q4 | 2012-Q1 | 2012-Q2 | 2012-Q3 | 2012-Q4 | 2013-Q1 | 2013-Q2 | 2013-Q3 | 2013-Q4 | 2014-Q1 | 2014-Q2 | 2014-Q3 | 2014-Q4 | 2015-Q1 | 2015-Q2 | 2015-Q3 | 2015-Q4 | 2016-Q1 | 2016-Q2 | 2016-Q3 | 2016-Q4 | 2017-Q1 | 2017-Q2 | 2017-Q3 | 2017-Q4 | 2018-Q1 | 2018-Q2 | 2018-Q3 | 2018-Q4 | 2019-Q1 | 2019-Q2 | 2019-Q3 | 2019-Q4 | 2020-Q1 | 2020-Q2 | 2020-Q3 | 2020-Q4 | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 | 2023-Q4 | 2024-Q1 | 2024-Q2 | 2024-Q3 | 2024-Q4 |
[AJFB.Q] | 2.2148 | 2.2674 | 2.2511 | 2.3364 | 2.3546 | 2.3933 | 2.5001 | 2.5851 | 2.4681 | 2.3657 | 2.3801 | 2.4017 | 2.3338 | 2.2656 | 2.1914 | 2.2058 | 2.2293 | 2.1877 | 2.2199 | 2.2807 | 2.2738 | 2.273 | 2.4221 | 2.467 | 2.4218 | 2.2627 | 2.2229 | 2.2453 | 2.4247 | 2.4556 | 2.3797 | 2.2756 | 2.3195 | 2.3081 | 2.1453 | 2.0519 | 2.0245 | 2.0524 | 2.1021 | 2.1806 | 2.2904 | 2.1784 | 2.1137 | 2.006 | 1.9862 | 1.9913 | 1.9695 | 1.9024 | 1.7859 | 1.8092 | 1.8011 | 1.7249 | 1.6213 | 1.5332 | 1.6116 | 1.6013 | 1.5802 | 1.5782 | 1.5776 | 1.6085 | 1.5733 | 1.5991 | 1.5728 | 1.5915 | 1.5644 | 1.5723 | 1.6107 | 1.6981 | 1.8259 | 1.8354 | 1.817 | 1.7978 | 1.8786 | 1.8862 | 2.026 | 2.0244 | 1.9669 | 1.849 | 1.7124 | 1.6563 | 1.6401 | 1.7221 | 1.6404 | 1.6865 | 1.7605 | 1.7556 | 1.7042 | 1.6987 | 1.7317 | 1.7192 | 1.6281 | 1.699 | 1.7189 | 1.7194 | 1.7212 | 1.7206 | 1.7462 | 1.7169 | 1.7363 | 1.6985 | 1.6984 | 1.6019 | 1.5367 | 1.5934 | 1.6435 | 1.6811 | 1.6972 | 1.6902 | 1.7099 | 1.7267 | 1.7733 | 1.7921 |
[AJFD.Q] | 2.3394 | 2.3639 | 2.4185 | 2.378 | 2.4302 | 2.4672 | 2.4284 | 2.279 | 2.3307 | 2.4327 | 2.4464 | 2.5142 | 2.6173 | 2.5629 | 2.5224 | 2.5264 | 2.4241 | 2.4881 | 2.4336 | 2.3743 | 2.3961 | 2.3318 | 2.3044 | 2.3047 | 2.1897 | 2.1631 | 2.2094 | 2.2274 | 2.3068 | 2.3048 | 2.2853 | 2.2057 | 2.2343 | 2.2762 | 2.2736 | 2.2754 | 2.2721 | 2.2727 | 2.3205 | 2.3662 | 2.4109 | 2.4281 | 2.4234 | 2.3453 | 2.1157 | 2.033 | 2.0275 | 1.8218 | 1.6478 | 1.7241 | 1.7438 | 1.6686 | 1.6483 | 1.6525 | 1.599 | 1.5403 | 1.5091 | 1.4163 | 1.3267 | 1.4335 | 1.4475 | 1.4831 | 1.5203 | 1.4959 | 1.4433 | 1.4473 | 1.4451 | 1.4617 | 1.4779 | 1.4968 | 1.5265 | 1.5261 | 1.4427 | 1.4435 | 1.4946 | 1.5034 | 1.4224 | 1.3917 | 1.2806 | 1.2429 | 1.2435 | 1.2598 | 1.2604 | 1.3094 | 1.3195 | 1.3404 | 1.2829 | 1.2814 | 1.2987 | 1.2882 | 1.2159 | 1.2739 | 1.2387 | 1.196 | 1.1881 | 1.1934 | 1.2496 | 1.2729 | 1.2653 | 1.2429 | 1.239 | 1.2105 | 1.138 | 1.1311 | 1.1234 | 1.1256 | 1.1182 | 1.1006 | 1.1086 | 1.1409 | 1.1265 | 1.1244 |
[AJFI.Q] | 11.9986 | 12.6017 | 12.7266 | 12.6783 | 13.1977 | 12.923 | 13.2224 | 13.3598 | 13.0722 | 13.538 | 13.3047 | 13.586 | 13.8309 | 13.5658 | 13.7276 | 14.3423 | 14.2324 | 14.8531 | 15.1923 | 15.267 | 14.8974 | 14.5866 | 14.5382 | 14.2917 | 13.7141 | 13.0315 | 13.1012 | 12.9126 | 13.5136 | 13.7155 | 13.6253 | 12.9646 | 13.093 | 13.5785 | 13.7087 | 13.9376 | 13.6224 | 13.5178 | 13.583 | 13.5693 | 13.7046 | 13.6393 | 13.6229 | 13.1236 | 12.4215 | 11.803 | 11.9292 | 12.2268 | 12.0591 | 12.2871 | 11.9633 | 11.4411 | 11.2082 | 11.3152 | 11.2545 | 10.73 | 10.3837 | 10.2216 | 10.4259 | 10.6009 | 10.6079 | 11.0015 | 10.658 | 10.6798 | 9.9863 | 10.0742 | 10.1586 | 10.5317 | 10.698 | 11.1155 | 11.5975 | 11.752 | 12.6271 | 12.9011 | 13.1446 | 12.8979 | 12.1082 | 11.7834 | 11.1886 | 11.2382 | 11.0552 | 11.2635 | 10.6537 | 11.0382 | 11.2914 | 11.8019 | 11.6572 | 11.6384 | 11.9532 | 12.1398 | 11.8209 | 12.3751 | 12.3761 | 12.0078 | 11.4529 | 11.3734 | 11.5884 | 11.7596 | 11.917 | 11.9348 | 12.5295 | 12.3547 | 12.4054 | 12.5794 | 12.6851 | 13.2076 | 13.678 | 13.2385 | 13.1806 | 13.4833 | 13.5507 | 13.8144 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 4,881